Big chess - Game 91966

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D. Faust, 2069
B. Ozen, 2251


See game 147215

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000009       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 91966  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2016 September 11   20:31:59

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2016.03.02"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Flores,Luis"]
[Black "Skwarczylo,Marek"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2022"]
[BlackElo "2107"]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.b1-c3 j15-k13 3.e2-e4 h16-o10 4.h2-g4 o10-o2 5.p1-o3 o2-f10 6.g1-f3 p16-o14 7.m2-m4 b16-c14 8.f1-c4 m15-m13 9.l1-o4 l16-p12 10.d2-d4 n15-n14 11.c4-b3 e15-e13 12.c1-k8 f16-b12 13.n2-n3 d15-d14 14.o1-g8 o16-f8 15.a1-d1 c16-l8 16.k1-h2 k16-h15 17.h1-l4 m16-m14 18.k8-g11 f10-p10 19.o3-p5 m14-l14 20.l4-h7 g16-j15 21.p2-p3 e16-e14 22.g8-h9 j15-h13 23.g11-j9 h13-j11 24.h9-j8 e14-f14 25.q2-q4 g13-h11 26.h7-b13 c14-a13 27.j9-e5 h11-g9 28.j8-l6 p10-p6 29.l6-n4 p6-q6 30.c3-d5 c15-c14 31.b13-k5 q6-j13 32.j1-h1 q16-m16 33.d5-f6 a16-e16 34.f6-d7 f8-d10 35.d1-d3 j13-a5 36.h1-j2 g9-f7 37.k5-k12 f7-e5 38.d4-e5 p12-q13 39.e1-d1 a5-j13 40.k12-e12 j11-k9 41.k4-m5 l8-p4 42.m1-e1 d14-d13 43.e12-q12 h15-g13 44.m5-o6 p4-l8 45.d7-f6 d10-c11 46.q12-p13 q13-p14 47.d3-d8 l8-q13 48.d1-d3 f14-f8 49.e1-d1 l14-l8 50.d8-f8 l8-f8 51.d3-d9 q15-q14 52.p13-n13 j13-l11 53.n13-n6 q13-l8 54.n6-k6 l11-h8 55.k6-k5 a13-c12 56.d1-d2 k13-j11 57.q1-d1 c12-e11 58.d9-d8 l8-p12 59.d8-f8 h8-f8 60.d2-d8 f8-f9 61.k5-l5 d13-d12 62.d8-a8 a15-a13 63.l5-l15 c11-e9 64.l15-l6 j16-j15 65.n4-m3 f9-j12 66.l6-n6 e16-e14 67.b3-j10 e14-f14 68.o4-e13 f14-f10 69.j10-b3 j12-e12 70.n6-n11 m13-m12 71.n11-k8 j11-l10 72.k8-k9 e12-a8 73.e13-g11 f10-k10 74.k9-k10 e9-g11 75.o6-n4 c14-c13 76.k10-e10 a8-e12 77.e10-b13 e12-e15 78.b13-g8 g11-k14 79.g8-g9 e15-e14 80.m3-n2 b15-b14 81.d1-d7 e14-g12 82.g9-h8 m16-l16 83.h2-j4 p12-l8 84.j4-k6 l8-o5 85.n2-m3 l16-l11 86.h8-h10 k14-l13 87.h10-b16 g12-e14 88.k2-k3 l10-j11 89.b16-g16 g15-g14 90.g16-q16 o14-q13 91.q16-b16 j11-g10 92.b16-g16 g10-f8 93.d7-k7 l13-k14 94.b3-g8 e11-f13 95.g8-c12 e14-f14 96.g16-b16 l11-c11 97.c2-c3 f13-e11 98.c12-g8 e11-g10 99.k7-e7 c11-e11 100.e7-k7 g13-h15 101.b16-k8 e11-l11 102.k6-h7 o5-k9 103.h7-g5 l11-l8 104.k8-h10 f14-f12 105.h10-k10 k9-n12 106.k7-e7 g10-e11 107.k10-d16 f12-f14 108.d16-d15 n12-k9 109.g8-j10 k9-j10 110.d15-j10 l8-l10 111.j10-h11 l10-l11 112.h11-d15 l11-l16 113.e7-k7 q13-o14 114.k7-f7 f14-e14 115.d15-c15 e11-f13 116.c15-h10 e14-d14 117.h10-h8 f8-g10 118.h8-h9 g10-e11 119.h9-h8 o14-m13 120.j2-k2 m13-l11 121.f7-k7 p14-o13 122.h8-p8 p15-p14 123.k7-q7 q14-q13 124.q7-k7 a13-a12 125.k7-a7 a12-a11 126.a7-k7 c13-c12 127.k7-b7 b12-c13 128.b7-k7 b14-b13 129.k7-b7 b13-b12 130.b7-k7 d12-d11 131.p8-e8 b12-b11 132.e8-m15 l16-l15 133.m15-m14 l11-k13 134.m14-q10 a11-a10 135.p5-o7 l15-l7 136.q10-k4 l7-k7 137.k4-k7 d14-d13 138.k7-k12 d13-h9 139.b2-b3 h9-l9 140.k12-o16 l9-l15 141.o16-c16 c13-f16 142.o7-m6 o13-j8 143.c16-d16 k14-h12 144.d16-e16 j8-d13 145.e16-e13 h12-g11 146.e13-a9 n14-n13 147.a9-o9 o15-o13 148.o9-p9 l15-l14 149.m3-k5 n13-n12 150.g4-h6 g11-k14 151.h6-g8 m12-m11 152.p9-j9 k14-m12 153.j9-j7 f16-d14 154.j7-j10 k13-h12 155.j10-p16 m12-p9 0-1

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One doesn't have to play well, it's enough to play better than your opponent. (Siegbert Tarrasch)

Das Schach ist nichts für kleine Geister, es beansprucht einen vollen Mann, der sich nicht sklavisch an das Überlieferte hält, sondern selbständig die Tiefen des Spiels zu ergründen sucht. (Wilhelm Steinitz)

Me gusta decir que Bobby Fischer fue el mejor jugador que jamás haya existido. Pero lo que hizo de Fischer un genio, fue su habilidad de mezclar una frescura y pragmatismo Americano con ideas Rusas acerca de la estrategia. (Bruce Pandolfini)

Les Echecs ont trois composantes : le temps, l'espace et le matériel en dernier. (Mikhail Tal)

If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working ? (Tuco to a chicken in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)

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