Benoni defense - Game 87413

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P. Fox, 2130
T. Mirra, 2279


See game 146631

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FICGS__CHESS__WCH_ROUND_ROBIN_FINAL__000013       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

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Last move : 1/2-1/2     2016 July 27   1:6:13

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.07"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Legrand,Stephane"]
[Black "Denisov,Timofey"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2338"]
[BlackElo "2224"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 g6 4.Nc3 Bg7 5.e4 d6 6.Nf3 O-O 7.h3 a6 8.a4 e6 9.Bd3 b6 10.Bg5 h6 11.Be3 exd5 12.cxd5 Nbd7 13.Qd2 g5 14.h4 g4 15.Bxh6 Nh5 16.Bxg7 Kxg7 17.Ng5 Ne5 18.Be2 Qf6 19.g3 Qg6 20.O-O Re8 21.Rab1 f6 22.Ne6+ Bxe6 23.dxe6 Rxe6 24.Qd5 Rae8 25.Rbd1 Qh7 26.Qd2 Rf8 27.Rfe1 Qg6 28.Kg2 Kh8 29.Qc2 Nf3 30.Bxf3 gxf3+ 31.Kh2 Rfe8 32.Qc1 b5 33.axb5 axb5 34.Re3 Qg4 35.Nd5 Kh7 36.R1d3 Rxe4 37.Rxe4 Rxe4 38.Ne3 Qe6 39.Qd1 Qe5 40.Qxf3 Rxh4+ 41.Kg2 Rd4 42.Rxd4 cxd4 43.Nc2 Ng7 44.Qd3+ f5 45.Nxd4 Qd5+ 46.f3 Kg6 47.Kf2 Qc5 48.Qc3 Qc4 49.Qe3 Qb4 50.b3 Qc5 51.Ke2 b4 52.Kf2 Qa5 53.Kf1 Qe5 54.Kf2 Qc5 55.Kg2 Qe5 56.Qd3 Kf7 57.Kf2 Qc5 58.Qe3 Qd5 59.Kg2 Qe5 60.Qxe5 dxe5 61.Nc6 e4 62.fxe4 fxe4 63.Nxb4 Nf5 64.Nc2 Ne7 65.Kf2 Nd5 66.Na3 Ne7 67.Nc4 Nf5 68.g4 Nd4 69.b4 Ke7 70.Na3 Nc6 71.Nc2 Ne5 72.Kg3 Ng6 73.g5 Kd7 74.Kg4 Ke6 75.Ne3 Ne5+ 76.Kh5 Kd6 77.b5 Kc5 78.Ng4 Nc4 79.g6 e3 80.b6 e2 81.b7 e1Q 82.b8Q Qh1+ 83.Kg5 Qd5+ 84.Kh6 Qd2+ 85.Kh5 Qd5+ 86.Kh4 Nd6 87.Qf8 Qd4 88.Qf3 Ne8 89.Qa3+ Kb5 90.Qe7 Ng7 91.Kg5 Qd5+ 92.Ne5 Qd2+ 93.Kf6 Nh5+ 94.Kf5 Qf4+ 95.Ke6 Qe4 96.Qd7+ Kb6 97.Qd6+ Kb5 98.Ke7 Qh4+ 99.Kd7 Nf4 100.Qb8+ Ka4 101.Qa7+ Kb4 102.Qb7+ Ka4 103.Qc6+ Kb4 104.Qc4+ Ka3 105.Qa6+ Kb3 106.Qb5+ Kc2 107.Qc5+ Kb2 108.Qd4+ Ka2 109.Qd2+ Ka1 110.Qd1+ Ka2 111.g7 Qh3+ 112.Ng4 Qh7 113.Qa4+ Kb2 114.Qb4+ Ka2 115.Qc4+ Ka1 116.Qf7 Qd3+ 117.Ke7 Ng6+ 118.Ke6 Qb3+ 119.Kf6 Qf3+ 120.Kxg6 1/2-1/2

  ECO code : A56 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below :

Benoni defense

Kingside Castling by player Black (move 6)

Kingside Castling by player White (move 20)

10 pieces endgame at move 60 : White KNPPP , Black KNPPP

WHITE : King + 1 Knight 3 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Knight 3 Pawns

9 pieces endgame at move 62 : White KNPPP , Black KNPP

WHITE : King + 1 Knight 3 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Knight 2 Pawns

8 pieces endgame at move 62 : White KNPP , Black KNPP

WHITE : King + 1 Knight 2 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Knight 2 Pawns

7 pieces endgame at move 63 : White KNPP , Black KNP

WHITE : King + 1 Knight 2 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Knight 1 Pawn

Promotion Queen by player Black (move 81)

Promotion Queen by player White (move 82)

6 pieces endgame at move 120 : White KQNP , Black KQ

WHITE : King + 1 Queen 1 Knight 1 Pawn
BLACK : King + 1 Queen

This chess game ended in a draw.

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