Big chess - Game 96685

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E. Cruz Ramirez, 2096
J. Talek, 1853


See game 146977

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(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

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a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2018 January 6   19:10:47

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2017.02.21"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Krug,Evgeny"]
[Black "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1568"]
[BlackElo "1694"]

1.j3-j4 m15-m13 2.k2-k4 e15-e13 3.l2-l3 j15-k13 4.m2-m3 h16-o10 5.g2-g3 o10-o2 6.p1-o3 o2-f10 7.h1-f3 f10-f3 8.g1-f3 f16-c13 9.d2-d3 d15-d13 10.p2-p3 c16-l8 11.e2-e4 e16-e14 12.l1-o4 b16-c14 13.o1-p2 l16-p12 14.g3-g4 e14-g14 15.c1-k8 n15-n13 16.o3-m4 c13-h8 17.c2-c3 g16-f14 18.k1-j3 o16-e7 19.j3-h5 a15-a13 20.e4-e5 a16-a14 21.d3-d4 a14-b14 22.b2-b4 p16-o14 23.f1-d3 k16-l14 24.f3-h4 l8-k7 25.p2-k7 p12-k7 26.n2-n4 m16-m14 27.f2-f4 e7-d8 28.b1-d2 g14-g10 29.d2-f3 b14-b9 30.f3-g5 d8-h12 31.m4-k5 o14-n12 32.h2-f3 h15-g13 33.q1-o1 m14-q14 34.q2-q4 q14-q8 35.a2-a3 q16-n16 36.k8-n5 q8-p8 37.c3-c4 n16-n14 38.j1-k2 n14-o14 39.c4-c5 f14-h13 40.d3-f5 b9-m9 41.k2-l2 o14-o11 42.d4-d5 f15-f14 43.n5-m4 h8-m4 44.k5-m4 c14-d12 45.d5-d6 g13-e12 46.f5-h7 l14-k12 47.h7-j6 k7-j6 48.h4-j6 h12-g11 49.o4-g11 o11-o1 50.m1-o1 h13-g11 51.o1-o3 g10-o10 52.e1-o1 m9-m10 53.m4-o5 p8-o8 54.h5-k6 n12-p11 55.k6-l4 k12-m11 56.f3-h4 m11-n9 57.l4-m2 g11-j10 58.o5-m4 o8-o3 59.m2-o3 m10-m11 60.o3-p5 m11-o11 61.o1-o10 o11-o10 62.m4-o5 o15-o13 63.h4-k5 b15-b13 64.j2-h4 a13-a12 65.e5-e6 k13-h12 66.f4-f5 n9-l8 67.e6-e7 c15-c13 68.g5-e6 b13-b12 69.f5-f6 a12-a11 70.l3-l4 a11-a10 71.g4-g5 g15-g13 72.b4-b5 e12-f10 73.a3-a4 c13-c12 74.j6-g7 j10-h8 75.h4-j6 h12-j10 76.j6-h8 j10-h8 77.h3-h4 p11-n10 78.l2-l3 n10-m8 79.a1-o1 l8-k6 80.j4-j5 k6-h7 81.o1-o3 b12-b11 82.o5-m6 o10-o3 83.p5-o3 h8-g6 84.j5-j6 h7-g9 85.h4-h5 g6-e5 86.k5-h6 f10-e8 87.g7-e8 g9-e8 88.h6-f5 d12-e10 89.m6-k5 e10-c9 90.c5-c6 c9-a8 91.d6-d7 e8-c7 92.e6-c7 a8-c7 93.k5-j7 c7-d5 94.f5-d4 e5-f7 95.g5-g6 f7-d6 96.j7-g8 d5-c3 97.a4-a5 c3-b5 98.d4-b5 d6-b5 99.e7-e8 m8-k9 100.f6-f7 b5-d4 101.g8-e7 k9-j7 102.h5-h6 j7-h5 103.o3-m4 h5-f4 104.m4-k5 f4-d3 105.k5-h4 d3-e5 106.h4-f5 d4-c6 107.e7-c6 e5-c6 108.a5-a6 c6-e5 0-1

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At this time Fischer is simply a level above all the best Chessplayers in the world. (John Jacobs)

Schach ist ein Kampf gegen den Fehler. (Johannes Herrman Zukertort)

Dios mío, Bobby Fischer juega tan simple. (Alexei Suetin)

Psychologiquement, tu dois avoir confiance en toi même, mais cette confiance doit être basée sur des faits. (Robert Fischer)

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift; the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant but has forgotten the gift. (Albert Einstein)

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