Big chess - Game 82418

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T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__STANDARD_GOLD__000001       See crosstable
(type : rated knockout,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 82418  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1/2-1/2     2016 March 10   23:13:4

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2014.10.14"]
[Round "1"]
[White "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[Black "Lehnhoff,Heinz-Georg"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2165"]
[BlackElo "2221"]

1.j2-k4 m15-m13 2.h1-o7 h15-g13 3.h2-g4 j15-k13 4.e2-e4 e15-e13 5.m2-m4 d15-d13 6.b1-c3 f16-b12 7.g1-j2 c15-c13 8.p1-o3 b16-c14 9.l1-p5 k16-h15 10.f1-b5 h16-l13 11.n2-n3 p16-q14 12.d2-d3 n15-n13 13.o7-q7 g16-j15 14.q7-n4 m13-m12 15.n4-d13 c16-f13 16.q2-q4 l16-p12 17.k1-h2 o15-o13 18.o1-f9 a16-d16 19.d13-l6 l13-l6 20.k4-l6 o16-f8 21.h2-j4 h15-j13 22.c1-h6 j16-h15 23.e1-e3 f13-g14 24.h6-f8 b12-f8 25.e3-f3 f8-b12 26.c3-d5 d16-d6 27.j2-k4 e13-e12 28.a1-e1 c14-d12 29.f3-f7 d12-f11 30.e1-e3 a15-a14 31.e3-f3 m16-m13 32.m1-m3 l15-l14 33.m3-l3 d6-d8 34.o3-n5 m13-l13 35.l3-l5 q16-m16 36.l5-m5 f15-f14 37.q1-q3 e16-d16 38.q3-o3 f11-d10 39.f9-d7 g13-f11 40.f7-n7 n13-n12 41.m5-m7 m12-m11 42.p5-o6 p12-o11 43.o6-p7 k13-m12 44.o3-o8 d8-o8 45.p7-o8 l13-l8 46.o8-q6 q14-p12 47.m7-m8 p15-p14 48.n7-h7 j13-k11 49.m8-l8 o11-l8 50.f3-f6 k11-j9 51.h7-h8 m12-l10 52.l6-k8 l8-n10 53.k8-l10 j9-l10 54.a2-a4 j15-k13 55.p2-p4 d10-c12 56.f6-g6 c12-e13 57.c2-c4 f11-e9 58.d7-e6 e13-f11 59.e6-j10 e9-d7 60.b2-b4 d7-f8 61.g6-b6 d16-d12 62.j10-o5 m16-d16 63.b5-h11 d12-d6 64.b6-d6 d16-d6 65.q6-p5 b15-b14 66.h11-b5 a14-a13 67.p5-l9 f8-e6 68.l9-h6 e6-d4 69.h6-b12 a13-b12 70.b5-f9 d6-d9 71.f9-j6 n10-j6 72.k4-j6 k13-h12 73.h8-a8 e12-e11 74.a8-a16 b14-b13 75.a16-p16 h15-j15 76.p16-b16 j15-h15 77.b16-c16 c13-c12 78.c16-b16 f11-d12 79.o5-n6 c12-c11 80.j4-g5 d4-c2 81.a4-a5 c2-e1 82.g4-e5 e1-g2 83.j1-h2 g2-e1 84.h2-g1 e1-c2 85.g5-f3 g14-d11 86.j6-g5 d11-c12 87.g1-f1 d9-e9 88.g5-f7 e9-n9 89.n6-k3 c12-j6 90.h3-h4 n9-h9 91.j3-j4 l10-k8 92.h4-h5 j6-n10 93.f1-e2 h9-b9 94.b4-b5 c2-a3 95.f3-d4 k8-h7 96.e2-d2 n10-o9 97.e5-g4 b9-f9 98.f7-h6 h7-g5 99.d5-e7 f9-e9 100.e7-f5 g5-e4 101.d3-e4 a3-c4 102.d2-d3 c4-a5 103.b16-a16 a5-b7 104.f2-f3 e9-c9 105.a16-d16 h12-f13 106.d16-q16 q15-q14 107.q16-p16 p14-p13 108.p16-a16 b7-a9 109.a16-e16 o9-n8 110.e16-e12 a9-c10 111.e12-k12 h15-j15 112.k12-k8 n8-l10 113.q4-q5 k15-k13 114.o2-o4 j14-j13 115.q5-q6 k13-k12 116.p4-p5 l14-l13 117.k8-l8 l13-l12 118.h6-k7 l12-l11 119.l8-l9 c9-c7 120.k7-m8 l10-j12 121.l9-q9 c7-c8 122.m8-o9 o13-o12 123.o9-q10 p12-n13 124.q9-p9 j12-m15 125.g4-h6 f13-h12 126.p9-p8 c8-c9 127.p8-g8 g15-g13 128.q10-p8 n12-n11 129.p8-o6 f14-f13 130.o6-m7 m15-n14 131.g8-a8 c10-a11 132.p5-p6 f13-f12 133.n3-n4 m11-m10 134.o4-o5 o12-o11 135.q6-q7 n11-n10 136.q7-q8 p13-p12 137.p6-p7 n10-n9 138.n5-l6 c9-c7 139.l6-n5 q14-q13 140.o5-o6 h12-f11 141.m7-l5 f11-d10 142.n5-l6 n14-c4 143.d3-e3 c4-h9 144.l6-j5 c7-c1 145.h6-k7 q13-q12 146.n4-n5 p12-p11 147.f5-g7 h9-g10 148.g7-e6 o11-o10 149.k7-j9 g10-j12 150.j9-l8 p11-p10 151.e3-f4 j15-j14 152.f4-g5 o10-o9 153.a8-a9 j12-g10 154.l8-n9 m10-n9 155.a9-n9 n13-m11 156.n9-n14 j14-j15 157.n14-q14 d10-e8 158.q14-q12 e8-d6 159.l5-m7 d6-b5 160.m7-o8 b5-d4 161.e6-d4 g10-l14 162.q12-q14 j15-k15 163.q14-p14 m11-n9 164.d4-f5 b12-b11 165.f5-g3 b11-b10 166.k3-n6 h14-h13 167.p14-p15 k15-j14 168.p15-d15 a11-c10 169.d15-d14 j14-k13 170.d14-d13 d12-f11 171.d13-b13 c10-d12 172.b13-b12 j13-j12 173.b12-b15 k13-j13 174.n6-k9 l11-l10 175.k9-j8 k12-k11 176.j8-k7 j13-h12 177.b15-p15 b10-b9 178.k7-p12 h12-j11 179.p12-q11 c1-c8 180.o8-p10 c8-p8 181.q8-q9 p8-p9 182.p15-p14 l14-m13 183.p14-m14 n9-p10 184.q9-p10 m13-k15 185.m14-o14 c11-c10 186.p10-p11 o9-o8 187.o14-o8 p9-p11 188.o8-q8 p11-m11 189.q8-q4 m11-m9 190.p7-p8 b9-b8 191.q4-p4 c10-c9 192.p8-p9 b8-b7 193.g3-f5 c9-c8 194.j5-g6 d12-c10 195.j4-j5 k15-j14 196.l2-l3 f11-d10 197.q11-f1 j14-n10 198.p9-p10 m9-h9 199.j5-j6 n10-p12 200.o6-o7 h9-k9 201.k2-k4 k9-l9 202.p4-p3 c8-c7 203.o7-o8 l9-a9 204.o8-o9 a9-a1 205.f5-e3 c10-d8 206.o9-o10 a1-e1 207.g5-f4 d8-e6 1/2-1/2

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The game of Chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable qualities of the mind are to be acquired and strengthened by it, so as to become habits ready on all occasions; for life is a kind of Chess. (Benjamin Franklin)

Ich bin stolz ein Bulgare zu sein. (Veselin Topalov)

Una buena memoria, concentración, imaginación y una fuerte voluntad, se requiere para llegar a ser un buen jugador. (Bobby Fischer)

Le système Elo représente seulement une moyenne. Il est simplement un indicateur de votre stabilité. (Anatoli Karpov)

The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand. (Sun Tzu)

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