Big chess - Game 91967

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Game result  (chess)

J. Kachibacha, 2126
L. Sorbi, 2372


See game 146214

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000009       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 91967  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2017 January 25   12:40:6

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2016.03.02"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Skwarczylo,Marek"]
[Black "Haack,Stefan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2107"]
[BlackElo "1600"]

1.j2-k4 d15-d13 2.h1-o7 p16-o14 3.o7-f15 g16-f14 4.f15-o7 h14-h13 5.o7-c7 b16-c14 6.c7-l15 k16-l14 7.l15-b6 j14-j13 8.p1-o3 k15-k13 9.e2-e4 n15-n13 10.f1-c4 m15-m13 11.b1-c3 g15-g13 12.d2-d3 e15-e13 13.m2-m4 h13-h12 14.l1-o4 o16-j11 15.n2-n3 l16-g12 16.c1-k8 a15-a13 17.o1-g8 l14-k12 18.h2-g4 f16-d14 19.k1-h2 b15-b13 20.b6-b13 c14-d12 21.b13-a12 c16-d15 22.a12-g6 a13-a12 23.g1-j2 g12-j10 24.g8-j10 k12-j10 25.k8-j9 m13-m12 26.g6-p6 q16-p16 27.p6-p10 j16-k16 28.c4-j10 d15-j10 29.p10-j10 m16-m15 30.m1-m3 h16-g15 31.q1-m1 g15-d15 32.j10-d15 f14-d15 33.e1-e3 a16-b16 34.c3-d5 g13-g12 35.a1-e1 h15-g13 36.e3-f3 g13-h11 37.j9-c3 j15-h13 38.m3-l3 m15-l15 39.l3-l15 k16-l15 40.f3-f15 l15-k14 41.f15-d15 e16-e15 42.d15-e15 d14-e15 43.o4-e13 d12-e14 44.e13-o4 e15-b12 45.e1-e3 h11-g9 46.e3-f3 b16-f16 47.m1-m3 f16-f3 48.h2-f3 g9-f7 49.m3-l3 j11-f8 50.l3-l7 f7-g9 51.l7-n7 p16-n16 52.o4-h10 g12-g11 53.h10-m14 b12-d10 54.n7-n13 n16-n13 55.c3-m12 k14-l14 56.m14-n13 h13-j11 57.m12-c3 j11-h9 58.c3-b4 f8-b4 59.d5-b4 g9-f7 60.f3-e5 f7-e5 61.g4-e5 h9-g7 62.j2-h4 g7-e6 63.g2-g3 d10-k4 64.j3-k4 o14-n16 65.j1-j2 o15-o14 66.n13-f6 l14-l13 67.f2-f4 n16-l15 68.f4-f5 e6-c7 69.j2-j3 l15-j14 70.j3-j4 j14-g13 71.l2-l4 e14-d12 72.k4-k5 g13-f11 73.l4-l5 d12-e10 74.m4-m5 c7-b5 75.e5-c6 f11-e9 76.f6-e5 e9-d7 77.e5-f4 l13-l12 78.a2-a4 l12-k11 79.a4-b5 k11-l10 80.b4-d5 l10-m9 81.j4-j5 m9-n8 82.k5-k6 n8-o7 83.l5-l6 o7-o6 84.n3-n4 d7-f8 85.j5-j6 f8-h9 86.f4-l9 o6-p6 87.j6-k7 k13-k12 88.m5-m6 h9-g7 89.m6-m7 g7-h5 90.h4-j2 p6-q5 91.l9-h6 q5-p4 92.k7-j6 h5-g3 93.j2-g3 p4-o4 94.n4-n5 o4-n4 95.m7-m8 n4-m3 96.m8-m9 m3-n2 97.m9-m10 n2-o2 98.o3-q4 o2-n2 99.m10-m11 e10-f12 100.m11-m12 f12-h13 101.m12-m13 h13-k14 102.m13-m14 n2-m3 103.j6-k7 m3-l2 104.k7-l8 l2-k2 105.l8-m9 k2-j3 106.m9-n10 j3-h3 107.n10-m11 h3-g3 108.h6-n11 k14-m15 109.m11-m12 g3-f2 110.m12-m13 f2-e2 111.m13-n14 m15-k16 112.n11-j15 k16-j14 113.m14-m15 j14-l15 114.n14-o15 1-0

This big chess game has been lost on time   (started : 2016.03.02  15:44:59)

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It is the aim of the modern school, not to treat every position according to one general law, but according to the principle inherent in the position. (Richard Reti)

Ich rechne überhaupt nicht voraus. Ich gewinne auch so. (Robert James Fischer)

El Ajedrez es un terrible juego. Si no controlas el centro, tu oponente tiene una posición mas holgada. Si tienes control del centro, ¡entonces realmente tu tienes algo de que preocuparte!. (Siegbert Tarrasch)

Psychologiquement, tu dois avoir confiance en toi même, mais cette confiance doit être basée sur des faits. (Robert Fischer)

Perhaps chess is the wrong game for the times (The Chess Master and the Computer, by Garry Kasparov - 2010)

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