Big chess - Game 83896

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Game result  (chess)

T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT_B__000007       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 83896  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2015 July 6   16:51:57

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2014.12.09"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Pereira,Nilson"]
[Black "Sinsuat,Datuali"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1685"]
[BlackElo ""]

1.j2-h4 g15-g13 2.h1-l4 k16-l14 3.d2-d4 h16-d12 4.c2-c3 n15-n13 5.c1-k8 d12-o2 6.n2-n3 o2-o11 7.l4-j4 d15-d14 8.g1-j2 o11-k11 9.j4-j7 c16-o5 10.j2-k4 o16-f8 11.o1-h7 f8-k4 12.j3-k4 o5-l2 13.m1-o1 f16-g15 14.o1-o9 g15-e13 15.k8-e13 d14-e13 16.h4-j6 o15-o14 17.b1-d2 m15-m14 18.j6-k8 l14-m12 19.d2-f3 b16-c14 20.o9-l9 l2-n4 21.p1-o3 j15-k13 22.k1-j3 k11-p6 23.o3-n1 p15-p14 24.f3-g5 n4-p2 25.q1-p1 p6-o6 26.k8-m7 o6-o2 27.p1-p2 o2-n1 28.p2-p6 p16-n15 29.j7-k8 n1-q4 30.p6-j6 l16-o13 31.j6-j7 o13-h7 32.g5-h7 h15-j13 33.g2-g4 a16-d16 34.f1-g2 j13-k11 35.l9-k9 k13-h12 36.e1-h1 g16-j15 37.g2-a8 j16-h16 38.a1-g1 f15-f14 39.k9-b9 d16-b16 40.j1-j2 e16-d16 41.j3-h5 d16-d12 42.b9-k9 b16-d16 43.h7-f8 d12-d8 44.a8-e4 h12-g10 45.f8-g10 d8-k8 46.m7-k8 q4-q2 47.k8-j6 d16-d10 48.g10-h8 h16-g15 49.e4-h7 m16-d16 50.h5-g7 d10-d9 51.g7-f9 j15-k13 52.g4-g5 d9-e9 53.e2-e4 d16-d7 54.g1-g4 q16-d16 55.k2-k3 d16-d8 56.f9-d8 e9-k9 57.h8-k9 d7-d8 58.j6-l7 c14-d12 59.g5-g6 n15-l14 60.l1-d8 q2-m2 61.j2-j3 m2-n3 62.g4-f4 l14-j13 63.f4-f9 k13-l11 64.j7-j8 l11-k9 65.l7-k9 o14-o13 66.f9-c9 c15-c14 67.f2-f3 n3-n11 68.h3-h4 n11-d2 69.h1-l1 l15-l14 70.c9-b9 b15-b14 71.l1-l7 d2-f2 72.j3-h3 l14-l13 73.d8-a11 c14-c13 74.a11-g5 f2-c2 75.j8-a8 d12-c14 76.g5-h6 c2-b1 77.l7-j7 b1-h1 78.h7-j8 c14-d12 79.a8-a15 k11-l9 80.a15-e15 g15-f16 81.e15-b15 l9-j8 82.b9-a9 j8-h6 83.a9-a16 1-0

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Chess is played with the mind and not with the hands ! (Renaud and Kahn)

Wir können eben der zündenden Macht des Opfers nicht wiederstehen, denn die Begeisterung für das Opfer liegt in der Natur des Menschen. (Rudolf Spielmann)

Realmente no sabemos como el juego fue inventado, aunque hay sospechas. Tan pronto como descubramos a los culpables, se los haremos saber. (Bruce Pandolfini)

Aux échecs, les retours au sommet sont rares : les dommages psychologiques consécutifs à une défaite sont trop sévères. (Daily Telegraph)

Memory is a crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food. (Austin O'Malley)

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