Big chess - Game 87245

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S. Ligon, 2364
I. Cirulis, 2260


See game 147105

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000008       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 87245  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2016 August 31   9:12:56

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.07.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Denisov,Timofey"]
[Black "Flores,Luis"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2048"]
[BlackElo "2015"]

1.j2-h4 j15-k13 2.h1-o7 h15-g13 3.n2-n4 p16-o14 4.d2-d3 m15-m13 5.c1-k8 e15-e13 6.o1-g8 k16-h15 7.g1-j2 h16-m12 8.o7-h7 m12-b2 9.b1-d2 f16-c13 10.a1-b1 b2-h8 11.h7-h8 c13-h8 12.b1-b9 h8-o2 13.m2-m4 o2-q4 14.p1-o3 q4-k10 15.l1-p5 k10-p5 16.o3-p5 l16-p12 17.q1-o1 n15-n14 18.o1-o7 b16-c14 19.o7-h7 g16-f14 20.p5-o7 o16-j11 21.o7-n9 m16-m14 22.n9-l10 j11-f8 23.b9-f9 f8-b12 24.l10-j9 m14-l14 25.m1-l1 e16-e14 26.d2-f3 e14-d14 27.n4-n5 d14-d8 28.h2-j4 d15-d13 29.j4-h6 c16-k9 30.h7-h10 f14-g12 31.h10-b10 p12-o13 32.f3-g5 b12-c13 33.g5-f7 d8-a8 34.h4-j6 c13-d12 35.b10-e10 g12-e11 36.f9-e9 e11-g12 37.f7-h8 k9-n12 38.k1-h2 q16-m16 39.e9-b9 d12-b14 40.g2-g4 l14-l11 41.g4-g5 m16-m14 42.f1-g2 a8-a11 43.e10-d10 g12-f14 44.g8-f7 m14-l14 45.l2-l3 l11-q11 46.q2-q3 a11-p11 47.l1-l2 p11-p8 48.h3-h4 q11-p11 49.d10-d8 p8-p2 50.l2-p2 p11-p2 51.e1-h1 l14-l11 52.g2-j4 l11-o11 53.j4-h5 o11-o2 54.h2-j4 b14-f10 55.d8-e8 f10-c7 56.j2-g3 p2-p1 57.j1-h2 p1-h1 58.h2-h1 c7-f10 59.f2-f4 j16-j15 60.e8-f8 f10-b14 61.a2-a3 a16-m16 62.f7-j10 m16-m14 63.h1-h2 m14-l14 64.h5-e8 l14-l11 65.g3-h5 l11-a11 66.a3-a4 a11-c11 67.c2-c4 h15-j13 68.a4-a5 k13-l11 69.j10-l8 g13-j12 70.f8-g8 j15-h16 71.h5-g7 m13-m12 72.e2-e4 n12-m13 73.g8-g10 c11-d11 74.b9-d9 d11-a11 75.h6-j8 a11-a5 76.n5-n6 a5-a2 77.h2-g3 o13-q11 78.m4-m5 m13-p10 79.j8-k6 p10-m13 80.h4-h5 o2-o1 81.g3-h4 o1-h1 82.h4-j5 h1-d1 83.g10-q10 q11-o13 84.q10-d10 a2-a8 85.h5-h6 f14-e12 86.d10-d13 e12-c11 87.d9-d8 c11-d13 88.d8-a8 d1-d3 89.k6-j8 m13-c4 90.e4-e5 d3-d4 91.f4-f5 c4-f1 92.h6-h7 d13-f12 93.a8-a10 c14-d12 94.a10-p10 o13-q11 95.p10-p15 f1-j4 96.p15-p4 d4-d2 97.e8-j4 q11-j4 98.j5-j4 d2-k2 99.p4-o4 l11-n12 100.o4-k4 k2-l2 101.j4-k3 l2-l1 102.k3-k2 l1-q1 103.n6-n7 d12-e10 104.k8-j7 h16-j15 105.k4-k12 j12-l11 106.k12-m12 j13-l14 107.m12-g12 g15-g13 108.g12-g8 l14-j13 109.g7-h9 q1-q2 110.k2-k3 q2-m2 111.l3-l4 m2-m3 112.k3-j4 m3-l3 113.l4-l5 l3-m3 114.m5-m6 m3-m4 115.j4-h5 m4-f4 116.h5-g6 f4-j4 117.f5-f6 j4-j3 118.f6-f7 f15-f14 119.f7-f8 g13-g12 120.f8-f9 e10-c9 121.e5-e6 c9-d11 122.g8-c8 f12-h11 123.j9-g8 c15-c14 124.c8-c10 f14-f13 125.n7-n8 j13-k11 126.j7-k8 j3-e3 127.e6-e7 k15-k14 128.c10-e10 e13-e12 129.l5-l6 e3-l3 130.l8-m7 o14-m13 131.e10-q10 n12-o14 132.g6-g7 h14-h13 133.g5-g6 k11-h12 134.l6-l7 l3-m3 135.l7-l8 h12-f11 136.g7-h6 b14-d12 137.q10-a10 j15-h15 138.g6-g7 h15-g14 139.h6-j7 m3-f3 140.j7-k7 f11-g9 141.j6-h4 f3-j3 142.j8-k6 j3-j1 143.k8-j7 j1-k1 144.h4-k5 d12-b14 145.a10-o10 d11-f12 146.h8-g10 j14-j13 147.h7-h8 g9-f11 148.k6-h7 b14-d12 149.k7-j8 f12-d13 150.g10-j9 d13-f12 151.k5-h6 k1-m1 152.j9-k7 l11-n12 153.o10-l10 h11-k12 154.l10-p10 f12-h11 155.l8-l9 b15-b13 156.m7-l8 m1-f1 157.e7-e8 f1-e1 158.g8-f6 a15-a13 159.h6-g8 a13-a12 160.m6-m7 b13-b12 161.k7-j9 h11-f12 162.n8-n9 c14-c13 163.p10-a10 a12-a11 164.q3-q4 f12-d11 165.a10-c10 b12-b11 166.c10-g10 g14-f14 167.m7-m8 e1-q1 168.g10-q10 a11-a10 169.q4-q5 c13-c12 170.q5-q6 a10-a9 171.f6-d7 a9-a8 172.q6-q7 d11-b12 173.d7-c9 a8-a7 174.c9-d7 b12-c10 175.g8-h6 q1-k1 176.g7-g8 n12-p11 177.j7-k6 k1-b1 178.h9-k8 a7-a6 179.q10-o10 d12-c11 180.d7-f8 a6-a5 181.g8-g9 p11-n12 182.o10-o5 c11-e9 183.h6-g8 e9-d8 184.f8-e10 d8-b6 185.k6-j5 a5-a4 186.j5-f8 c10-b8 187.g9-g10 f11-e13 188.e10-g9 b8-d7 189.f8-e7 d7-b8 190.o5-o4 b8-c6 191.e7-f8 c6-d4 192.o4-j4 b1-b3 193.l8-d1 b3-m3 194.f8-j5 a4-a3 195.j4-j2 m3-d3 196.d1-h5 d4-b3 197.j5-f8 b3-c1 198.h5-f7 a3-a2 199.f7-a2 c1-a2 200.j2-a2 q15-q13 201.f8-c11 f14-e14 202.a2-a14 d3-d14 203.a14-a16 e13-d15 204.c11-j5 d15-b14 205.a16-o16 n12-m14 206.k8-h9 h13-h12 207.q7-q8 b14-d13 208.o16-c16 d13-b14 209.c16-e16 e14-f15 210.e16-e13 d14-d13 211.e13-d13 b14-d13 212.h7-k8 c12-c11 213.g9-e10 f15-f14 214.e10-c11 d13-c11 215.j5-c11 f14-g14 216.c11-j5 b6-d8 217.h9-f8 d8-k2 218.q8-q9 k2-j3 219.g8-j7 m13-n11 220.j7-h5 j3-g1 221.l9-l10 n11-o9 222.f8-e10 o9-p11 223.e10-c9 b11-b10 224.c9-a8 b10-b9 225.a8-c7 b9-b8 226.c7-d9 b8-b7 227.h5-j7 p11-q9 228.h8-h9 q9-p11 229.d9-f8 q13-q12 230.m8-m9 q12-q11 231.e8-e9 q11-q10 232.h9-h10 q10-q9 233.f8-h9 q9-q8 234.j7-k9 b7-b6 235.l10-l11 k12-h13 236.k8-j10 p11-o9 237.n9-n10 q8-q7 0-1

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A Chess game is divided into three stages: the first, when you hope you have the advantage, the second when you believe you have an advantage, and the third... when you know you're going to lose ! (Savielly Tartakower)

Wenn du gegen Bobby spielst, ist es keine Frage von gewinnen oder verlieren. Es ist eine Frage des Überlebens. (Boris Vassilievich Spassky)

Estaba muy claro de que el punto vulnerable del Gran Maestro Americano (Bobby Fischer) radicaba en las posiciones de doble filo, colgantes, irracionales, donde el siempre falló en encontrar un triunfo aún en una posición de clara victoria. (Efim Geller)

La guerre est enfant de la passion, la passion est enfant du narcissisme et le narcissisme est l'enfant. (...) Une autre partie ? (Thibault de Vassal)

The arrogant army will lose certainly the battle. (Chinese proverb)

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