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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000015 ![]() (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : 1-0 2024 November 17 20:7:21 [Event "FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000015"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2022.11.23"] [Round "1"] [White "de Vassal,Thibault"] [Black "Legrand,Stephane"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2191"] [BlackElo "2312"] 1.j2-k4 p16-o14 2.h1-l4 j15-k13 3.h2-g4 m15-m13 4.l4-c12 h15-g13 5.c12-c15 e15-e13 6.c15-c10 k16-h15 7.e2-e4 b16-c14 8.b1-c3 f16-b12 9.g1-j2 l16-p12 10.k1-h2 h16-p9 11.f1-b5 g16-j15 12.m2-m4 n15-n13 13.p1-o3 d15-d13 14.l1-p5 c16-l8 15.n2-n3 o16-f8 16.o1-f9 a16-c16 17.d2-d3 e13-e12 18.c1-l9 m16-m14 19.m1-m3 m14-l14 20.l9-n7 p9-n11 21.m3-l3 q16-m16 22.l3-l5 m16-m14 23.c10-b10 f8-c11 24.b10-g5 n11-n10 25.l5-n5 n10-j10 26.e1-e3 l8-k7 27.e3-f3 c14-e13 28.g5-d5 j10-e14 29.f3-f5 e13-f11 30.f9-g8 a15-a14 31.g8-j10 f15-f13 32.n7-q10 o14-m15 33.j10-m13 l14-l10 34.q10-l5 p12-n14 35.m13-n14 m14-n14 36.b5-c4 n14-o14 37.d5-m13 h15-k14 38.m13-q9 j15-h13 39.q9-q15 k7-j8 40.f5-d5 l10-l8 41.q15-p15 c11-e13 42.n5-n7 j8-o3 43.p2-o3 o14-o3 44.k4-m3 j16-j15 45.p5-o4 e16-p16 46.p15-o15 l8-p8 47.o15-o5 p8-p1 48.q1-p1 p16-p1 49.j2-l1 c16-q16 50.d5-b5 a14-a13 51.c4-j10 e13-o4 52.n3-o4 o3-q3 53.j10-f13 e14-a14 54.o5-m5 q3-q2 55.h2-k3 a14-f9 56.j1-j2 f9-l9 57.a1-d1 q2-q1 58.m5-m6 l9-f9 59.f13-n6 q1-q6 60.m6-m5 d13-d12 61.m5-l4 f9-c6 62.o4-o5 b15-b14 63.l5-k4 b12-c13 64.l4-l7 c6-g10 65.l7-k7 g10-l10 66.n7-l7 l10-o10 67.d1-e1 q6-q11 68.e1-e3 q11-j11 69.e3-f3 q16-q11 70.f3-f8 g13-h11 71.f8-o8 o10-n9 72.k7-l6 h11-k10 73.o8-o9 n9-n11 74.k4-h6 n11-p11 75.h6-e3 k10-j8 76.l7-j7 f11-h10 77.o9-o8 l15-l14 78.n6-m5 j11-l11 79.o8-l8 l11-l8 80.l6-l8 j8-k6 81.l8-l7 k6-m5 82.l7-h10 m5-o6 83.h10-e7 e12-e11 84.b5-b7 p11-h11 85.e7-f6 o6-n8 86.j7-q7 q11-q7 87.b7-q7 h11-o5 88.q7-q16 o5-l8 89.q16-q8 l8-l10 90.f6-h8 n8-p9 91.q8-l8 l10-n10 92.a2-a4 p9-o11 93.c3-d5 o11-m12 94.b2-b4 m12-l10 95.c2-c4 l10-j11 96.a4-a5 j11-g10 97.h8-j8 k13-j11 98.a5-a6 k14-l12 99.l8-n8 n10-p10 100.n8-k8 m15-k14 101.j8-a8 g10-h12 102.e3-h6 p10-p9 103.a8-c6 p9-j9 104.k8-d8 j9-e13 105.d8-b8 e13-d14 106.b8-c8 a13-a12 107.c8-c12 a12-a11 108.c6-b6 h12-f11 109.h6-b12 f11-d10 110.b12-c13 b14-c13 111.c12-a12 c13-c12 112.b6-a7 d14-c14 113.a7-a11 p1-p9 114.a12-a14 c14-l6 115.l2-l3 p9-p16 116.b4-b5 k14-h15 117.a11-b10 c12-c11 118.b10-b14 d10-f11 119.b14-b15 h15-g13 120.a14-a16 p16-p10 121.b15-c16 j15-k14 122.c16-h16 k14-k13 123.h16-l16 k15-k14 124.l16-q11 l6-l10 125.q11-q14 l10-k10 126.q14-e3 f11-d10 127.a16-a8 h13-k12 128.d3-d4 j14-j13 129.c4-c5 j11-h9 130.d5-f6 h9-f10 131.b5-b6 k10-g10 132.e3-b3 p10-l10 133.d4-d5 k12-j10 134.a6-a7 j10-g9 135.b6-b7 g9-e8 136.f6-e8 f10-e8 137.c5-c6 l10-l6 138.b3-e3 k13-j14 139.e3-k8 l6-g6 140.k3-j5 g6-g8 141.k8-l7 k14-k13 142.l7-m7 g13-f11 143.m7-m15 g10-p10 144.m15-m6 j13-j12 145.m6-j6 p10-p8 146.j6-l4 p8-n8 147.l4-j6 n8-o7 148.j2-h2 g8-g13 149.j6-k7 o7-o12 150.l1-j2 g13-g11 151.k7-f7 e8-g9 152.f7-f6 g11-g10 153.f6-h6 o12-o11 154.a8-a13 g10-h10 155.h6-q14 g15-g13 156.a7-a8 h10-e10 157.f2-f3 g9-h11 158.a13-a16 h11-j13 159.q14-n14 j14-h13 160.n14-l16 h13-h12 161.a8-a9 o11-n11 162.a9-a10 n11-f4 163.j2-g3 f4-c1 164.j5-k3 e10-p10 165.a10-a11 c1-o1 166.k3-l1 o1-p2 167.a11-a12 d10-c12 168.l16-g16 f11-e13 169.a16-a14 j13-g12 170.g16-m16 l12-j13 171.a14-a15 p10-a10 172.m16-m8 j12-j11 173.m8-d8 h12-h13 174.d8-d12 p2-f11 175.d12-c11 a10-a2 176.c11-h6 h13-j14 177.h6-f6 f11-d9 178.f6-n13 d9-l9 179.n13-c3 e13-c14 180.a15-n15 a2-a12 181.c3-b2 c14-e13 182.o2-o4 a12-a5 183.j3-j4 l9-a9 184.b2-e5 a9-a7 185.l1-j2 a5-a2 186.n15-n1 c12-d10 187.g4-j3 a7-a16 188.m3-k4 e13-c12 189.e5-m5 a16-q16 190.m5-q1 q16-l11 191.q1-o1 g12-h10 192.o4-o5 h10-k9 193.o5-o6 k9-m8 194.o1-e10 g13-g12 195.e10-o10 m8-l10 196.o10-l7 l11-m11 197.o6-o7 l10-m12 198.l7-j7 m12-l10 199.j7-o12 m11-m9 200.j2-g1 a2-a9 201.o7-o8 m9-o7 202.n1-n16 j14-h13 203.o12-n12 a9-o9 204.n12-n8 o9-o8 205.n8-o7 o8-o7 206.n16-n2 d10-b9 207.m4-m5 c12-d10 208.l3-l4 h13-j12 209.k4-h5 l14-l13 210.k2-k4 l13-l12 211.l4-l5 h14-h13 212.g1-e2 j13-h11 213.g3-f5 k13-k12 214.e2-d4 l12-l11 215.d4-b5 h11-f10 216.h5-f6 h13-h12 217.f5-d6 g12-g11 218.m5-m6 h12-h11 219.k4-k5 g11-g10 220.l5-l6 j11-j10 221.j3-h5 j12-j11 222.h2-g3 j10-j9 223.n2-n1 o7-q7 224.n1-c1 f10-d9 225.m6-m7 q7-q16 226.g3-f4 q16-f16 227.f4-e5 h11-h10 228.d6-e8 d10-e8 229.f6-e8 b9-d8 230.b5-d6 f16-f8 231.e5-d4 g10-g9 232.d4-c5 l10-k8 233.c5-b6 k8-j10 234.c6-c7 d8-c10 235.b7-b8 d9-b8 236.c7-b8 c10-b8 237.b6-b7 b8-d9 238.b7-c8 e11-e10 239.h5-g7 j10-g11 240.c1-a1 j11-j10 241.c8-d8 d9-e11 242.d6-f5 e11-g10 243.a1-a11 g11-f9 244.d8-c9 f9-h8 245.c9-d10 e10-e9 246.f5-e7 f8-f16 247.e8-c9 f16-b16 248.a11-a2 h8-f7 249.d10-e10 b16-b10 250.e10-f9 b10-c10 251.c9-e8 g10-h8 252.f9-g8 j9-j8 253.g7-f9 c10-b10 254.f9-h8 f7-h8 255.e7-f9 h10-h9 256.g8-g7 h8-f9 257.g7-f6 g9-g8 258.a2-d2 k12-k11 259.d5-d6 k11-k10 260.e4-e5 j10-j9 261.e8-g7 f9-d8 262.e5-e6 b10-f10 263.f6-e7 h9-h8 264.g7-h5 f10-f8 265.d2-c2 d8-f9 266.e7-d7 f8-d8 267.d7-c7 g8-g7 268.c2-a2 d8-d9 269.h5-f4 f9-d10 270.d6-d7 1-0 This big chess game has been lost on time (started : 2022.11.23 16:47:0) Thibault de Vassal Bien désolé de remporter cette partie au temps... c'était intéressant et encore bien loin d'être gagné :-/ Follow this game move after move ![]() Why must I lose to this idiot ? (Aron Nimzovich) Du musst Deinen Gegner in einen tiefen dunklen Wald führen wo 2+2=5 ist und wo der Weg, der wieder hinausführt, nur breit genug für einen ist. (Mikhail Nekhemyevich Tal) Cuando estes solo, cuando te sientas un extraño en el mundo, juega al Ajedrez. Esto levantará tu espiritu y será tu consejero de guerra. (Aristóteles) Il (Jacob Murray) ne joue pas pour le bon coup, mais pour le meilleur. (Eloi Relange) First of all, we have to go back to the classical time control. (Anatoly Karpov)
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