Big chess - Game 99156

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Game result  (chess)

H. Pechova, 2143
S. Cade, 2312


See game 146521

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WORLD_CHAMPIONSHIP__000010       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 99156  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2018 August 31   22:52:1

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2017.07.21"]
[Round "1"]
[White "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[Black "Legrand,Stephane"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2138"]
[BlackElo "2307"]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h2-g4 p16-o14 3.h1-l4 j15-k13 4.e2-e4 m15-m13 5.m2-m4 b16-c14 6.f1-b5 k16-l14 7.p1-o3 l16-p12 8.k1-h2 e15-e13 9.l1-p5 n15-n14 10.b1-c3 f16-b12 11.g1-j2 o16-f8 12.d2-d3 d15-d14 13.c1-l9 h16-o10 14.n2-n3 c16-l8 15.l9-m8 o10-n11 16.m8-l9 n11-n10 17.m1-m3 m13-m12 18.m3-l3 m16-m13 19.l4-k5 g16-j15 20.e1-e3 m12-m11 21.e3-f3 m11-m10 22.l9-o6 q16-m16 23.k5-d5 e13-e12 24.o1-f9 e16-e13 25.l3-l7 a16-e16 26.q1-m1 n10-n6 27.q2-q3 g13-f11 28.f9-l4 n6-k6 29.k4-m5 k6-k8 30.o6-n5 k8-k12 31.l7-l5 m10-m9 32.n5-e13 e16-e13 33.j2-k4 m13-l13 34.m1-m3 f8-g9 35.l5-k5 k12-j13 36.l4-k3 l8-j10 37.k3-f7 j10-o5 38.m3-m1 m16-m11 39.f7-j4 m9-m8 40.k5-f5 o5-l8 41.k2-k3 g9-e7 42.j1-j2 b12-a11 43.d5-a8 j15-g14 44.f5-j5 j13-e9 45.f3-f9 e9-c11 46.a8-c10 c11-a13 47.c10-a12 a13-c11 48.a12-c10 c11-a13 49.f9-f5 k13-h12 50.c10-b11 a11-b12 51.j5-l5 l8-e14 52.b11-e8 e7-g9 53.l5-l13 g9-l13 54.p5-m8 m11-l11 55.m8-j5 b12-j5 56.f5-j5 l11-p11 57.m5-o4 l13-m14 58.o3-n5 f11-d10 59.e8-e5 a13-b12 60.a2-a4 j16-h15 61.q3-q4 e13-l13 62.p2-p4 d14-d13 63.o4-m5 d10-f11 64.a1-e1 p11-l11 65.e1-e3 m14-n13 66.e5-e7 b12-b8 67.e3-f3 b8-m8 68.q4-q5 n13-p11 69.j5-k5 g14-j13 70.f3-f5 a15-a13 71.e7-j7 f11-e13 72.k5-l5 p11-q10 73.l5-l11 l13-l11 74.f5-g5 h12-g14 75.o2-o4 o14-m13 76.g5-g6 q10-o12 77.j7-b7 c14-b12 78.c3-d5 e14-g12 79.b7-a7 b15-b14 80.c2-c3 g12-f11 81.j4-l6 q15-q13 82.l6-f11 e13-f11 83.m1-m3 o12-q10 84.a7-b6 m8-j8 85.b5-g10 j8-j10 86.j2-k2 p12-o13 87.g6-g7 q10-n13 88.g7-g5 n13-o12 89.g4-h6 j10-h10 90.g10-f11 l11-f11 91.h2-g4 j13-h11 92.m3-l3 h11-j9 93.l3-l7 j9-h7 94.g5-k5 g14-j13 95.k5-k7 l14-k12 96.b6-c7 h7-f8 97.c7-g7 o15-o14 98.g7-k10 h10-h11 99.k10-d16 f8-h7 100.d16-c15 o12-k8 101.k7-k8 h7-k8 102.c15-k8 h11-a4 103.k8-b8 a4-d1 104.b8-g3 d1-b3 105.l7-f7 f11-f7 106.h6-f7 b3-b2 107.g3-k6 b12-d11 108.k6-p6 o13-l10 109.p6-p15 l10-k11 110.f7-e5 k12-m11 111.p15-p8 m11-o12 112.p8-l8 b2-b11 113.l8-f13 k11-g14 114.f13-f7 b11-b12 115.q5-q6 a13-a12 116.f7-a7 b14-b13 117.a7-a10 b12-c13 118.p4-p5 d11-c9 119.a10-c8 c13-c12 120.c3-c4 a12-a11 121.d3-d4 b13-b12 122.d5-c7 g14-h13 123.c8-b8 b12-b11 124.c4-c5 b11-b10 125.c5-c6 c12-c10 126.b8-b9 c10-d10 127.d4-d5 a11-a10 128.b9-b8 d10-c10 129.b8-d8 c9-d11 130.c7-e6 j13-g14 131.e6-c5 g14-f12 132.e5-d7 a10-a9 133.n5-l6 f12-e10 134.d8-l8 d11-c9 135.l8-f13 h13-g14 136.f13-d13 c9-d7 137.d13-d7 e10-c9 138.d7-c7 c10-b9 139.k2-j2 b9-b4 140.c7-e7 e12-e11 141.l6-j5 e11-e10 142.j5-g6 b4-b1 143.g6-f8 g14-h13 144.f8-d7 c9-d7 145.c5-d7 a9-a8 146.c6-c7 a8-a7 147.d7-b8 a7-a6 148.b8-a6 b1-f1 149.a6-b8 f1-g2 150.j2-j1 b10-b9 151.e7-e6 h15-j15 152.e6-b9 g2-e4 153.b9-d7 e10-e9 154.d5-d6 n14-n13 155.b8-d9 e4-b7 156.d9-e7 m13-k14 157.d7-d12 k14-j16 158.d12-d10 e9-e8 159.c7-c8 g15-g13 160.g4-f6 b7-b5 161.f6-g8 b5-f1 162.j1-k2 f1-f2 163.k2-l3 j16-g15 164.g8-f10 f2-g1 165.f10-e8 g1-j3 166.e8-f10 g15-e14 167.c8-c9 j3-j8 168.c9-c10 o12-m11 169.c10-c11 m11-l9 170.e7-d9 l9-k7 171.d10-f8 j8-l10 172.l3-m2 k7-m6 173.m5-l3 m6-o5 174.k4-m5 o5-p3 175.m2-n1 h13-e10 176.n1-m2 l10-b1 177.l3-m1 p3-n4 178.m2-n1 b1-h7 179.l2-l4 h7-h3 180.f8-k8 h3-k1 181.m5-o6 n4-l3 182.n1-m2 l3-m1 183.o6-m5 m1-k2 184.m2-l3 k1-l1 185.l3-k4 l1-j1 186.k4-l5 j1-d6 187.k8-q8 l15-l13 188.l5-k4 d6-h6 189.k4-j3 k2-h1 190.j3-j2 e10-j6 191.q8-l13 j15-h15 192.l13-k14 j6-g4 193.j2-j1 h6-h4 194.k14-k15 h15-h16 195.k15-k5 h4-j3 196.j1-h1 g4-f3 0-1

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Chess is a matter of delicate judgment, knowing when to punch and how to duck. (Bobby Fischer)

Das Schach ist nichts für kleine Geister, es beansprucht einen vollen Mann, der sich nicht sklavisch an das Überlieferte hält, sondern selbständig die Tiefen des Spiels zu ergründen sucht. (Wilhelm Steinitz)

Yo siempre he tenido un ligero sentimiento de lástima por una persona que no tiene conocimiento del Ajedrez. (Siegbert Tarrasch)

La vie est comme un jeu d'échecs : nous esquissons un plan, mais celui-ci est tributaire de ce que daignent faire l'adversaire aux échecs et le destin dans la vie. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Players are not good because they find tactics, it is about the way to find the positions in which those tactics are hidden. (Luc-Olivier Leclerc)

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