Big chess - Game 139112

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P. Brand Lyard, 2041
B. Price, 1826


See game 147745

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000015       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 139112  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2024 March 18   10:2:41

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2022.11.23"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Legrand,Stephane"]
[Black "Kruse,Herbert"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2312"]
[BlackElo "2220"]

1.m2-m4 j15-k13 2.p1-o3 h16-o10 3.h2-g4 m15-m13 4.b1-c3 l16-p12 5.k1-h2 e15-e13 6.e2-e4 f16-b12 7.f1-b5 d15-d14 8.l1-p5 c16-l8 9.n2-n3 n15-n13 10.o1-f9 g16-j15 11.d2-d4 o16-f8 12.c1-l9 b16-c14 13.g1-f3 p16-o14 14.j2-k4 m16-m14 15.h1-m5 l8-k7 16.m5-g5 h15-g13 17.m4-m5 k16-h15 18.m1-m4 e16-e14 19.q1-m1 e14-f14 20.f3-e5 q16-m16 21.e1-e3 a16-e16 22.e3-f3 m14-l14 23.m4-l4 m16-m14 24.m1-m4 o10-j10 25.k4-l6 j10-d10 26.a1-d1 l14-l12 27.j1-j2 f14-f12 28.h2-k3 f12-g12 29.g5-f6 f8-g7 30.f6-f5 m14-l14 31.l9-m8 g12-f12 32.f5-k9 k7-l8 33.k9-k8 q15-q14 34.f9-g8 l12-k12 35.k8-n11 k12-n12 36.n11-p9 f12-f3 37.e5-f3 g7-m12 38.p9-b9 e13-e12 39.b5-c4 k13-l11 40.m8-j5 d10-d12 41.p5-m8 a15-a13 42.m8-k6 d12-f14 43.l6-j7 l8-o11 44.c4-e6 n12-n10 45.e6-d7 l14-l13 46.j5-b12 a13-b12 47.k6-h4 e16-a16 48.h4-e7 l13-j13 49.j7-g6 f14-e13 50.l4-j4 j13-j4 51.m4-j4 e13-m6 52.g4-e5 m6-m5 53.b9-g9 l15-l13 54.g8-h9 m5-m8 55.e7-h4 m8-b8 56.h9-b3 n10-p10 57.p2-p3 b8-c7 58.d1-m1 c7-f10 59.g9-o9 p10-p9 60.o9-o8 f10-e9 61.j4-o4 p9-m9 62.m1-m9 o11-m9 63.h4-j5 e9-l9 64.o3-m4 j15-k13 65.o8-d8 j16-j15 66.c3-e2 l9-l8 67.d8-b10 f15-f14 68.q2-q4 l8-l10 69.b10-e7 m9-h5 70.d7-f5 l10-g10 71.e2-f4 h5-l8 72.g6-j7 l8-h11 73.f4-g6 g10-b5 74.c2-c4 b5-e8 75.e7-c7 h15-j13 76.m4-l6 e8-e10 77.g6-h4 l11-j12 78.j5-g7 m12-g7 79.c7-g7 e10-k10 80.g7-h7 n13-n12 81.e5-f7 k10-h10 82.h7-b13 a16-a15 83.f7-g5 h11-g12 84.c4-c5 h10-e10 85.b13-d13 g12-e14 86.d13-d8 a15-a11 87.f5-h7 e10-e11 88.h7-g8 k13-l11 89.d8-d9 e14-g12 90.d9-p9 q14-q13 91.g8-j6 l11-k13 92.j6-g8 e11-n11 93.p9-j9 n11-l11 94.j9-k8 l11-n11 95.k8-h8 k13-m12 96.g8-j6 n11-l11 97.h8-h5 g12-f11 98.j6-p12 q13-p12 99.k3-m4 l11-l9 100.h5-j6 a11-d11 101.j6-k6 l9-q9 102.k2-k3 f11-g12 103.l6-n7 d11-o11 104.n7-o5 q9-l9 105.j7-l6 g12-f11 106.p3-p4 o11-q11 107.j2-k2 l9-a9 108.k6-j6 a9-a14 109.j6-h6 a14-a6 110.h6-p13 m12-n14 111.p13-m10 a6-e2 112.m10-a10 q11-q16 113.o5-n7 e2-b2 114.n7-o9 b2-f2 115.o9-n11 l13-l12 116.n11-o13 o14-q13 117.o13-n11 q13-o14 118.n11-o13 p15-p13 119.o13-m14 n14-o12 120.m14-o15 q16-q4 121.g5-j4 f2-f1 122.f3-h2 f1-g1 123.h2-k1 q4-q1 124.j4-h2 g1-d4 125.a10-g16 d4-c5 126.g16-g15 j13-h15 127.o15-p13 o14-q13 128.g15-g16 h15-k16 129.g16-g15 k16-h15 130.g15-g16 c5-n15 131.g16-p16 j12-l13 132.o4-o5 q13-o14 133.p16-c16 o14-q13 134.c16-p16 l13-m11 135.o5-a5 h15-k16 136.a5-a16 g13-h15 137.b3-j10 c14-d12 138.j10-l8 q13-o14 139.p16-l16 q1-q13 140.p13-o15 n15-o15 141.l16-m16 j14-j13 142.m16-m14 q13-q9 143.m14-c5 c15-c14 144.c5-c12 c14-c13 145.c12-d13 q9-l9 146.l8-o5 o15-m15 147.d13-d14 m15-c6 148.a16-c16 l9-c9 149.c16-c15 d12-b13 150.c15-h15 k16-h15 151.d14-d15 b13-d12 152.o5-h11 c6-e4 153.d15-b15 m11-k12 154.h11-k13 f11-j14 155.k13-g10 f14-f13 156.b15-e15 e4-l10 157.g10-b5 l10-l9 158.e15-c15 l9-p5 159.c15-k8 p5-b5 160.k8-o12 b5-l14 161.o12-o10 l14-k14 162.o10-d10 c9-c10 163.d10-g7 j14-g12 164.o2-o3 k14-o10 165.n3-n4 p12-p11 166.a2-a3 o14-m15 167.g7-j7 m15-k14 168.j7-g7 p11-p10 169.g7-f7 o10-h10 170.a3-a4 h10-g10 171.a4-a5 g10-f10 172.f7-h5 c10-a10 173.h5-c5 d12-e14 174.c5-c12 h15-g13 175.c12-d13 a10-a5 176.d13-d15 k14-h15 177.d15-d4 a5-a6 178.d4-m12 h15-k14 179.m12-q16 g12-f11 0-1

This big chess game has been lost on time   (started : 2022.11.23  16:47:0)

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Personally, I rather look forward to a computer program winning the world Chess Championship. Humanity needs a lesson in humility. (Richard Dawkings)

Ich würde mich als ganz normalen Jungen bezeichnen [Im Alter von 12]. (Sergej Karjakin)

¿Quién es tu oponente esta tarde? Esta tarde mi oponente son las piezas negras. (Akiba Rubinstein)

Les Cavaliers se révèlent fort utiles dans les positions fermées. D'habitude, les Fous sont un peu plus forts que les Cavaliers dans les positions ouvertes. Qu'on le veuille ou non, il restera toujours des exceptions !

You lose, general Kenobi. (General Grievous in Star Wars ep.3)

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