Big chess - Game 96691

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H. Kruse, 2396
J. Kachibacha, 2126


See game 146206

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT_B__000009       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 96691  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2017 April 9   10:8:30

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2017.02.21"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Pipac,Darko"]
[Black "Drozdovas,Arturas"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1627"]
[BlackElo "1717"]

1.h2-g4 j15-k13 2.j2-k4 h16-o10 3.m2-m4 p16-o14 4.g1-f3 m15-m13 5.k1-l3 l16-o13 6.e2-e4 d15-d13 7.d2-d4 c16-f13 8.h1-k3 b16-d15 9.k3-b11 d15-b14 10.b11-n11 o10-n11 11.c1-n11 m13-m12 12.n11-k8 e15-e13 13.c2-c3 g16-f14 14.b1-d2 f14-h13 15.f1-c4 n15-n14 16.n2-n4 f16-c13 17.l1-o4 f15-f14 18.j1-j2 o16-g9 19.p1-o3 k16-l14 20.o1-f9 k13-l11 21.l3-m5 l11-j10 22.k8-l7 j10-h8 23.f9-g8 o14-n12 24.l7-k6 n12-l11 25.l2-l3 l11-k9 26.g8-h7 l14-n15 27.o4-j9 h8-g10 28.k6-g9 c13-g9 29.j9-e5 k9-l11 30.o3-n5 o13-h7 31.n5-l6 h7-o13 32.m1-m3 h15-j13 33.m3-o3 g9-e11 34.g4-j5 b14-c12 35.e1-n1 e16-e14 36.n1-n3 e14-b14 37.b2-b3 a16-d16 38.e5-c7 e11-b8 39.c7-b8 b14-b8 40.e4-e5 d16-d14 41.m5-k6 d14-b14 42.q1-e1 b8-d8 43.k6-h7 b14-b8 44.k4-j6 d8-o8 45.j6-k8 o8-o3 46.n3-o3 n15-m13 47.f3-g5 h13-j11 48.d2-f3 o13-p14 49.e1-e4 f13-g14 50.n4-n5 g14-k11 51.c4-k11 j13-k11 52.e4-f4 k11-j9 53.f4-f11 j9-h7 54.g5-h7 m13-k12 55.f3-g5 e13-e12 56.f11-f13 c12-e11 57.f13-l13 k12-m13 58.o3-o8 k15-k14 59.l13-l14 j16-k15 60.l14-n14 o15-n14 61.c3-c4 j11-l10 62.o2-o4 l10-k8 63.h7-k8 g10-j11 64.g5-h7 j11-l10 65.d4-d5 e11-g12 66.e5-e6 l10-k8 67.o8-k8 b8-k8 68.l6-k8 q16-o16 69.p2-p3 o16-o10 70.a1-e1 m16-o16 71.e1-e5 o10-q10 72.o4-o5 o16-o5 73.h7-j9 q10-q2 74.e5-f5 p14-f5 75.a2-a3 o5-o2 76.j5-l4 f5-j8 77.k8-l10 j8-m5 78.j2-k3 o2-k2 0-1

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I have added these principles to the law: get the Knights into action before both Bishops are developed. (Emanuel Lasker)

Im Schach gewinnt jeder. Hat man Freunde am Spiel - und das ist die Hauptsache - ist auch der Verlust einer Partie kein Unglück. (David Bronstein)

Fischer no está bajo la obligación de nadie. (Joseph Platz)

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Wikichess, chess moves explained by 'experimented' players. (Thibault de Vassal)

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