Go (weiqi, baduk) - Game 73385

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J. Domingo, 2208
S. Ligon, 2364


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   a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t

Last move : 0-1     2013 June 5   21:48:5

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2013.05.28"]
[Round "1"]
[Black "Bajkowski,Karol"]
[White "Praz,Sylvain"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rating 1 "1742"]
[Rating 2 "2043"]

1.q3 q16 2.d17 r5 3.p4 e3 4.c5 c3 5.d8 c10 6.q6 r7 7.c12 e10 8.j3 b8 9.e5 g3 10.j5 g5 11.g6 h5 12.h6 j6 13.h4 f5 14.f6 k5 15.j4 e6 16.e4 f4 17.e7 d6 18.c6 f7 19.g8 d7 20.e8 c7 21.l4 j7 22.h8 k9 23.h11 q7 24.l7 l5 25.m4 m7 26.m5 l8 27.m6 n7 28.r13 r11 29.o16 r15 30.p13 c15 31.c8 b7 32.d10 c11 33.d11 d12 34.d9 c13 35.c4 b12 36.f2 f3 37.b3 c2 38.b2 d4 39.d5 d3 40.b6 b9 41.g2 e2 42.h3 f1 43.d1 a5 44.b4 h2 45.j2 g1 46.c1 a6 47.g2 f2 48.j1 b1 0-1

Karol Bajkowski
There was no chance for kill white in the corner. Wasn't it? Did You know it from the begining?

Sylvain Praz
I think j1 at b1 kills? Not really, but at first i couldn't find better than seki for b. But i think b4 was mistake, i missread the corner at one point, and was just lucky in the end^^

Karol Bajkowski
Honestly a5 surprised me. I missread this move. And what do you propose instead b4? ^^ I think every other alternative do not give better position:)

Sylvain Praz
i think b4 is correct. In my reading if you play j1 at b1 i die.

Sylvain Praz
ah, d1 surprised me. i thought you would save the two stones.

Sylvain Praz
mh, i justed look again, i'm just not sure^^

Karol Bajkowski
I think j1 at b1 will get seki. Hard to kill, because both groups will have one eye. I put D1 because i planed to keep white away from left side. But i think it was mission impossible :) I made too many mistakes to win this game...

Sylvain Praz
^^ I think i was lucky in the end. But maybe you did a few strange tenuki imo^^

Here are the names of the openings (joseki) played in the four corners :

Corner q4 : q3 r5

Komoku (Somok, Xiao~mu`) 3-4 Point.
The komoku (3-4) point is the traditional corner enclosure move..

Ikken Kakari (Hankan Keolch'im, Yi Gua`jiao~, 1-Space Low Pincer).
The small knight move is the basic approach move to the 3-4 point stone. It has been continually used for over four centuries. There are limitless variations, with new moves constantly being discovered. White 2 opens the door to a treaure store of joseki.

Corner d4 : e3 c5

Mokuhazushi (Waemok, Wai`mu`) 5-3 Point.
The mokuhazushi (5-3) point was popular in the Edo period in Japan (1600 - 1867). It emphasizes influence; territorially, it is inferior to the 3-4 point.

Corner q16 : q16 r13

Hoshi (Hwajeom, Seongjeom, Xingwei`) 4-4 Point.
The star or hoshi (4-4) point, emphasizing influence at the potential expense of territory.

Niken Kakari (Dukan Keolch'im, E`r Gua`jiao~, 2-Space Low Approach).
White typically answers by 7-3 or 3-5 (which is not joseki).

Player White won this Go (weiqi, baduk) game.

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