Big chess - Game 9819

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Game result  (chess)

T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000005       See crosstable
(type : unrated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

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a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2007 May 24   0:32:41

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2007.04.08"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Willoughby,Peter"]
[Black "Lehnhoff,Heinz-Georg"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo ""]
[BlackElo ""]

1.n2-n4 j15-k13 2.p1-o3 d15-d13 3.o1-d11 e15-e13 4.m2-m4 b16-c14 5.e2-e4 e13-e12 6.d11-a8 m15-m13 7.g2-g3 n15-n13 8.d2-d4 p16-o14 9.b1-c3 l16-p12 10.g1-f3 h16-q8 11.a8-d5 c16-l8 12.e4-e5 q8-p9 13.o3-p5 o16-j11 14.q2-q4 e16-e13 15.o2-o4 m16-m14 16.l1-n3 m14-k14 17.f1-e2 k13-m12 18.j2-k4 f16-b12 19.a2-a4 a16-e16 20.g3-g4 e13-j13 21.b2-b4 j11-b4 22.c1-d2 p9-k4 23.h2-k3 k4-l4 24.a1-b1 b4-f8 25.m1-l1 e16-e13 26.k1-m2 l4-l7 27.c3-e4 f8-e9 28.l2-l3 e13-h13 29.f3-h4 q16-m16 30.k3-l5 l7-h4 31.m2-k3 h4-d8 32.e4-f6 e9-l3 33.l1-l3 b12-l3 34.k2-l3 j13-j3 35.j1-k2 h13-h3 36.h1-m1 d8-j8 37.e1-j1 h3-h2 38.k2-l1 h2-f2 39.d5-f3 j3-j2 40.j1-j2 j8-j2 41.b1-j1 j2-k2 0-1

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Not only will I predict his triumph over Botvinnik, but I'll go further and say that he'll probably be the greatest Chess player that ever lived. (John Collins)

Der beste Spieler in einem Turnier gewinnt es nie. Er landet auf Platz zwei oder drei. (Siegbert Tarrasch)

Buenas posiciones no logran ganar juegos, buenas movidas sí. (Gerald Abrahams)

Même si vous avez un bon coup à faire, regardez toujours s'il n'y en a pas un qui lui soit préférable. (Pedro Damiano)

CHESS, n. f. [echecs, Fr.] A nice and abstruse game, in which two sets of puppets are moved in opposition to each other. (Dr Samuel Johnson, A Dictionary Of The English Language, 1755)

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