Big chess - Game 91958

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D. Faust, 2069
B. Ozen, 2251


See game 147215

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000009       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 91958  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2017 March 24   23:5:27

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2016.03.02"]
[Round "1"]
[White "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[Black "Skwarczylo,Marek"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2137"]
[BlackElo "2107"]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h2-g4 p16-o14 3.m2-m4 j15-k13 4.e2-e4 h16-o10 5.h1-q9 m15-m13 6.p1-o3 b16-c14 7.l1-p5 k16-h15 8.b1-c3 l16-p12 9.k1-h2 e15-e13 10.f1-b5 g16-j15 11.n2-n3 f16-b12 12.g1-j2 n15-n14 13.o1-f9 d15-d14 14.d2-d3 o16-f8 15.c1-l9 c16-l8 16.e1-e3 o10-j10 17.q9-k3 e16-e14 18.k3-j4 j10-b10 19.e3-f3 a16-e16 20.a2-a4 m16-m14 21.m1-m3 b10-j10 22.j4-j10 l8-j10 23.m3-l3 m14-l14 24.q1-m1 q16-m16 25.l3-l5 e14-f14 26.m1-m3 f14-f12 27.l5-f5 f8-d10 28.m3-l3 e16-e14 29.l3-l6 q15-q13 30.f9-j6 e14-f14 31.f5-f12 f14-f12 32.f3-f12 d10-f12 33.a1-e1 p12-j6 34.k4-j6 l14-l12 35.j2-k4 j10-h9 36.l6-p6 o14-p12 37.l9-h6 b12-h6 38.g4-h6 l12-o12 39.p6-o6 o12-o6 40.p5-o6 m16-m14 41.e1-e3 m14-l14 42.e3-f3 c14-d12 43.h2-g4 l14-l8 44.q2-q4 l8-o8 45.o6-p5 a15-a13 46.c3-d5 b15-b13 47.f3-f5 a13-a12 48.j6-g7 h9-d13 49.c2-c4 b13-b12 50.b2-b4 a12-a11 51.a4-a5 c15-c13 52.b5-f9 l15-l14 53.a5-a6 f15-f14 54.b4-b5 n14-n13 55.l2-l4 j15-h13 56.f9-k5 o15-o13 57.g7-j6 n13-n12 58.k5-m7 o13-o12 59.f5-o5 o8-o5 60.m7-o5 h15-j13 61.d5-e7 p15-p13 62.g4-f6 p12-o10 63.o3-n5 o12-o11 64.k4-l6 p13-p12 65.p2-p4 q13-q12 66.o2-o4 p12-p11 67.q4-q5 h13-k12 68.b5-b6 q12-q11 69.d3-d4 q11-q10 70.c4-c5 p11-p10 71.a6-a7 q10-q9 72.d4-d5 k12-m11 73.a7-a8 o10-n8 74.l4-l5 n8-p7 75.o5-k9 m11-o10 76.b6-b7 f12-a7 77.f6-d7 d13-a10 78.k9-f5 a7-f12 79.c5-c6 p7-n6 80.p5-l9 o10-n8 81.l9-k8 f12-k8 82.l6-k8 n8-o6 83.j6-k4 n6-l7 84.q5-q6 j13-k11 85.d7-f8 a10-f5 86.e7-f5 k11-m10 87.f8-g10 o6-m5 88.k4-m5 l7-m5 89.n5-l4 m10-l8 90.h6-k7 l8-n7 91.k7-m6 k13-l11 92.p4-p5 l11-n10 93.f5-e7 n10-o8 94.j1-k1 j16-j15 95.e7-f9 g13-e12 96.f9-e11 o8-n6 97.g10-h12 m5-l7 98.h12-f13 d12-f13 99.e11-f13 j15-h15 100.k8-j10 g15-g14 101.f13-g11 e12-g13 102.j10-h8 n7-l6 103.h8-g6 l6-k8 104.d5-d6 k8-h7 105.f2-f4 l7-j6 106.c6-c7 h7-f6 107.e4-e5 f6-e8 108.b7-b8 f14-f13 109.g11-f9 f13-f12 110.m6-l8 n6-l7 111.l8-m10 l7-j8 112.g6-j7 j8-g7 113.f9-g7 j6-g7 114.g2-g4 b12-b11 115.a8-a9 c13-c12 116.l4-j5 c12-c11 117.j7-l8 b11-b10 118.a9-b10 c11-b10 119.q6-q7 h15-g15 120.q7-q8 g15-f14 121.p5-p6 f14-f13 122.p6-p7 f13-e12 123.o4-o5 e12-d11 124.o5-o6 d11-c10 125.k1-j2 a11-a10 126.o6-o7 a10-a9 127.b8-a9 b10-a9 128.j2-h2 c10-b9 129.h2-g3 b9-c8 130.g3-f3 c8-b7 131.f3-e4 b7-b6 132.e4-d3 b6-b5 133.d3-c3 g7-e6 134.j5-g6 e6-c5 135.p7-p8 a9-a8 136.p8-q9 p10-q9 137.m10-o9 g13-j12 138.o9-p11 j12-l13 139.l8-k10 a8-a7 140.p11-q9 l13-n14 141.q9-o10 n14-o12 142.q8-q9 a7-a6 143.k10-j12 a6-a5 144.f4-f5 a5-a4 145.g6-f4 e8-c9 146.j12-h14 c9-b7 147.f4-e2 a4-a3 148.h14-k15 b5-a4 149.e2-c1 b7-a5 150.k15-h16 c5-e4 151.c3-c2 a5-c6 152.c2-d3 a4-b4 153.e5-e6 e4-c5 154.d3-c2 c6-d4 155.c2-b1 d4-b3 156.c1-a2 b4-c4 157.h16-j14 c5-d3 158.j14-h12 d3-b4 159.a2-b4 c4-b4 160.h12-g10 b3-c5 161.b1-a2 c5-d3 162.g10-e9 d3-c1 163.a2-a1 b4-b3 164.e9-d7 c1-d3 165.j3-j4 a3-a2 166.d7-c5 d3-c5 0-1

Comment by player 2 : Marek Skwarczylo :

162. g10-f8 d3-c1 163 a2-a1 b4-b3 164 e6-e7 - was much better for white

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Chess holds its master in its own bonds, shackling the mind and brain so that the inner freedom of the very strongest must suffer. (Albert Einstein)

Ein Isolani verdüstert die Stimmung auf dem ganzen Schachbrett. (Savielly Grigorievitsch Tartakower)

Sin errores no puede haber brillantez. (Emanuel Lasker)

Vous n'êtes pas toujours obligé de jouer le meilleur coup. Un coup doit être actif, entreprenant, correct et beau ! (David Bronstein)

For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. (Sun Tzu)

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