Queen's pawn: Chigorin variation - Game 72620

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T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_F__000128       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 40 days,   increment : 40 days / 10 moves)

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Last move : 1-0     2013 April 21   15:26:40

[Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_F__000128"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2013.04.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Cavaille,Cedric"]
[Black "Bromo,Alexis"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1022"]
[BlackElo "1123"]

1.d4 d5 2.Nc3 e6 3.e4 Nc6 4.exd5 exd5 5.Bb5 Nf6 6.Bxc6+ bxc6 7.Nf3 Bg4 8.O-O Be7 9.a3 h6 10.Qe2 O-O 11.Qd3 Bd6 12.h3 Bh5 13.Ne5 Bxe5 14.dxe5 Nd7 15.f4 Re8 16.Re1 Nc5 17.Qd4 Ne6 18.Qf2 d4 19.g4 dxc3 20.gxh5 Nd4 21.Rd1 c5 22.Be3 Qe7 23.Bxd4 cxd4 24.Qxd4 Rad8 25.Qxc3 Qh4 26.Rxd8 Rxd8 27.Qf3 Rd4 28.Rf1 Rd2 29.Rf2 Rxf2 30.Qxf2 Qxh3 31.Qxa7 Qg3+ 32.Kh1 Qf3+ 33.Kg1 Qxf4 34.Qxc7 Qg5+ 35.Kf1 Qxh5 36.b4 Qf3+ 37.Ke1 Qxa3 38.c3 Qc1+ 39.Ke2 h5 40.b5 Qb2+ 41.Kd3 Qxb5+ 42.c4 Qb3+ 43.Kd4 h4 44.Qd8+ Kh7 45.Qxh4+ Kg8 46.Qe7 Qb6+ 47.c5 Qb4+ 48.Kd5 Qb3+ 49.Kc6 Qf3+ 50.Kd7 Qf5+ 51.Kc7 g5 52.c6 g4 53.Kd8 g3 54.c7 Qd3+ 55.Ke8 Qb5+ 56.Kd8 Qd5+ 57.Qd6 Qxd6+ 58.exd6 g2 59.c8Q g1Q 60.Ke7 Kg7 61.Qf8+ Kh7 62.Qxf7+ Kh6 63.d7 Qc5+ 64.Ke8 Qe5+ 65.Qe7 Qh8+ 66.Qf8+ 1-0

  ECO code : D00 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below :

Queen's pawn : Chigorin variation

Kingside Castling by player White (move 8)

Kingside Castling by player Black (move 10)

10 pieces endgame at move 37 : White KQPPP , Black KQPPP

WHITE : King + 1 Queen 3 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Queen 3 Pawns

9 pieces endgame at move 41 : White KQPP , Black KQPPP

WHITE : King + 1 Queen 2 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Queen 3 Pawns

8 pieces endgame at move 45 : White KQPP , Black KQPP

WHITE : King + 1 Queen 2 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Queen 2 Pawns

7 pieces endgame at move 57 : White KPP , Black KQPP

WHITE : King + 2 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Queen 2 Pawns

6 pieces endgame at move 58 : White KPP , Black KPP

WHITE : King + 2 Pawns
BLACK : King + 2 Pawns

Promotion Queen by player White (move 59)

Promotion Queen by player Black (move 59)

5 pieces endgame at move 62 : White KQP , Black KQ

WHITE : King + 1 Queen 1 Pawn
BLACK : King + 1 Queen

Player White won this chess game.

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