Chess, Poker and Go tournaments waiting lists

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Game result  (chess)

N. Hallqvist, 2161
S. Ligon, 2364


See game 147050

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Free Internet Chess & Go Server

Waiting lists

Please select a chess, Go, poker holdem, big chess tournament category :

(chess WCH round-robin & knockout cycle, 30 days + 1 day / move)

(chess CUP round-robin cycle, 30 days + 1 day / move)

(chess thematic super tournament, 30 days + 1 day / move)

(chess special tournaments, thematic chess & chess variants)

(chess standard tournaments, 40 days + 40 days / 10 moves)

(chess rapid tournaments, 30 days + 1 day / move)

(advanced chess tournaments, blitz & faster time controls)

(advanced chess cup, swiss tournament cycle)

(go WCH cycle, requires to qualify, 30 days + 1 day / move)

(go standard tournaments, 30 days + 1 day / move)

(advanced go tournaments, lightning & faster time controls)

(poker holdem WCH round-robin cycle, 30 days + 1 day / move)

(poker holdem standard tournaments, 30 days + 1 day / move)

(advanced poker holdem tournaments, lightning & faster time controls)

(big chess WCH round-robin cycle, 30 days + 1 day / move)

(big chess standard tournaments, 30 days + 1 day / move)

(advanced big chess tournaments, lightning & faster time controls)

Please note that chess, Go (weiqi, baduk) & Poker holdem world championship waiting lists are open a few months before the start of the tournaments only. A new cycle starts every 6 to 9 months (usually 8 months).

It is allowed to use any kind of help in chess, Go & poker texas holdem games, including chess engines or programs (Chessbase, Rybka, Fritz, Shredder, Hiarcs, Deep Junior & so on...), Go programs (MoGo, Many Faces Of Go, SmartGo, gnuGo...), any poker hand evaluation program, any database.

However if you tired of chess engines & advanced chess, you may try big chess on a 16x16 board, this is a new and very interesting game played at FICGS, there is no engine that can help your opponent there.

Most tournaments are rated but you may also play unrated chess tournaments, thematic chess tournaments and chess tournaments where engines are strictly forbidden, please see the chess special tournaments category. It is possible to play by correspondence or in real time (bliz, lightning, bullet).

See the complete server rules for more details.

This game was played at FICGS :

Last move : 0-1     2020 October 21   10:32:55

[Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_C__000285"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2020.09.10"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Oliveira,Robson"]
[Black "Vollmer,Steve"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1602"]
[BlackElo "1721"]


This chess game has been lost on time   (started : 2020.09.10  13:32:51)

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