Tournament : FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013

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Game result  (chess)

J. Domingo, 2208
S. Ligon, 2364


See game 147068

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FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013    See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Finished games : 36  ,  Unfinished games : 0

Player : Last name, First nameTERRatingPoints
   CHN    Huang, Jing    221511207 / 8
   USA    Aahlad, Yeturu    216917766 / 8
   CHE    Pillon, Thibault    180716455 / 8
   FIN    Aarnos, Mikko    177119488 / 8
   AUS    Xu, Daniel    166715244 / 8
   HUN    Kis-Kos, Laszlo    162814543 / 8
   AUS    Fischhof, Andrew    144608570 / 8
   FRA    de Vassal, Thibault    136811722 / 8
   FRA    Segur, Laurine    116310191 / 8

Game 86859      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Huang,Jing"]
[White "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "2215"]
[Rating 2 "2169"]

1.q16 d4 2.q3 d16 3.f3 c6 4.k4 r6 5.q5 s4 6.r8 q6 7.r5 s5 8.r3 s7 9.p6 q8 10.p7 q9 11.r11 r9 12.r14 k17 13.c14 f16 14.b16 c13 15.d13 c12 16.d12 b14 17.c15 c10 18.d11 c9 19.c17 o17 20.m17 d17 21.b15 o15 22.p17 n17 23.l17 k16 24.m15 o13 25.m13 q13 26.r13 r17 27.r16 p18 28.q17 q18 29.r18 s17 30.s18 n11 31.l12 n8 32.m5 h3 33.h4 j3 34.k3 g4 35.g3 j4 36.h5 j5 37.h6 j6 38.f5 j7 39.d2 e3 40.e4 d3 41.e2 j12 42.j13 h13 43.h14 g13 44.j15 k13 45.k14 j14 46.k15 l16 47.m16 h17 48.h16 g17 49.k18 j18 50.n18 o18 51.l19 l13 52.j13 k12 53.g14 f14 54.j16 j17 55.g15 f15 56.n15 d14 57.e9 f8 58.c8 b8 59.d8 e5 60.f4 e7 61.b7 b9 62.c7 b6 63.d6 e6 64.a6 a5 65.b5 c5 66.a4 b3 67.f9 g9 68.g10 h10 69.g8 h9 70.a7 c2 71.b13 b12 72.a14 d10 73.e10 c11 74.a8 a9 75.a11 f12 76.e11 d1 77.h2 j2 78.f1 o16 79.n13 o12 80.k2 g7 81.m11 m10 82.l10 m9 83.a12 h1 84.g2 c1 85.e1 l14 86.l15 j1 87.g1 s16 88.s15 q15 89.t17 n6 90.n5 o5 91.o4 l5 92.l4 n4 93.n3 m6 94.m4 g6 95.g5 j19 96.n19 1-0

Game 86860      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Pillon,Thibault"]
[White "Huang,Jing"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1807"]
[Rating 2 "2215"]

1.q16 d4 2.r4 d17 3.f3 c6 4.m3 r10 5.q9 r9 6.r8 s8 7.r7 q10 8.p9 r14 9.o17 s7 10.r6 m5 11.k4 n3 12.n4 m4 13.l3 o3 14.n5 r3 15.q3 q4 16.r5 q2 17.s3 r2 18.p4 p3 19.p5 s2 20.p10 k16 21.c14 d15 22.b16 c12 23.d14 c15 24.b15 c17 25.b13 e14 26.d12 e13 27.c11 s16 28.r17 m17 29.s17 d2 30.h15 h16 31.f15 f16 32.g15 g16 33.e15 g13 34.h13 h12 35.j13 j12 36.j15 f11 37.j16 j17 38.k17 j18 39.l16 k18 40.k15 c9 41.d9 c10 42.d11 d10 43.e10 e11 44.e9 b11 45.b12 d13 46.c13 e12 47.c12 b10 48.b17 b18 49.a18 b19 50.a14 g9 51.e6 f5 52.d3 e3 53.e4 c3 54.e5 f4 0-1

Game 86861      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Huang,Jing"]
[White "Aarnos,Mikko"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "2215"]
[Rating 2 "1771"]

1.q17 d4 2.q3 c16 3.e16 d13 4.c17 b17 5.d17 r5 6.r7 p5 7.o4 o5 8.n4 m6 9.q10 l4 10.c6 e6 11.c3 c4 12.d3 e3 13.e2 f3 14.f2 g3 15.b4 b5 16.b3 c5 17.c11 c12 18.e12 e13 19.b12 d11 20.c13 d12 21.c14 b11 22.d15 j14 23.c10 b13 24.b14 a12 25.b6 q14 26.r12 p16 27.q16 p17 28.q15 p15 29.p14 o14 30.p13 a6 31.a7 a5 32.b8 d8 33.d7 e8 34.e7 f7 35.c8 d6 36.c7 b10 37.f6 f5 38.f8 f9 39.g7 g8 40.f7 h9 41.e5 d5 42.g5 h6 43.f4 e4 44.h5 g4 45.f5 j3 46.h8 g9 47.j6 j8 48.h7 m3 49.n2 g17 50.j17 h16 51.m17 o13 52.p12 n11 53.o15 n15 54.o18 s3 55.r2 p4 56.p3 n3 57.o3 m2 58.s2 o2 59.p2 m16 60.n17 o16 61.p18 l17 62.l18 p8 0-1

Game 86862      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Xu,Daniel"]
[White "Huang,Jing"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1667"]
[Rating 2 "2215"]

1.q16 d4 2.r4 d17 3.f3 c6 4.l3 r10 5.q9 r9 6.q8 r8 7.r7 r13 8.q7 p3 9.q3 n3 10.m4 q2 11.r2 q4 12.r3 o5 13.n6 l2 14.k2 m2 15.k3 o2 16.k17 c15 17.r15 d10 18.d2 c3 19.d11 c10 20.b15 b16 21.c14 d15 22.d14 c11 23.e15 e16 24.f15 f16 25.g15 h17 26.n17 f5 27.q12 s14 28.q11 s12 29.s15 q14 30.o13 e13 31.f13 f12 32.e12 e11 33.e14 d12 34.g13 h11 35.g6 g5 36.g8 h6 37.h7 f6 38.g10 g11 39.h9 j10 40.j6 g7 41.j8 j13 42.j16 l10 43.q1 p2 44.j18 h18 45.e8 d7 46.d8 c8 47.c2 b2 48.r11 s11 49.s7 t10 50.t15 j5 51.k6 h3 52.h4 g3 53.g4 f4 54.f2 j4 55.j1 o14 56.p13 p14 57.o16 m9 58.h19 g19 59.j19 g17 60.l15 l13 61.k14 k13 0-1

Game 86863      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Huang,Jing"]
[White "Kis-Kos,Laszlo"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "2215"]
[Rating 2 "1628"]

1.q16 d4 2.q3 d16 3.f3 d6 4.k4 r6 5.q5 s4 6.r8 q6 7.r5 s5 8.r3 s7 9.p6 q7 10.p7 q8 11.r9 p8 12.q11 n8 13.n5 r13 14.r12 q13 15.o11 o13 16.o16 m11 17.n12 n13 18.m12 m13 19.l12 m16 20.r15 q12 21.r11 p17 22.q17 p16 23.o17 p18 24.p15 o18 25.n15 m15 26.n18 m18 27.m17 n19 28.n17 l18 29.l17 k17 30.o19 p19 31.q18 k18 32.m19 l19 33.q19 k15 34.c14 c12 35.c17 c16 36.d17 e16 37.b16 b15 38.b17 b14 39.e17 f17 40.f18 g17 41.c3 d3 42.d2 c4 43.b2 b3 44.c2 j12 45.j13 k12 46.l13 l14 47.k13 l11 48.h13 g11 49.s13 g5 50.c11 d11 51.d10 c10 52.c9 b11 53.b10 c11 54.d7 c7 55.d8 e6 56.g9 e10 57.e9 f10 58.h7 h3 59.j3 g3 60.k10 k11 61.k7 b4 62.f2 a2 63.h2 g2 64.g1 j2 65.h1 k2 66.l3 l2 67.m3 m2 68.n2 e3 69.f4 h6 70.g7 f5 71.e2 f1 72.e1 s14 73.t12 r14 74.o9 o8 75.s8 n9 76.j10 h11 77.h15 h16 78.f14 p10 79.p11 q10 80.r10 g18 81.e18 1-0

Game 86864      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Fischhof,Andrew"]
[White "Huang,Jing"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1446"]
[Rating 2 "2215"]

1.q16 d4 2.q3 d16 3.r5 k3 4.f17 c14 5.j16 r14 6.r12 r17 7.q17 r16 8.q15 s14 9.p13 d10 10.f3 e3 11.f4 d6 12.c3 c4 13.e2 d3 14.d2 c2 15.j2 g2 16.f2 j3 17.h2 g3 18.l2 h3 19.l3 k2 20.l4 h6 21.h5 j5 22.j4 g5 23.k5 h4 24.e5 e6 25.d5 c5 26.c6 c7 27.b3 b2 28.b6 b7 29.o6 r6 30.r7 q6 31.q7 r4 32.q5 s5 33.s6 q4 34.p5 p3 35.s4 s3 36.p4 r3 37.o3 p2 38.o2 q2 39.t5 l17 40.m16 j17 41.k16 k17 42.m17 g17 43.g16 h16 44.h15 h17 45.f15 f18 46.e17 g14 47.h14 g15 48.f16 f14 49.e14 e13 50.d15 c15 51.d17 c17 52.c18 b17 53.b18 e18 54.d18 d14 55.e15 f12 56.b16 c16 57.a17 l16 58.l15 k15 59.j15 k14 60.h13 k13 61.g12 f13 62.d13 d12 63.f11 k11 64.j12 m11 65.k12 l12 66.j11 k10 67.m15 m13 68.e11 d11 69.j10 k9 70.g9 h8 71.g8 g7 72.e9 d8 73.e8 e7 74.j9 j8 75.d9 c9 76.e4 b4 77.a3 a2 0-1

Game 86865      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Huang,Jing"]
[White "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "2215"]
[Rating 2 "1368"]

1.r16 d16 2.q3 d4 3.f3 k3 4.c3 d3 5.c4 d5 6.d2 e2 7.c2 e3 8.c6 c5 9.b5 d6 10.c7 c11 11.p17 l17 12.r10 o3 13.q5 o5 14.p10 l15 15.e18 c18 16.h17 f17 17.f18 g17 18.g18 h18 19.j17 j18 20.k18 k17 21.h19 h16 22.j16 j15 23.j19 e17 24.k15 j14 25.k16 k14 26.l14 l13 27.m14 d8 28.d7 e7 29.e8 d9 30.f7 e6 31.f8 m13 32.n13 n14 33.m15 n12 34.o13 o12 35.p12 p13 36.o14 p11 37.q12 o10 38.q11 o9 39.g5 g2 40.j3 h3 41.j4 h4 42.h5 h7 43.j7 h8 44.f6 j2 45.k4 l3 46.l4 j6 47.k6 h6 48.j5 l6 49.l7 m6 50.m7 n6 51.h10 j8 52.k7 k9 53.e11 d11 54.e10 d10 55.e13 d12 56.g13 g9 57.g10 f9 58.e9 f10 59.f11 h12 60.d15 f15 61.d13 c13 62.c14 b13 63.b14 c8 64.b16 e15 65.c17 c16 66.b17 c15 67.d14 b15 68.a15 d17 69.d18 b18 70.a14 a18 71.a16 g11 72.h13 j12 73.j13 k13 74.h15 1-0

Game 86866      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Segur,Laurine"]
[White "Huang,Jing"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1163"]
[Rating 2 "2215"]

1.d4 q16 2.q4 c16 3.e17 g17 4.c17 b17 5.d16 c18 6.c15 d17 7.e15 e18 8.c13 f3 9.e3 f4 10.n3 d5 11.c4 e4 12.e2 c5 13.b5 b6 14.b4 c7 15.q8 r10 16.q12 p10 17.q14 o16 18.c10 r15 19.j17 l17 20.b8 c8 21.c9 r6 22.p7 s8 23.m16 m17 24.o13 s4 25.r3 k3 26.g2 f2 27.f1 h3 28.s11 s10 29.m13 g15 30.f17 f18 31.q10 q9 32.q11 p9 33.s13 s14 34.k18 k16 35.h16 g16 36.o5 h15 37.m18 l18 38.n16 n17 39.o15 p16 40.e5 f6 41.l5 s3 42.g3 g4 43.h4 h2 44.g1 d3 45.d2 e1 46.d1 h1 47.e1 c2 48.c3 c1 49.d3 b2 50.b7 a6 51.d6 c6 52.e6 e7 0-1

Game 86867      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[White "Pillon,Thibault"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "2169"]
[Rating 2 "1807"]

1.q16 d4 2.q3 d16 3.r5 o17 4.l16 r17 5.q17 r16 6.q15 q18 7.p18 r18 8.p17 r14 9.f17 c14 10.p13 r13 11.c6 f3 12.d10 h17 13.f15 h15 14.f13 h13 15.l13 k14 16.l14 k15 17.c17 e17 18.e18 d18 19.d15 c15 20.c16 f18 21.d14 c13 22.g18 e19 23.g17 c18 24.b18 b16 25.b17 b15 26.c19 a17 27.l15 h10 28.j17 e6 29.d17 e16 30.h12 j12 31.j11 k12 32.h11 k11 33.k10 l10 34.l9 m11 35.m10 l11 36.k13 m9 37.k9 n10 38.j13 l3 39.c3 c4 40.b4 b5 41.b3 c5 42.e2 f2 43.e3 e4 44.b6 a6 45.f4 e1 46.d3 h3 47.f5 d6 48.c8 a5 49.h4 j3 50.g7 f8 51.f7 e7 52.g8 f9 53.e8 d8 54.e9 d9 55.e10 c9 56.d1 r4 57.q4 s5 58.c10 b9 59.r6 r3 60.s6 q2 61.p2 r2 62.o3 s4 63.m3 m2 64.m4 r9 65.q8 q9 66.p9 p10 67.o9 o10 68.l4 k3 69.n2 l2 70.q12 s11 71.r15 s15 72.m8 n13 73.n14 o13 74.o14 n8 75.n9 p8 76.m10 p19 77.m9 o18 78.o12 n12 79.r11 q10 80.s10 s12 81.r10 s9 82.t9 1-0

Game 86868      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Aarnos,Mikko"]
[White "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1771"]
[Rating 2 "2169"]

1.q16 d4 2.d16 q4 3.d10 f17 4.k16 c14 5.f16 g16 6.f15 c17 7.e17 c16 8.g15 k4 9.q13 q17 10.p17 r17 11.p16 s15 12.m8 r12 13.q12 q11 14.p11 p10 15.o10 o11 16.p12 n9 17.o9 n8 18.p9 m7 19.n10 m10 20.o7 n7 21.m11 c8 22.e8 c6 23.h8 d12 24.o5 n4 25.o4 o8 26.q5 r5 27.q6 n3 28.r6 p3 29.p4 q3 30.r13 l10 31.o3 o2 32.f11 p8 33.q8 l11 34.e5 e4 35.d5 c5 36.f4 f5 37.f3 s13 38.c3 c4 39.d2 e2 40.e3 d3 41.c2 g5 42.h3 f12 43.g11 c10 44.s5 g12 45.h12 h13 46.j12 j10 47.h10 j11 48.e12 e13 49.e11 g17 50.f18 g18 51.d18 k17 52.h16 k14 53.l16 j17 54.l17 h11 55.d13 f13 56.c12 d14 57.j9 g10 58.h9 d9 59.e9 c11 60.d8 d11 61.c9 b9 62.f7 d9 63.e10 e6 64.s12 g9 65.g8 f9 66.h6 g6 67.d7 d6 68.j6 j5 69.k8 k7 70.j7 n11 71.q10 l8 72.g7 k9 73.j8 h4 74.m12 g3 75.f2 g2 76.j16 p18 77.o18 q18 78.p19 o17 79.n17 s14 80.r16 s16 81.s3 r4 82.s4 q19 83.l13 l14 84.m14 k13 85.c18 n18 86.o16 t12 87.s11 t11 88.t10 t13 89.n2 p2 90.r2 m2 91.s9 m15 92.b4 o19 93.m18 o17 94.l15 n16 95.m17 m19 96.l19 q15 97.r15 1-0

Game 86869      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[White "Xu,Daniel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "2169"]
[Rating 2 "1667"]

1.q16 d4 2.c16 q4 3.e17 c10 4.f3 c6 5.k4 m3 6.m5 o4 7.k17 r10 8.r12 r7 9.q10 r9 10.c12 d8 11.r3 r4 12.o2 k3 13.j3 k2 14.j4 m4 15.d2 c3 16.q3 p3 17.p2 n5 18.s4 s5 19.s3 q17 20.p17 r17 21.r16 p18 22.o18 o17 23.p16 n18 24.q18 o19 25.r18 m16 26.m17 n17 27.m18 n15 28.k15 n13 29.n11 o12 30.m14 m13 31.l14 n14 32.k12 o11 33.o10 q11 34.m6 b16 35.b15 c15 36.b14 d16 37.c17 d17 38.b17 e18 39.e16 e15 40.d18 d15 41.f18 f17 42.f16 f15 43.g16 f12 44.f11 e11 45.g11 e10 46.g8 g6 47.h6 g7 48.h7 f8 49.n3 n4 50.g5 g9 51.g12 f13 52.d13 e12 53.g14 e13 54.n6 n10 55.n9 m10 56.m9 o9 57.l10 p10 58.h8 1-0

Game 86870      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Kis-Kos,Laszlo"]
[White "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1628"]
[Rating 2 "2169"]

1.r16 d16 2.q3 p16 3.d4 q5 4.m16 q13 5.p15 o15 6.p14 q16 7.r14 r17 8.r15 o14 9.p13 q18 10.q8 j16 11.o4 r3 12.r2 r4 13.p2 o5 14.n5 o6 15.o8 n4 16.p4 n3 17.o3 m5 18.c14 c12 19.e14 f16 20.d11 c11 21.d10 c10 22.f15 g16 23.d9 c8 24.n6 n7 25.m6 r7 26.r8 n2 27.o7 q7 28.s5 s8 29.p6 p5 30.p7 q6 31.l5 r9 32.q9 r10 33.q10 k3 34.l3 l2 35.m4 d12 36.e12 e13 37.f13 d13 38.f12 d14 39.c17 s2 40.s1 q11 41.p11 c16 42.b16 d8 43.g3 p12 44.o12 q12 45.o13 o11 46.p10 n11 47.n8 m14 48.o16 k14 49.m12 j12 50.m11 f10 51.f11 f8 52.h11 k10 53.g10 f9 54.h8 h9 55.g9 g8 56.j9 h7 57.j8 j10 58.h10 j7 59.l8 l7 60.m7 c3 61.d3 c4 62.d5 h4 63.h3 o17 64.c5 d17 65.b18 c18 66.b17 j3 67.j5 k5 68.k6 l9 69.k7 h5 70.k4 f4 71.f3 d2 72.e2 e4 73.c2 b2 74.d1 j4 75.g6 e6 76.h6 f6 77.g7 s13 78.l13 n13 79.n12 b6 80.b5 a5 81.a4 l14 82.d18 e18 83.c19 k12 84.m9 g14 85.f14 t2 86.c15 m10 87.n10 g15 88.d15 b13 89.c9 b9 90.b7 b8 91.c6 c7 92.a6 e19 93.d19 b14 94.b15 g12 95.h13 j14 96.g13 h12 97.g11 f7 98.g5 g4 99.h14 k17 100.h15 h16 101.j15 k15 102.k2 j2 103.m2 k1 104.m1 l1 105.o2 s6 106.h2 s16 107.s15 t17 108.t15 r13 109.t16 s17 110.l10 m13 111.l12 k9 112.k8 f5 113.j6 t14 114.s14 t13 115.h1 q15 116.q14 a15 117.a16 a14 118.c13 b11 119.j1 k2 120.e16 e17 121.e15 g18 122.d6 d7 123.a8 a9 124.a7 e10 125.e11 n16 126.q4 r5 127.r1 s4 128.e9 e8 129.t1 k11 130.m10 k13 131.j13 s11 132.j11 l11 0-1

Game 86871      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[White "Fischhof,Andrew"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "2169"]
[Rating 2 "1446"]

1.q16 d16 2.q3 d4 3.r5 o17 4.l16 o15 5.q14 o13 6.q12 q18 7.f17 c14 8.n17 n16 9.m17 r17 10.o18 p17 11.r16 s17 12.p18 s15 13.q17 r18 14.s16 t16 15.s13 r14 16.r13 q15 17.p15 r15 18.p16 p14 19.o16 q13 20.o12 n14 21.n12 l14 22.l12 j14 23.h16 o4 24.m4 o6 25.m6 o8 26.q8 p11 27.p12 m13 28.p13 q14 29.m8 p9 30.r10 q4 31.r4 p3 32.q2 n3 33.p5 o5 34.m3 m2 35.l2 o2 36.m1 n2 37.p7 o7 38.n9 p6 39.q6 m7 40.l7 q9 41.r9 n8 42.m10 1-0

Game 86872      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[White "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1368"]
[Rating 2 "2169"]

1.d4 q16 2.q4 d16 3.k3 c6 4.c10 c12 5.e7 e6 6.d7 d6 7.c7 g6 8.f4 f7 9.f8 g8 10.f9 g9 11.f10 k17 12.e12 h4 13.g3 h3 14.f5 f6 15.k5 k7 16.m6 m7 17.n6 n7 18.o7 r3 19.q3 r4 20.b4 q5 21.p5 q6 22.p6 q7 23.r11 o8 24.r14 p7 25.o10 o6 26.o5 o3 27.p4 m3 28.l2 l6 29.l5 m5 30.n5 m4 31.m2 n2 32.n4 n3 33.p2 r2 34.q2 o1 35.l3 q1 36.p1 j6 37.m1 r15 38.q14 o16 39.l4 r1 40.n1 o2 41.j2 h2 42.g2 g1 43.f1 h1 44.k1 f2 45.e2 e1 46.d1 c3 47.c4 c14 48.g10 e3 49.d2 d3 50.f1 f3 51.b6 j5 52.b2 e13 53.d12 d13 54.c11 n10 55.p9 n12 56.h10 p12 57.q11 s14 58.s13 b3 59.a3 g4 60.r8 q8 61.q9 o7 62.f13 g16 63.f14 h14 64.b12 b13 65.c13 s7 66.s8 e15 67.h13 j14 68.j13 k13 69.k10 l14 70.q15 r16 71.s15 b5 72.a5 s16 73.c17 d17 74.d18 e18 75.b18 d19 76.b15 c16 77.b16 c18 78.b14 c12 79.a13 c13 80.b11 o14 0-1

Game 86873      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[White "Segur,Laurine"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "2169"]
[Rating 2 "1163"]

1.q16 d16 2.q3 d4 3.r5 f17 4.j3 l4 5.f3 e2 6.f5 f4 7.e4 d5 8.g4 n3 9.c7 c6 10.d7 c13 11.c11 k17 12.m17 r14 13.r12 r16 14.r17 q15 15.p16 r10 16.r8 q12 17.q13 r13 18.q11 p12 19.r11 p14 20.p11 n13 21.o12 p13 22.m12 m14 23.l16 k14 24.k16 j16 25.j15 h16 26.e11 g13 27.k12 g11 28.d13 n15 29.n16 j13 30.l7 k2 31.k3 l3 32.c14 p2 33.s16 s15 34.b6 b5 35.d6 c5 36.n12 q2 37.k18 j18 38.l17 j17 39.r3 s2 40.d3 c3 41.c16 c17 42.d15 e16 43.d2 b7 44.b8 a6 45.c2 b4 46.r2 r1 47.o3 o2 48.o4 s12 49.s11 g9 50.n4 m3 51.m6 j10 52.l9 l10 53.m10 k9 54.m9 e9 55.f8 f9 56.d9 e8 57.d10 1-0

Game 86874      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Pillon,Thibault"]
[White "Aarnos,Mikko"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1807"]
[Rating 2 "1771"]

1.q16 d4 2.r4 c16 3.e16 d14 4.c17 b17 5.d17 h16 6.c15 d15 7.b16 d16 8.b18 b15 9.a17 p4 10.n3 q6 11.p3 q4 12.q3 r5 13.s4 r14 14.o4 q11 15.c14 c13 16.b14 b13 17.a15 e13 18.c6 f4 19.c9 e9 20.d12 d13 21.d10 f11 22.h3 c5 23.d6 d8 24.c8 h5 25.k4 b10 26.b9 o17 27.p15 r17 28.n16 o16 29.o15 n15 30.m16 m15 31.q17 l16 32.r16 s18 33.o18 n18 34.p18 s16 35.r18 s17 36.o13 n12 37.m17 l17 38.o12 n11 39.q12 r12 40.p11 k6 41.q10 r11 42.p9 r9 43.r7 q8 44.q7 m9 45.p8 j4 46.j3 n6 47.g15 f16 48.e17 f15 49.l6 k5 50.l5 l7 51.g5 f5 52.h4 b6 53.b7 g6 54.j5 g4 55.j6 k7 56.b5 b4 57.a6 l4 58.m4 g2 59.c3 c4 60.b3 l3 61.m6 m7 62.m5 j7 63.l2 n17 64.f7 e6 65.e7 o7 66.e10 d3 67.g9 o10 68.p10 p7 69.r8 r10 70.q9 s5 71.q13 r13 72.q14 r15 73.q19 h10 74.g10 g11 75.h9 f10 76.f9 o19 77.p17 s19 78.r19 n19 79.p19 f17 80.j10 h11 81.k9 j8 82.j9 a4 83.k12 j11 84.k11 j13 85.o5 p6 86.k13 h6 87.k15 j14 88.k14 k3 89.k2 j4 90.h2 j16 91.f2 g3 92.g1 e2 93.f18 g18 94.e18 t4 95.s3 f3 96.s9 s10 97.t8 f1 98.g19 h18 99.h19 j19 100.f19 h1 101.j2 l10 102.k10 j17 103.m3 k4 104.j12 h12 105.e12 f12 106.j15 h15 107.t3 c10 108.d9 o9 109.s6 t5 110.b11 c11 111.a10 c12 112.e15 e14 113.k16 k17 114.p5 q5 115.e5 f6 0-1

Game 86875      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Xu,Daniel"]
[White "Pillon,Thibault"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1667"]
[Rating 2 "1807"]

1.r16 d17 2.q3 d3 3.p17 q5 4.o4 r3 5.r2 r4 6.p2 r9 7.r11 p9 8.p11 k16 9.m17 l17 10.m16 k14 11.d15 d13 12.f15 f17 13.c17 c18 14.c16 e18 15.g14 d10 16.g12 j4 17.c5 d7 18.c3 c2 19.b2 c4 20.b3 d4 21.b4 c6 22.d5 e5 23.b6 d6 24.b5 b7 25.d2 e2 26.c1 h13 27.g13 g10 28.c12 c13 29.d12 e14 30.e12 e15 31.e16 d16 32.b13 b14 33.b12 b15 34.h12 m3 35.f2 e3 36.e1 f3 37.g3 g2 38.f1 g4 39.h3 h4 40.j2 k12 41.j11 j9 42.k11 m12 43.j13 j14 44.j12 m14 45.k9 k8 46.l9 l7 47.l4 n9 48.c10 c9 49.b10 l3 50.k3 k4 51.j3 m5 52.j17 m18 53.n18 j16 54.g16 h17 55.g17 g18 56.f16 e17 57.q8 q9 58.s10 s9 59.p6 q7 60.p7 q6 61.p8 r8 62.e9 e10 63.h9 h10 64.d9 c8 65.j10 j8 66.f10 f9 67.f11 f8 68.d11 q12 69.q11 o13 0-1

Game 86876      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Pillon,Thibault"]
[White "Kis-Kos,Laszlo"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1807"]
[Rating 2 "1628"]

1.q16 d4 2.r4 d16 3.f3 d6 4.m3 r10 5.r14 r7 6.q6 s5 7.s4 r5 8.q5 g5 9.h4 j6 10.c11 c9 11.c14 c15 12.d14 f16 13.e10 e12 14.f14 d11 15.d10 c10 16.c12 f12 17.g10 f9 18.f10 h12 19.j10 b15 20.k11 j13 21.h14 j14 22.h15 k16 23.h17 j17 24.e17 f17 25.e16 e15 26.d15 d17 27.e18 f15 28.d18 c18 29.b18 c17 30.f18 e14 31.c19 b17 32.b14 b19 33.d12 e11 34.d13 e13 35.b10 b9 36.b12 g18 37.h18 g17 38.l17 j18 39.k5 l7 40.n11 n13 41.p11 q12 42.o13 o12 43.n12 o14 44.p13 p12 45.m13 n14 46.q13 m14 47.q11 r12 48.r11 s11 49.s12 s13 50.r13 t12 51.o11 s12 52.p8 o17 53.s9 r9 54.s8 r8 55.s7 s10 56.r6 s14 57.r16 s15 58.p18 t10 59.s16 o18 60.p17 o16 61.a9 b8 62.d2 c3 63.m6 h9 64.h10 a8 65.a10 f4 66.h5 h6 67.g4 e4 68.c2 b2 69.e8 p9 70.c7 d7 71.d8 c6 72.g6 f5 73.f7 b7 74.k6 k7 75.j5 j9 76.m8 l9 77.m9 m7 78.n7 l10 79.l12 l6 80.m5 l5 81.l4 g7 82.f6 f8 83.h7 j7 84.g8 e3 85.e2 f2 86.g3 m10 87.n10 g9 88.e7 l8 89.b1 b3 90.a15 a16 91.a14 o8 92.n8 p14 93.r15 p16 94.r18 p7 95.o6 p6 96.p5 k10 97.h8 j8 98.g7 j11 99.a19 a17 100.o19 n19 101.p19 n18 102.l14 l15 103.l11 c8 104.m11 k14 105.l13 c1 106.d1 a2 107.o9 q8 108.t15 t14 109.t16 a1 110.p10 d3 111.g2 e6 112.g11 g12 113.e9 q15 114.q14 p15 115.t9 q10 116.f1 h11 117.k9 c1 118.k8 1-0

Game 86877      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Fischhof,Andrew"]
[White "Pillon,Thibault"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1446"]
[Rating 2 "1807"]

1.q16 d4 2.q3 d16 3.r5 o17 4.m17 r17 5.q17 r16 6.q15 q18 7.p18 r18 8.p17 r14 9.f3 c6 10.f17 c14 11.k4 p3 12.p4 o3 13.o4 q2 14.r3 n3 15.q10 r13 16.f15 l16 17.k17 o18 18.p19 o15 19.o16 n16 20.p16 n17 21.n15 m16 22.o14 g16 23.f16 k16 24.j17 l13 25.c18 o12 26.p13 p12 27.n13 n12 28.m13 m12 29.l14 k14 30.k13 l12 31.k15 j14 32.m15 l15 33.m14 g15 34.g17 m5 35.n6 h3 36.h4 j3 37.j4 l2 38.f5 d2 39.c11 d12 40.d11 e12 41.c8 e7 42.f9 g7 43.h9 j8 44.j9 k6 45.f7 f6 46.e6 f8 47.g6 f7 48.d5 c5 49.e4 e3 50.k3 k2 51.h7 h8 52.j6 j7 53.h6 g3 54.g4 k5 55.e2 d3 56.g2 h2 57.h1 j2 58.f1 s10 59.s11 r11 60.r10 s9 61.s12 r12 62.s8 r8 63.s7 r9 64.p8 r2 65.s2 s1 66.s3 c17 67.d18 b18 68.g14 j16 69.h14 l17 70.h16 c12 71.b11 b12 72.d7 d6 73.e5 l7 74.n9 b7 75.e8 g8 76.e9 b9 77.b8 c7 78.d8 a8 79.a7 a6 80.g9 n5 81.o5 k18 82.j18 m18 83.k19 j15 84.h15 b19 85.l8 r7 86.r6 q7 87.p6 h12 88.h13 j13 89.g12 h11 90.g11 m7 91.m8 n7 0-1

Game 86878      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Pillon,Thibault"]
[White "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1807"]
[Rating 2 "1368"]

1.q16 d4 2.r4 d16 3.f3 j3 4.p3 f4 5.f17 j17 6.c14 e15 7.c17 d17 8.c16 g16 9.d15 e16 10.e14 c10 11.g4 e3 12.f5 e4 13.h5 h3 14.g3 m3 15.c6 c5 16.c8 e10 17.b5 b4 18.d5 c4 19.e5 g10 20.q10 d6 21.d7 e6 22.f7 f6 23.g5 g6 24.h7 e7 25.e8 g7 26.g8 f8 27.h6 g9 28.f7 o17 29.q14 o14 30.g14 g15 31.h14 r7 32.r12 p7 33.n7 o6 34.n4 n2 35.m4 l2 36.q8 q7 37.o9 o4 38.o3 q4 39.r3 r5 40.s8 q3 41.q2 s4 42.s3 s5 43.p4 q5 44.s7 r8 45.r9 s9 46.s10 s6 47.o5 p2 48.r1 o2 49.s2 k14 50.q18 d13 51.d14 c13 52.o18 n17 53.n18 m18 54.p17 n19 55.o19 f14 56.f13 f15 57.e13 l10 58.h12 o11 59.d18 e18 60.c18 e17 61.e19 f19 62.d19 f18 63.m19 l18 64.b13 b12 65.b14 c12 66.j10 e12 67.d11 d10 68.b9 f12 69.g12 g11 70.f9 f10 71.k11 1-0

Game 86879      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Segur,Laurine"]
[White "Pillon,Thibault"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1163"]
[Rating 2 "1807"]

1.d4 q16 2.d16 q3 3.g17 r5 4.r14 r12 5.r16 r17 6.q15 s16 7.s15 r15 8.q13 r16 9.s14 p15 10.p14 q14 11.r13 r10 12.h3 c10 13.c8 c14 14.b15 c12 15.k17 k3 16.n17 k5 17.p17 o14 18.p13 o16 19.o17 n13 20.s12 c3 21.c4 d3 22.b3 e3 23.f4 e4 24.e6 e5 25.f5 f6 26.g6 f7 27.h5 c6 28.d6 d5 29.c5 b6 30.d7 f9 31.b5 a5 32.b4 b2 33.b7 a3 34.c7 a4 35.h8 g10 36.s10 r9 37.r11 c17 38.c16 e18 39.b17 f17 40.h16 g18 41.h18 g16 42.h17 c18 43.g15 f16 44.d17 f15 45.d14 d13 46.e14 f14 47.e13 e12 48.f13 g14 49.b13 c13 50.b11 b14 51.a14 b12 52.b18 d18 53.g19 h15 54.b10 a11 55.a10 a12 0-1

Game 86880      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Aarnos,Mikko"]
[White "Xu,Daniel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1771"]
[Rating 2 "1667"]

1.q16 d16 2.q4 d4 3.f17 c14 4.k16 k3 5.q10 o3 6.o5 r4 7.r5 r3 8.s5 q3 9.g8 r17 10.q17 r16 11.r14 s14 12.r13 s13 13.r15 s15 14.f11 p15 15.n17 r12 16.q12 q15 17.r11 p17 18.c6 f3 19.p16 o16 20.q18 r18 21.p18 o17 22.o18 n16 23.m17 q13 24.s12 q14 25.r12 n14 26.p13 n12 27.n10 k14 28.m13 m14 29.k13 j13 30.j12 l13 31.k12 l12 32.l15 l14 33.g13 j16 34.j17 h16 35.h17 k15 36.c12 d18 37.m6 d7 38.d5 c4 39.c7 e5 40.e6 d6 41.c5 c8 42.d8 e7 43.f6 e8 44.d9 b8 45.f5 e4 46.e9 b5 47.f7 k5 48.d15 c15 49.b6 a6 50.f8 a7 51.g3 g2 52.f4 e2 53.b7 b10 54.r19 s19 55.q19 s17 56.c9 k17 57.l16 g18 58.g17 f18 59.e17 d17 60.b4 b12 61.o15 n15 62.c13 b13 63.j14 m10 64.m9 l10 65.n11 m11 66.k10 k9 67.k7 o14 68.p14 n9 69.o9 k11 70.j10 l9 71.n8 j8 72.h13 j7 73.k6 j6 74.j5 h5 75.j4 h4 76.j3 h3 77.k4 j2 78.l4 h8 79.p4 p3 80.b9 b3 81.a5 a3 82.m3 l2 83.j15 e15 84.e18 e19 85.c11 g15 86.t3 m2 87.f14 f15 88.h15 g16 89.h18 f19 90.n3 n2 91.o12 h10 92.h11 g10 93.g6 h6 94.b11 a11 95.d14 e14 96.d13 e13 97.k18 n4 98.e16 1-0

Game 86881      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Kis-Kos,Laszlo"]
[White "Aarnos,Mikko"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1628"]
[Rating 2 "1771"]

1.r16 k4 2.d17 q4 3.d4 d10 4.c15 q10 5.p17 c6 6.f3 k10 7.k16 q13 8.n4 m6 9.l5 m5 10.l4 m4 11.m3 l3 12.k3 l2 13.k2 k5 14.m2 l1 15.r6 r5 16.q6 o5 17.p4 p5 18.q5 r4 19.p3 q2 20.p2 s2 21.q3 r3 22.q1 r2 23.s5 s4 24.s6 p7 0-1

Game 86882      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Aarnos,Mikko"]
[White "Fischhof,Andrew"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1771"]
[Rating 2 "1446"]

1.q16 d16 2.q4 d3 3.k16 c5 4.q10 o3 5.f17 d14 6.o4 n4 7.o5 q3 8.m5 m3 9.m7 r14 10.r15 q14 11.o16 r11 12.r10 q11 13.p11 p12 14.o12 p10 15.o11 p9 16.s11 s12 17.s10 r8 18.p13 r4 19.q8 q9 20.r9 r7 21.p8 o9 22.o8 n9 23.r12 n8 24.n7 l9 25.p3 q5 26.p4 p6 27.r3 o7 28.o6 p7 29.k4 j2 30.k2 j3 31.k3 j4 32.j5 h5 33.h6 g5 34.d10 c12 35.c11 d12 36.f10 g6 37.h7 c9 38.g14 l11 39.g7 f7 40.l12 k11 41.d18 c17 42.f8 e8 43.g9 b11 44.e7 f6 45.d8 e9 46.d9 d7 47.k13 d11 48.e6 d6 49.e5 c10 50.e10 c8 51.f3 f4 52.e4 e3 53.g3 g2 54.f2 h3 55.g4 k5 56.j6 l5 57.l4 m4 58.l6 n5 59.n6 m6 60.k6 m5 61.m2 o2 62.p2 k1 63.l2 n3 64.o1 n1 65.p1 n2 66.l3 r17 67.r16 s16 68.s15 s18 69.q18 t17 70.r18 1-0

Game 86883      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[White "Aarnos,Mikko"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1368"]
[Rating 2 "1771"]

1.d4 q4 2.d16 q16 3.o17 o15 4.l17 k4 5.q10 f3 6.c10 e5 7.d5 e6 8.d6 q7 9.o10 l15 10.o7 j16 11.q18 e7 12.l7 c8 13.c7 b8 14.b7 d15 15.e10 e16 16.d17 c15 17.e17 b17 18.f16 f14 19.e15 e14 20.h17 d8 21.g10 j7 22.j11 m16 23.m17 h16 24.j8 j17 25.h18 j18 26.r17 g17 27.g18 g16 28.f17 f15 29.c18 d2 30.b3 o3 31.m13 f11 32.f10 h8 33.j9 k13 34.l12 o16 35.r15 p17 36.o18 r16 37.s17 p18 38.p19 s16 39.s15 t17 40.t18 t16 41.s18 r9 42.r10 p13 43.q13 q14 44.r13 d11 45.d10 m5 46.k7 j6 47.c11 c3 48.b2 c4 49.b5 b4 50.a4 c2 51.b1 c5 52.c6 a7 53.a6 a8 54.g3 e3 55.g5 g2 56.e4 f4 57.f5 h19 58.b18 f18 59.e18 g19 60.b16 g4 61.p15 q15 62.l14 k15 63.m15 l16 64.n15 n16 65.k18 n17 66.n18 k17 67.l18 s8 68.l5 l4 69.k5 j5 70.g7 g8 71.f8 f7 72.e8 d7 73.g6 h7 74.o14 p14 75.o13 s10 76.s11 p12 77.q11 q12 78.r12 o12 0-1

Game 86884      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Aarnos,Mikko"]
[White "Segur,Laurine"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1771"]
[Rating 2 "1163"]

1.q16 q4 2.d16 d4 3.k16 r14 4.q10 r16 5.r17 q15 6.p16 r11 7.c9 c6 8.f9 c11 9.c14 d10 10.e8 d9 11.d8 b13 12.f12 b14 13.c15 h3 14.n9 l4 15.p15 p14 16.o14 p13 17.r10 q11 18.n6 n4 19.s16 s15 20.n12 j10 21.b10 b15 22.b16 d12 23.e11 e13 24.g14 f14 25.f15 e15 26.f13 a16 27.b17 a11 28.c7 o11 29.b11 c10 30.b8 e14 31.e16 b12 32.c13 a10 33.b9 h8 34.q6 s5 35.s6 s10 36.r5 r4 37.s9 t11 38.b6 b5 39.s4 s3 40.t5 g10 41.h13 f10 42.e10 f11 43.g9 e9 44.h10 1-0

Game 86885      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Xu,Daniel"]
[White "Kis-Kos,Laszlo"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1667"]
[Rating 2 "1628"]

1.q16 d4 2.r4 d16 3.f3 d6 4.l3 r10 5.q9 q10 6.r9 p9 7.p10 p8 8.p11 r8 9.s9 s8 10.s10 p4 11.p5 o5 12.q5 q8 13.o4 r11 14.s11 r12 15.s12 r13 16.s13 r14 17.s15 s14 18.t14 p13 19.n10 r16 20.s16 r17 21.r15 q15 22.p15 q14 23.s17 q17 24.p16 p17 25.o17 o18 26.n16 n17 27.o16 s18 28.r18 q18 29.t18 s19 30.o13 o14 31.p14 o12 32.n13 p12 33.n12 o11 34.o10 1-0

Game 86886      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Fischhof,Andrew"]
[White "Xu,Daniel"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1446"]
[Rating 2 "1667"]

1.q16 d4 2.q3 d16 3.r5 k3 4.f17 h17 5.k17 c14 6.j16 e17 7.f16 f18 8.g18 e18 9.g17 r14 10.r11 r17 11.q17 r16 12.q15 s14 13.p13 r18 14.c6 c8 15.e6 f4 16.g6 h4 17.d9 c9 18.d8 d10 19.f9 e10 20.f10 e12 21.b4 c3 22.b3 j6 23.m4 m2 24.n2 m3 25.n3 l4 26.m5 r6 27.q6 s5 28.s6 r7 29.s7 q7 30.p6 s8 31.s4 q9 32.p7 q11 33.q12 p11 34.p12 r10 35.s11 o11 36.n12 n11 37.m12 p18 38.q18 q19 39.o18 p17 40.o17 p16 41.o19 p19 42.o15 g12 43.j12 h13 44.j13 h14 45.h16 n1 46.o1 m1 47.p2 p15 48.q14 o16 49.n16 n17 50.p14 r19 51.m16 m17 52.l17 m18 53.l18 n19 54.j10 t7 55.t5 s10 56.r13 p8 57.o8 o9 58.n8 b2 59.b7 b8 60.c7 j14 61.k14 j19 62.h19 l19 63.j18 j8 64.k7 j7 65.k6 k8 66.l8 l9 67.m8 k10 68.k11 l11 69.l12 m11 70.b17 c18 71.c16 c15 72.b15 c17 73.a16 b18 74.b14 b13 75.c13 d13 76.c12 b12 77.c10 b10 78.e9 c11 79.f14 h11 80.h10 j11 81.k12 f13 82.g14 g13 83.g11 h12 84.c4 d2 85.d5 e5 86.f5 e4 87.h5 j5 88.g4 g3 89.g5 a2 90.g8 o12 91.o13 k15 92.j15 n15 93.o14 l14 94.k13 s12 95.s13 t11 96.r12 t13 97.m15 t12 98.r15 s15 99.n14 e14 100.e15 d15 101.e16 l5 102.l6 f11 103.g10 a7 104.a6 a8 105.k19 n18 106.h8 h7 107.g7 a3 108.a4 j9 109.h9 g15 110.f15 h15 111.n9 n10 112.m9 m10 113.k5 k4 114.m6 f19 115.g19 t8 116.t6 m19 117.pass pass 0-1

Game 86887      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Xu,Daniel"]
[White "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1667"]
[Rating 2 "1368"]

1.q16 d4 2.q3 d16 3.f3 j3 4.c3 d3 5.c4 d5 6.d2 e2 7.c2 e3 8.c6 c5 9.b5 d6 10.c7 c11 11.d7 e7 12.e8 f7 13.f8 g7 14.g8 h7 15.n3 k17 16.c17 c16 17.d17 e16 18.e17 e11 19.f16 f15 20.g16 g18 21.f17 o17 22.r14 r5 23.r4 q5 24.r10 r8 25.p10 q4 26.r3 o4 27.o3 n4 28.m4 m5 29.l4 m6 30.n16 n17 31.m16 l17 32.p16 k4 33.l5 o8 34.n9 k15 35.l14 k14 36.l13 f18 37.g15 f14 38.g14 g13 39.h13 h14 40.f13 g12 41.e15 e14 42.d15 b16 43.c14 e13 44.b17 b14 45.b15 a15 46.c15 c13 47.a16 d9 48.h8 q18 49.r17 r18 50.s18 s9 51.s10 p3 52.p2 p4 53.l2 k2 54.b9 o10 55.o9 n10 56.p11 m10 57.m9 l10 58.n12 p9 59.l9 k9 60.p8 q9 61.l7 n8 62.k8 m7 63.l8 j10 64.j9 k10 65.h10 j12 66.s4 t10 67.t11 t9 68.s12 s5 69.r9 s8 70.q8 q7 71.p7 p6 72.q10 r7 73.o7 n7 74.e1 f1 75.d1 f2 76.o6 n5 77.j7 j6 78.k5 j5 79.m17 m18 80.b12 b13 81.b11 c12 82.c10 d10 83.e18 q2 84.o2 t4 85.r2 h11 86.h17 j18 87.h18 h19 88.j17 k18 89.p17 p18 90.s19 g10 91.h9 c9 92.b10 o16 93.o15 m12 94.m13 n11 95.o12 m14 96.n14 l12 97.k13 j13 98.h15 j14 99.t3 1-0

Game 86888      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Segur,Laurine"]
[White "Xu,Daniel"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1163"]
[Rating 2 "1667"]

1.d4 q16 2.q4 d16 3.f17 c14 4.d17 c17 5.e16 d18 6.e18 e17 7.f15 d17 8.d15 c15 9.h17 n17 10.l17 r15 11.r8 k3 12.h3 n3 13.o3 o2 14.p2 o4 15.p3 n4 16.o1 c6 17.c5 d6 18.r11 e4 19.d3 e3 20.b6 b7 21.b5 c8 22.h5 d5 23.e2 f2 24.c2 g3 25.g4 h2 26.g7 g9 27.e7 e9 28.d8 d9 29.s14 s15 30.k6 e14 31.e15 g13 32.m6 o6 33.q6 l7 34.p10 l6 35.j7 h8 36.l5 m7 37.m4 k4 38.k5 j8 39.n6 n7 40.o7 m5 41.n5 o5 42.m5 m3 43.k7 k8 44.j3 j4 45.h4 j2 46.l2 l3 47.m2 k2 48.f4 e5 49.f3 g2 50.n2 h7 51.j5 g6 52.k1 e1 53.d2 o8 54.p7 l9 55.m18 n18 56.d1 f1 57.f6 f5 58.b8 b9 59.a7 a8 60.a6 k12 61.j1 h6 0-1

Game 86889      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Kis-Kos,Laszlo"]
[White "Fischhof,Andrew"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1628"]
[Rating 2 "1446"]

1.r16 d16 2.q3 d4 3.p17 q5 4.q8 r3 5.r2 r4 6.p2 r7 7.r8 o5 8.n4 o4 9.o3 n5 10.m4 d10 11.q7 r6 12.f3 f4 13.g4 f5 14.e3 d3 15.g5 f6 16.f17 k16 17.c14 e15 18.c17 c16 19.d17 g15 20.e16 f16 21.e17 g17 22.d15 d14 23.c15 c13 24.e14 d13 25.f15 g16 26.m17 q14 27.q12 o14 28.r14 g6 29.m15 o12 30.m13 o10 31.o8 m10 32.m8 k10 33.g14 h14 34.g13 h13 35.g12 h12 36.g11 h11 37.g9 f10 38.g10 l12 39.s5 s8 40.s9 s6 41.t8 t7 42.s7 f14 43.t6 e15 44.h8 e13 45.b16 j7 46.j8 k8 47.h7 h6 48.k7 j6 49.k9 l8 50.l9 l7 51.m7 l6 52.m9 m6 53.k5 k6 54.j4 q10 55.p11 p10 56.o11 n11 57.n12 n13 58.m12 m14 59.l14 n14 60.l13 p12 61.q11 q13 62.r13 l11 63.l16 k15 64.l15 q15 65.p13 o13 66.p16 r15 67.s15 q16 68.r17 q17 69.q18 s16 70.s14 r18 71.s17 s18 72.t16 p18 73.o18 q19 74.m11 f8 75.r5 q6 76.q4 s4 77.t5 p4 78.p3 p7 79.p6 p5 80.o7 o6 81.p8 d2 82.f2 k18 83.l10 j10 84.j9 k13 85.k14 j13 86.k17 j17 87.l17 p15 88.j15 j16 89.j14 h15 90.n17 l18 91.f9 e9 92.e11 d11 93.e10 e8 94.b13 b12 95.b14 m18 96.n10 e12 97.f11 l5 98.l4 f18 99.e18 g19 100.t18 s19 101.h10 k11 102.e4 e5 103.e1 d1 104.h4 j5 105.k4 o16 106.o17 a13 107.a14 a12 108.n16 o15 109.o19 p19 110.m19 l19 111.n19 t19 112.t17 e2 113.f1 g7 114.e19 f19 115.p6 n7 116.n8 n6 117.p7 j18 118.pass 1-0

Game 86890      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[White "Kis-Kos,Laszlo"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1368"]
[Rating 2 "1628"]

1.d4 q16 2.q4 d16 3.k3 c6 4.c10 f3 5.e5 c3 6.c4 d3 7.d7 e4 8.d6 b4 9.r10 r3 10.q3 r4 11.r5 s5 12.r6 s6 13.r7 q2 14.p2 r2 15.f4 e3 16.g4 p3 17.o2 n3 18.m2 n2 19.n1 o3 20.p4 p1 21.n5 m3 22.l4 l2 23.k14 k16 24.g14 o5 25.o4 n4 26.p5 m5 27.n6 m4 28.l6 m6 29.l7 o6 30.n7 m7 31.m8 p6 32.q5 n8 33.o7 l5 34.k5 m1 35.l3 o1 36.r14 n9 37.p7 l8 38.m9 k8 39.k7 j7 40.k6 j14 41.j13 k13 42.h14 j12 43.j15 m10 44.j8 l9 45.j9 c13 46.k12 h16 47.j16 j17 48.d12 c12 49.d13 c11 50.d11 d10 51.c9 h13 52.l13 d14 53.e14 d15 54.e15 e16 55.s7 r12 56.q12 q13 57.r11 r13 58.h17 g16 59.k17 j18 60.k18 h18 61.o16 q14 62.o13 p12 63.q18 p17 64.o17 p18 65.o18 o19 66.n19 p19 67.m18 c7 68.c8 c5 69.d5 j10 70.k10 g3 71.h3 k2 72.j3 f15 73.f14 h2 74.j2 j1 75.c17 b16 76.b18 d18 77.d17 e17 78.e18 f18 79.c18 e19 80.b3 b5 81.p9 q11 82.q10 k9 83.j11 h10 84.h8 l10 85.k11 h7 86.g8 b8 87.b9 b7 88.p16 q17 89.b11 b12 90.a12 b14 91.a14 a15 92.a13 f5 93.g5 b13 94.a11 a9 95.b10 f6 96.g6 d8 97.d9 e8 98.e9 e7 99.f7 e6 100.g7 f9 101.f10 f8 102.g9 o14 0-1

Game 86891      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Kis-Kos,Laszlo"]
[White "Segur,Laurine"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1628"]
[Rating 2 "1163"]

1.r16 q4 2.d17 c4 3.c15 r7 4.e4 d7 5.c9 m5 6.c6 d3 7.c5 b5 8.b6 a4 9.e3 e2 10.f2 c2 11.e1 b3 12.p17 r11 13.o3 p2 14.o5 j5 15.o7 p9 16.q8 p7 17.p8 r8 18.q9 q11 19.r9 r14 20.k16 m16 21.p15 s15 22.s16 p10 23.q7 d16 24.c16 d15 25.e17 g16 26.f15 f16 27.e16 d14 28.g15 h17 29.h15 k17 30.j16 j17 31.r6 s6 32.r5 s5 33.r4 s3 34.s4 t4 35.r3 s2 36.r2 s9 37.s10 s8 38.r10 s1 39.s13 r13 40.s12 s11 41.t11 c13 42.e15 b11 43.e9 f7 44.d2 d4 45.e5 g6 46.d12 b9 47.b8 c10 48.d9 d11 49.e12 e11 50.c12 b12 51.b14 f10 52.e6 f12 53.e13 e14 54.f13 b13 55.g12 f9 56.a9 b10 57.l17 l16 58.m17 n17 59.n18 o17 60.o18 n15 61.o16 k15 62.n16 l18 63.m18 f17 64.g18 f18 65.k18 j18 66.l19 h16 67.j15 f14 68.g14 e18 69.d18 e19 70.g19 k14 71.m15 l15 72.m14 j13 73.j11 h12 74.g11 h11 75.g10 h10 76.g9 g8 77.h9 j8 78.j9 j10 79.k9 1-0

Game 86892      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Fischhof,Andrew"]
[White "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1446"]
[Rating 2 "1368"]

1.q16 d4 2.q3 d16 3.r5 m3 4.k4 m5 5.f4 h4 6.h5 j4 7.j5 l4 8.k3 k5 9.g4 h3 10.g3 h2 11.j2 f2 12.g2 g1 13.e2 e3 14.f3 d2 15.f1 c10 16.f6 d6 17.f17 k17 18.f15 c14 19.k16 l17 20.l16 n17 21.m16 o17 22.q10 q13 23.q17 p18 24.o15 o13 25.n14 n13 26.m13 n11 27.n9 m12 28.l13 l12 29.k13 k12 30.j12 f13 31.g14 p5 32.p4 o5 33.q7 p7 34.p8 q6 35.r7 r6 36.s6 s5 37.s4 s7 38.t5 q8 39.r8 o8 40.p9 o9 41.o10 n8 42.n10 m10 43.o7 p6 44.m8 n7 45.m7 n6 46.m9 l10 47.l3 h13 48.h14 g13 49.j13 r14 50.p12 p16 51.p15 q15 52.r15 q14 53.s15 s14 54.s17 r18 55.q18 q19 56.p17 o18 57.o16 p11 58.o11 o12 59.q12 o14 60.m15 r12 61.q11 r17 62.r16 h17 63.h16 g17 64.g16 e16 65.m17 m18 66.j17 j18 67.j16 g18 68.f18 f16 69.n16 s8 70.r9 s10 71.s9 e8 72.c3 d3 73.c5 c4 74.b4 b3 75.c2 b2 76.d5 e5 77.f5 c6 78.e4 b5 79.k6 l5 80.h8 g10 81.g19 h18 0-1

Game 86893      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Segur,Laurine"]
[White "Fischhof,Andrew"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1163"]
[Rating 2 "1446"]

1.d4 d17 2.r4 r16 3.p17 p3 4.q2 q3 5.r3 p2 6.r1 l3 7.r17 r18 8.q18 s17 9.q17 s16 10.m17 c15 11.g3 q10 12.r14 q15 13.q13 p14 14.q11 r10 15.o12 r6 16.s5 s6 17.t5 c6 18.n13 t13 19.s18 t18 20.r19 d10 21.j17 g16 22.g17 f16 23.o15 o14 24.n14 s14 25.r12 t11 26.s12 t12 27.s11 s10 28.r15 q16 29.c8 e6 30.d7 d6 31.c10 d11 32.j2 b3 33.c4 b4 34.c11 d12 35.b13 b14 36.c12 c13 37.b7 b6 38.c3 c2 39.d2 b1 40.q7 p6 41.p7 o7 42.p9 p10 43.o9 o10 44.n9 n10 45.m8 m7 46.m10 j4 47.f5 f6 48.r7 s7 49.s8 s9 50.r8 t8 51.q6 t9 52.q5 p5 53.m11 g13 54.k13 e8 55.a13 d8 56.c7 e5 57.e4 g5 58.l2 m2 59.k3 l1 60.k2 f4 61.f3 l8 62.k11 g10 63.h14 h16 64.h17 j15 65.j14 k15 66.h15 j16 67.l4 m4 68.l5 m5 69.l6 1-0

Game 86894      Java viewer     (go)    

[Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000013"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[White "Segur,Laurine"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Rating 1 "1368"]
[Rating 2 "1163"]

1.q4 d4 2.q16 d16 3.r10 r6 4.r5 r8 5.q6 q7 6.s6 o8 7.k17 g3 8.l3 o4 9.p3 p5 10.n3 p6 11.r7 q9 12.q10 o7 13.o10 d8 14.k15 d11 15.l11 g17 16.l6 l8 17.k7 n11 18.n10 m11 19.m10 m13 20.l12 o13 21.o11 l13 22.k13 m15 23.o15 l14 24.k14 p14 25.n14 n13 26.p15 n16 27.l15 r14 28.q13 q14 29.r13 s16 30.r17 s18 31.s17 l16 32.k16 o16 33.s15 q15 34.p16 s14 35.t16 t14 36.s12 t15 37.r16 m18 38.l17 o18 39.p18 l18 40.o17 n17 41.p17 j18 42.k18 k19 43.m14 n15 44.o14 o19 45.p19 m5 46.m6 n6 47.m8 p9 48.f11 f13 49.f8 g6 50.g7 h6 51.g13 g15 52.g14 f14 53.f6 d6 54.f5 f4 55.f12 j3 56.g5 j5 57.c3 d3 58.b4 c2 59.b2 c1 60.b1 c4 61.b5 b3 62.a3 c3 63.b7 b8 64.c7 c8 65.d7 e7 66.e6 e8 67.d5 c5 68.c6 a6 69.f7 f9 70.g9 f10 71.g10 r18 72.q18 r15 73.t18 a7 74.a5 a2 75.b6 a8 76.d12 c11 77.e13 e11 78.e12 c14 79.c13 d14 80.e14 f15 81.e15 e16 82.d15 c15 83.b13 b12 84.a16 a13 85.a14 a12 86.b14 b16 87.b17 c17 88.b18 c18 89.c19 b15 90.a15 d19 91.b19 q5 92.r6 s8 93.k2 s7 94.s4 s10 95.s11 s16 96.t17 j2 97.d18 e18 98.e19 1-0

Last games finished :

Game 86859   (Mar. 17, 2016)     Huang - Aahlad   1-0
Game 86874   (Mar. 8, 2016)     Pillon - Aarnos   0-1
Game 86894   (Mar. 7, 2016)     de Vassal - Segur   1-0
Game 86877   (Mar. 2, 2016)     Fischhof - Pillon   0-1
Game 86868   (Feb. 27, 2016)     Aarnos - Aahlad   1-0
Game 86893   (Feb. 21, 2016)     Segur - Fischhof   1-0
Game 86892   (Feb. 21, 2016)     Fischhof - de Vassal   0-1
Game 86864   (Feb. 21, 2016)     Fischhof - Huang   0-1
Game 86882   (Feb. 9, 2016)     Aarnos - Fischhof   1-0
Game 86865   (Jan. 27, 2016)     Huang - de Vassal   1-0
Game 86872   (Jan. 26, 2016)     de Vassal - Aahlad   0-1
Game 86883   (Jan. 20, 2016)     de Vassal - Aarnos   0-1
Game 86861   (Jan. 17, 2016)     Huang - Aarnos   0-1
Game 86886   (Jan. 13, 2016)     Fischhof - Xu   0-1
Game 86870   (Jan. 12, 2016)     Kis-Kos - Aahlad   0-1
Game 86866   (Jan. 11, 2016)     Segur - Huang   0-1
Game 86887   (Dec. 29, 2015)     Xu - de Vassal   1-0
Game 86880   (Dec. 23, 2015)     Aarnos - Xu   1-0
Game 86873   (Dec. 10, 2015)     Aahlad - Segur   1-0
Game 86890   (Dec. 5, 2015)     de Vassal - Kis-Kos   0-1
Game 86878   (Dec. 3, 2015)     Pillon - de Vassal   1-0
Game 86867   (Dec. 1, 2015)     Aahlad - Pillon   1-0
Game 86863   (Nov. 13, 2015)     Huang - Kis-Kos   1-0
Game 86889   (Nov. 11, 2015)     Kis-Kos - Fischhof   1-0
Game 86891   (Nov. 8, 2015)     Kis-Kos - Segur   1-0
Game 86860   (Nov. 8, 2015)     Pillon - Huang   0-1
Game 86884   (Nov. 7, 2015)     Aarnos - Segur   1-0
Game 86888   (Nov. 7, 2015)     Segur - Xu   0-1
Game 86879   (Nov. 3, 2015)     Segur - Pillon   0-1
Game 86862   (Oct. 28, 2015)     Xu - Huang   0-1
Game 86876   (Oct. 22, 2015)     Pillon - Kis-Kos   1-0
Game 86871   (Oct. 12, 2015)     Aahlad - Fischhof   1-0
Game 86869   (Oct. 8, 2015)     Aahlad - Xu   1-0
Game 86875   (Sep. 8, 2015)     Xu - Pillon   0-1
Game 86881   (Aug. 18, 2015)     Kis-Kos - Aarnos   0-1
Game 86885   (Jul. 21, 2015)     Xu - Kis-Kos   1-0

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