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Correspondence chess 1224 Advanced chess 1671 ![]() Last move : 0-1 2011 January 30 11:41:26 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_D__000153"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2010.07.02"] [Round "1"] [White "Roncagliolo,Marco"] [Black "Kohut,Gregory"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1596"] [BlackElo "1592"] 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.dxc5 Bxc5 6.Ngf3 Nf6 7.Bc4 Qc6 8.O-O O-O 9.Bb3 Qc7 10.c3 Nc6 11.Re1 h6 12.Ne4 Nxe4 13.Rxe4 Rd8 14.Qf1 b6 15.Bf4 Bd6 16.Bxd6 Rxd6 17.Rd1 Bb7 18.R4e1 Rad8 19.Rxd6 Qxd6 20.Rd1 Qc7 21.Rxd8+ Qxd8 22.Qd1 Qxd1+ 23.Bxd1 Kf8 24.Kf1 Ke7 25.Ke1 e5 26.Bb3 f6 27.Kd2 Na5 28.Bd1 Bd5 29.b3 Nc6 30.c4 Bf7 31.a3 f5 32.Ne1 e4 33.Nc2 Kd6 34.Ne3 g6 35.Kc3 Be6 36.b4 Ke5 37.Ba4 Ne7 38.Bb5 f4 39.Nd1 Bf7 40.Ba4 g5 41.Bd7 Bh5 0-1 This is the last move in a Chess game played by M. Roncagliolo. The 50 games most recently played are : 45319 44452 43611 43603 46568 46830 43598 44451 48756 46832 46823 46561 48761 46831 45786 44048 49217 44051 44049 49269 49267 49262 44711 49216 49215 43522 49292 49214 45784 49213 49270 49257 49285 49296 49280 49268 49295 49289 49212 45787 46550 48642 48752 47157 43533 45317 44052 44708 45789 48762 Statistics for rated correspondence chess games : Running : 0 Won : 49 Lost : 77 Draw : 6 Elo average opponents : 1577 Results : 39 % With white : 38 % With black : 40 % Title norms :
Marco Roncagliolo has currently 0 running correspondence chess game(s), won 49, lost 77 and drawn 6 other games against an average elo of 1577, played advanced chess at fast time controls, now 0 running, 1 won, 2 lost, 0 drawn, played big chess, now 0 running, 4 won, 2 lost, 0 drawn, played Go (weiqi, baduk), now 0 running, 21 won, 37 lost, and played poker texas holdem, now 0 running, 29 won, 103 lost, finally Marco finished a total of 331 games and is not playing any game right now. Please register or login to see the complete list of tournaments played by Marco. Roncagliolo. Correspondence chess statistics : vs. Francois Jacobs (1179) : 0% (7 games, 0 wins, 7 losses) vs. Angelo Piantadosi (1455) : 16% (6 games, 1 wins, 5 losses) vs. Eric Price (1731) : 0% (5 games, 0 wins, 5 losses) vs. Gregory Kohut (1783) : 0% (3 games, 0 wins, 3 losses) vs. Slawomir Klarzynski (1698) : 0% (3 games, 0 wins, 3 losses) vs. David Ward (2189) : 0% (3 games, 0 wins, 3 losses) vs. Hao Nhien Nguyen (1150) : 50% (3 games, 1 wins, 1 losses) vs. Mark Davis (1127) : 33% (3 games, 1 wins, 2 losses) vs. Brittany Smith (1210) : 66% (3 games, 2 wins, 1 losses) vs. Graham Cridland (1543) : 0% (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses) Go (weiqi, baduk) statistics : vs. Paul Konig (0000) : 100% (4 games, 4 wins, 0 losses) vs. Phil Cook (0683) : 0% (3 games, 0 wins, 3 losses) vs. John Maddin (0349) : 0% (3 games, 0 wins, 3 losses) vs. Herdiansyah Herman (0180) : 33% (3 games, 1 wins, 2 losses) vs. Peter Korossy (1263) : 0% (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses) vs. Martin Wyngaarden (0863) : 0% (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses) vs. Alfonso Di Giandomenico (0813) : 0% (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses) vs. Laurine Segur (1019) : 0% (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses) vs. Dona Nez (0000) : 0% (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses) vs. Ranganathan Raman (0331) : 50% (2 games, 1 wins, 1 losses) Poker holdem : vs. Findlay Murray (1834) : 30% (10 games, 3 wins, 7 losses) vs. Heinz-Georg Lehnhoff (2127) : 0% (7 games, 0 wins, 7 losses) vs. Dona Nez (1544) : 0% (6 games, 0 wins, 6 losses) vs. Anderson Barradas (1776) : 20% (5 games, 1 wins, 4 losses) vs. Ranganathan Raman (1516) : 20% (5 games, 1 wins, 4 losses) vs. Helmut Kreindl (2006) : 0% (4 games, 0 wins, 4 losses) vs. Rolf Staggat (2216) : 0% (4 games, 0 wins, 4 losses) vs. Stephane Rouillard (1640) : 25% (4 games, 1 wins, 3 losses) vs. Robert Csoma (2053) : 75% (4 games, 3 wins, 1 losses) vs. Christian Koch (1985) : 0% (3 games, 0 wins, 3 losses) Last connection : 2010 November 26 Correspondence chess rating history, from most recent to older ones : No change this year, chess elo : 1224 Member # 5004 Birthdate : 1957 May 11 A few other games played recently by Marco Roncagliolo Last move : 1-0 2011 January 29 11:38:55 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_D__000152"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2010.06.24"] [Round "1"] [White "Smith,Brittany"] [Black "Roncagliolo,Marco"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1400"] [BlackElo "1492"] 1.d4 Nf6 2.c3 g6 3.Nf3 Bg7 4.Be3 O-O 5.g3 d5 6.Bg2 Nbd7 7.O-O Ng4 8.Qd2 Nxe3 9.Qxe3 Nf6 10.Na3 Ng4 11.Qf4 Bh6 12.Qxg4 Bxg4 13.Nd2 Bxe2 14.Rfe1 Bxd2 15.Red1 Bxd1 16.Kf1 Bg4 17.Nc2 c6 18.Rb1 Bf5 19.Na3 Bxb1 20.Ke2 Bh6 21.Nc2 1-0 Last move : 1-0 2011 January 27 23:35:0 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_D__000150"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2010.05.25"] [Round "1"] [White "Kohut,Gregory"] [Black "Roncagliolo,Marco"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1574"] [BlackElo "1492"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 6.Bxc6 dxc6 7.Nc3 Nd7 8.d4 exd4 9.Qxd4 O-O 10.Rd1 Nf6 11.Qxd8 Rxd8 12.Rxd8+ Bxd8 13.Bf4 Nh5 14.Be3 Nf6 15.h3 h6 16.Bf4 Ne8 17.Rd1 Be6 18.Nd4 Nd6 19.Nxe6 fxe6 20.Bxd6 cxd6 21.Rxd6 Bf6 22.Rxe6 Kf7 23.Rd6 Rd8 24.Rxd8 Bxd8 25.Kf1 Ke6 26.Ke2 Bb6 27.f4 Bd4 28.Nd1 Ba7 29.Nf2 Bd4 30.Nd3 Ba7 31.g4 g6 32.Kf3 Bd4 33.h4 Ba7 34.e5 1-0 Last move : 1-0 2011 January 27 23:35:0 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_D__000150"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2010.05.25"] [Round "1"] [White "Davis,Mark"] [Black "Roncagliolo,Marco"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1406"] [BlackElo "1492"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.d3 h6 6.h3 O-O 7.O-O a6 8.Bd2 b5 9.Bb3 d6 10.a3 Ne7 11.Nd5 Nfxd5 12.exd5 Kh8 13.c4 f5 14.Rc1 e4 15.dxe4 fxe4 16.Ne1 Nf5 17.Bc3 e3 18.fxe3 Nxe3 19.Rxf8+ Qxf8 20.Qf3 Qxf3 21.Nxf3 Nxc4 22.Kh1 Ne3 23.Kh2 Bb7 24.Re1 Rf8 25.Kg3 Nf5+ 26.Kh2 Ne3 27.Ng5 hxg5 28.Bd2 Nxd5 29.Bxg5 Nf6 30.Re7 Bb6 31.h4 Bc8 32.Bxf6 gxf6 33.Bc2 f5 34.h5 Bb7 35.h6 Bd5 36.g4 fxg4 37.Kg3 Bf7 38.Kxg4 d5 39.h7 Kg7 40.b4 Kf6 41.Re1 Kg7 42.Rh1 c5 43.bxc5 Bxc5 44.Bf5 d4 45.Kf4 Bxa3 46.Ke4 Kh8 47.Kxd4 Be7 48.Be4 a5 49.Kc3 b4+ 50.Kb2 a4 51.Rg1 1-0 Last move : 1-0 2011 January 27 23:35:0 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_D__000154"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2010.07.27"] [Round "1"] [White "Jacobs,Francois"] [Black "Roncagliolo,Marco"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1456"] [BlackElo "1596"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 O-O 8.c3 d6 9.h3 Nb8 10.d4 Nbd7 11.Bc2 c5 12.d5 Re8 13.Nbd2 Bf8 14.Nf1 g6 15.Ng3 Bg7 16.Be3 Nb6 17.b3 Bb7 18.Qe2 Rc8 19.a4 c4 20.a5 Nbd7 21.b4 Nf8 22.Qd2 N6d7 23.Rad1 h5 24.Kh1 Nh7 25.Rg1 Ndf8 26.Nf1 Rc7 27.Bb6 Nd7 28.Be3 Qa8 29.Nh4 Ndf6 30.f3 Rd7 31.Nh2 Qd8 32.g4 hxg4 33.fxg4 Nxe4 34.Bxe4 Qxh4 35.Qg2 Nf6 36.Nf3 Qh8 37.Ng5 Bh6 38.Kh2 Bg7 39.Rh1 Bc8 40.Rdf1 Rb7 41.Kg1 Nxe4 42.Nxe4 Rd7 43.Bg5 Bb7 44.Qd2 Rf8 45.Nf6+ Bxf6 46.Bxf6 1-0
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