Big chess - Game 85702

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Game result  (chess)

D. DiAlfonso, 2258
N. Hallqvist, 2161


See game 147093

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000099       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 85702  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2015 May 19   13:13:51

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2015.04.12"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Kehayov,Yulian"]
[Black "Cirulis,Ilmars"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1506"]
[BlackElo ""]

1.j2-k4 p16-o14 2.h1-o7 j15-h13 3.h2-g4 h16-l13 4.b1-c3 b15-b14 5.p1-o3 c16-b15 6.e2-e4 m15-m14 7.d2-d4 b16-c14 8.m2-m4 l13-o13 9.o7-o13 l16-o13 10.n2-n4 e15-e14 11.f1-c4 p15-p14 12.o1-g8 f16-c13 13.c1-k8 c13-d14 14.l1-o4 d14-k8 15.o4-k8 c14-d12 16.k1-l3 d12-f13 17.g1-f3 q15-q13 18.q2-q4 o16-q14 19.k8-q14 q16-q14 20.a2-a4 p14-p13 21.a1-a3 o14-n12 22.q1-q3 o13-n14 23.g8-n14 o15-n14 24.a3-b3 k16-m15 25.q3-p3 g16-f14 26.p3-p5 j16-j15 27.b3-b5 m16-o16 28.p5-o5 q14-o14 29.c4-j10 f13-g11 30.j10-k9 n12-l11 31.k9-n6 o14-o5 32.n6-o5 o16-o10 33.b5-l5 g11-j12 34.o5-p6 m15-n13 35.l5-o5 e16-o16 36.o5-o10 o16-o10 37.j1-j2 o10-b10 38.b2-b3 a16-o16 39.m1-q1 o16-o6 40.p6-o5 o6-c6 41.e1-e3 b10-c10 42.p2-p3 c6-c3 43.e3-c3 c10-c3 44.q1-c1 b15-h9 45.e4-e5 h9-b3 46.o5-l8 b3-a4 47.l8-q13 p13-p12 48.c1-a1 a4-c2 49.a1-c1 c3-c13 50.o3-n5 l11-m13 51.f3-e1 c2-n12 52.c1-c13 b14-c13 53.n5-m7 m13-o14 54.q13-n16 o14-n16 55.e1-f3 n16-o14 56.o2-o4 a15-a13 57.p3-p4 n12-k9 58.m7-o6 a13-a12 59.o4-o5 h15-g13 60.f3-g5 j12-h10 61.d4-d5 k9-j10 62.d5-d6 g13-f11 63.p4-p5 f11-e9 64.l3-j4 e9-f7 65.g5-f7 j10-f7 66.j4-h6 f7-e6 67.q4-q5 h10-g8 68.h6-g8 e6-g8 69.q5-q6 h13-g11 70.o6-m7 g11-j10 71.l2-l3 j10-h8 72.g2-g3 h8-j6 73.k4-j6 g8-j6 74.g4-f6 n13-m11 75.n4-n5 o14-n12 76.o5-o6 n12-l11 77.p5-p6 l11-j10 78.p6-p7 j10-l9 79.m7-l9 m11-l9 80.q6-q7 a12-a11 81.q7-q8 a11-a10 82.f6-d5 j6-g8 83.d5-c7 a10-a9 84.f2-f4 g8-d11 85.h3-h4 a9-a8 86.g3-g4 a8-a7 87.f4-f5 d11-e10 88.e5-e6 a7-a6 89.d6-d7 a6-a5 90.c7-d5 a5-a4 91.d5-b6 a4-a3 92.b6-c8 a3-a2 93.g4-g5 a2-a1 94.j2-k3 a1-h1 95.k3-k4 h1-l4 96.k4-j5 l4-k5 97.j5-h6 k5-j6 98.h6-g7 l9-j8 99.g7-f8 j6-g8 100.f8-e7 e10-c8 101.d7-c8 j8-g7 102.e7-f6 g7-f9 103.f6-e5 g8-g7 104.e5-f4 f9-e7 105.c8-c9 g7-d4 106.f4-g3 e7-f5 107.g3-h3 d4-g1 108.h3-j4 g1-k1 109.j4-k3 k1-m1 110.k3-l4 m1-j4 111.l4-m3 f5-g7 112.m3-m2 g7-j6 113.m2-m3 j6-g7 114.e6-e7 g7-h5 115.c9-c10 h5-k6 116.m3-m2 j4-k3 117.m2-m3 k3-m1 118.m3-n4 m1-l2 119.n4-n3 k6-m5 120.n3-o3 l2-o5 121.o3-n2 o5-n4 122.n2-m2 m5-o4 123.c10-c11 n4-m3 124.m2-l1 o4-n2 0-1

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Fischer prefers to enter Chess history alone. (Miguel Najdorf)

Ich möchte Schüler heranbilden, die das Vermögen haben, selbst zu denken und Kritik zu üben. (Emanuel Lasker)

Muchos jugadores de Ajedrez se sorprendían cuando después de la partida, Fischer explicaba con calma: 'Yo ya había analizado esta posibilidad' en una posición en la cual yo creía que no era posible de prever desde la apertura. (Mikhail Tal)

On est toujours la mazette de quelqu'un d'autre. (Anonyme)

There are two kinds of tragedy in this world, one is not getting what you want and the other is getting. (Lord of war)

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