Big chess - Game 69530

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Game result  (chess)

H. Pechova, 2143
S. Cade, 2312


See game 146521

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WORLD_CHAMPIONSHIP__000002       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 69530  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2014 January 17   22:38:0

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2012.11.18"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Legrand,Stephane"]
[Black "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2101"]
[BlackElo "2146"]

1.m2-m4 j15-k13 2.p1-o3 h16-o10 3.h2-g4 o10-c10 4.j2-k4 c10-c2 5.h1-o7 h15-g13 6.e2-e4 c2-c5 7.l1-p5 k16-h15 8.b1-c3 b16-c14 9.g1-f3 m15-m13 10.n2-n3 b15-b14 11.d2-d4 c5-a5 12.f1-b5 g16-j15 13.o1-j6 c16-b15 14.m4-m5 e15-e13 15.m5-m6 p16-o14 16.m1-m5 f16-b12 17.m5-f5 a5-a9 18.c1-f4 a9-j9 19.f5-f6 c14-d12 20.q1-m1 c15-c13 21.j1-h2 p15-p14 22.f4-g3 o16-p15 23.o7-n6 o14-n12 24.f6-a6 d15-d13 25.n6-o7 o15-o14 26.k1-l3 n15-n13 27.m1-m5 n12-l11 28.e1-m1 m13-m12 29.b5-c4 l16-o13 30.j6-g8 d12-f11 31.g3-j5 b12-j5 32.m5-j5 j9-b9 33.a1-c1 f11-d12 34.j5-a5 d12-c14 35.c4-b3 e16-e14 36.m1-m5 e14-f14 37.o7-e7 p15-o16 38.e7-d8 f14-f8 39.d8-g11 l11-j12 40.g11-g10 k13-j11 41.g10-j10 b15-c16 42.j10-o15 m16-m15 43.o15-o14 o16-p15 44.o14-q12 b9-b8 45.h2-j2 f8-g8 46.b3-g8 b8-g8 47.m5-b5 j11-h13 48.b5-b14 c16-d15 49.b14-b15 h15-f14 50.c3-d5 c13-c12 51.q12-q9 g8-n8 52.q9-e9 g13-e14 53.c1-c7 j12-g13 54.e9-b9 j15-g14 55.d5-c3 p15-q14 56.c7-k7 q14-o12 57.k4-m5 j16-j15 58.a5-k5 l15-l13 59.n3-n4 l13-l12 60.b9-e6 l12-l11 61.m5-l7 n8-p8 62.l3-m5 q16-b16 63.a6-b6 b16-b15 64.b6-b15 a16-b16 65.b15-b16 c14-b16 66.e6-k6 o13-n12 67.k6-a15 b16-c14 68.a15-g9 p8-l12 69.p5-m2 e14-f12 70.q2-q4 d15-h11 71.m2-p5 g13-f11 72.g9-f8 c14-d12 73.k7-b7 l12-p16 74.k5-a5 m15-m16 75.b7-b15 h11-e14 76.b15-a15 f11-g13 77.f8-a3 p16-e6 78.a5-a6 e6-e8 79.o3-m4 q15-q13 80.m4-k3 e8-g8 81.o2-o3 d12-f11 82.a15-a16 g8-m13 83.a16-m16 m13-m16 84.p5-n3 m16-e9 85.n3-m2 e9-f9 86.a6-a9 f9-k13 87.a3-o16 g14-h16 88.m2-f8 g13-j12 89.a9-n9 n12-o13 90.f8-m14 j12-k14 91.n9-n5 k14-l12 92.m14-c5 f12-g14 93.m5-n7 l12-n11 94.n5-k5 k13-l14 95.a2-a4 f11-d12 96.a4-a5 d12-b11 97.a5-a6 e14-g12 98.a6-a7 n11-p12 99.q4-q5 o12-p11 100.p2-p4 l14-o11 101.n7-o5 o11-p10 102.k3-m4 p10-q9 103.k2-k3 q9-n9 104.o16-e7 n9-b9 105.b2-b4 h13-f12 106.b4-b5 b9-b7 107.e7-m14 j14-j13 108.b5-b6 g12-j14 109.k5-e5 b7-a6 110.c3-d5 a6-d9 111.l7-k5 d9-c8 112.c5-l13 j15-h15 113.l13-m12 c8-m8 114.m12-l13 m8-m14 115.l13-m14 k15-k13 116.m14-e7 f14-e12 117.k5-h6 e12-d10 118.h6-f7 f12-d11 119.g2-g3 k13-k12 120.f3-g5 g14-f12 121.g4-h6 f15-f14 122.e7-c5 b11-c9 123.d5-f6 d10-c8 124.d4-d5 h16-g14 125.h3-h4 g14-h12 126.f7-d8 d11-e9 127.c5-e3 e9-d7 128.f6-d7 c9-d7 129.e5-e6 c8-e9 130.b6-b7 f12-d11 131.e6-e7 n13-n12 132.h6-f7 n12-n11 133.f7-e9 d7-e9 134.m4-k5 p11-k6 135.k5-h6 e9-g10 136.h6-f7 k6-m8 137.f7-e5 m8-j11 138.e7-m7 j14-m11 139.e5-c6 g10-e9 140.a7-a8 h12-f11 141.o5-n7 j11-l9 142.f2-f3 p12-n13 143.e3-f4 n13-l12 144.d8-f9 d13-d12 145.a8-a9 e9-c10 146.b7-b8 l12-m10 147.b8-b9 c10-b12 148.g5-e6 l9-f4 149.g3-f4 c12-c11 150.e6-d8 d11-e9 151.l2-l4 b12-d11 152.a9-a10 d11-b10 153.c6-e5 h15-g16 154.j3-j4 e9-c8 155.f9-g11 c8-d10 156.h4-h5 m11-h15 157.m7-m9 m10-k9 158.m9-m16 g16-f15 159.m16-n16 d10-b9 160.d8-b9 h15-b9 161.j2-j3 b9-a10 162.n16-n11 b10-d11 163.n11-n15 f15-g14 164.n7-m9 a10-g16 165.m9-n11 g16-m11 166.n11-m13 k9-m10 167.m13-k14 d11-f12 168.e5-d7 m10-l12 169.k14-m15 l12-m10 170.m15-l13 m11-k13 171.d7-f8 f12-e14 172.f8-h9 f11-h12 173.h9-f10 h12-f13 174.g11-j12 m10-l12 175.p4-p5 o13-l10 176.j12-h10 l10-q5 177.o3-o4 q5-l10 178.n4-n5 k13-b5 179.j3-h4 b5-e2 180.h4-g3 l10-p6 181.n15-n7 p6-l2 182.n7-k7 l2-k1 183.e4-e5 k1-j2 184.d5-d6 j2-h1 185.l4-l5 e2-f3 186.k3-k4 f3-e4 187.h5-h6 e4-o13 188.k7-n7 h1-e4 189.n5-n6 l12-m10 190.n7-n15 f13-h12 191.n6-n7 e4-d5 192.f10-e12 h12-k11 193.h10-k11 m10-k11 194.l13-j14 d5-f7 195.j4-j5 k11-m10 196.j14-h16 g14-h13 197.e12-g11 h13-g12 198.g11-j12 g12-h12 199.j12-k14 h12-g13 200.k14-j16 g15-g14 201.h16-f15 g13-f12 202.j16-h14 f7-k11 203.n15-j15 m10-n8 204.j15-j13 n8-p7 205.j13-k13 k11-m9 206.k13-k12 f12-f11 207.h14-g16 g14-g13 208.f15-d14 o13-p12 209.g16-f14 p7-n6 210.k12-o12 m9-o11 211.f14-d15 n6-o4 212.d15-e13 f11-g10 213.o12-o14 e14-f12 214.o14-p14 o4-n6 215.d14-e12 n6-p5 216.e12-g13 q13-q12 217.g13-j12 l11-l10 218.j12-k10 p5-n6 219.k10-l12 o11-l8 220.l12-j11 g10-h10 221.j11-l10 h10-h9 222.l10-n11 p12-o11 223.p14-q14 o11-q13 224.q14-h14 f12-h11 225.h14-h12 q12-q11 226.h12-d12 l8-m7 227.d12-c12 h9-j8 228.c12-c11 q13-l8 229.n11-l10 l8-j10 230.c11-c8 j8-k9 231.l10-n9 m7-f1 232.d6-d7 n6-m4 233.c8-c15 h11-j9 234.d7-d8 m4-l6 235.c15-c1 j10-c4 236.c1-c2 c4-e2 237.g3-f2 e2-d3 238.c2-c14 j9-k11 239.c14-k14 d3-c4 240.e5-e6 k9-j10 241.k14-j14 j10-k9 242.j14-j6 f1-j4 243.h6-h7 k9-l9 244.f2-e3 k11-h10 245.j6-k6 l6-k8 246.j5-j6 h10-f9 247.d8-d9 j4-d9 248.m6-m7 k8-h9 249.m7-m8 l9-m9 250.k6-k9 m9-n8 251.k9-h9 d9-e8 252.n9-p8 c4-e6 253.h9-n9 n8-m7 254.j6-j7 m7-l8 255.e13-f11 e6-h3 256.f11-g9 e8-d7 257.g9-f7 f9-g7 258.n9-j9 l8-m7 259.f7-g5 h3-j2 260.p8-o10 m7-n7 261.m8-m9 q11-q10 262.m9-m10 g7-f5 263.e3-e4 f5-h6 264.m10-m11 h6-k7 265.j9-d9 k7-m8 266.m11-m12 m8-l10 267.m12-m13 l10-k12 268.m13-m14 d7-m15 269.o10-n12 j2-d7 270.n12-o14 m15-e8 271.d9-q9 k12-l14 272.q9-q10 l14-k16 273.q10-m10 k16-m15 274.o14-m15 e8-m15 275.g5-j6 1-0

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My style is somewhere between that of Tal and Petrosian. (Reshevsky)

Es ist besser die Steine des Gegners zu opfern. (Savielly Grigorievitsch Tartakower)

El Ajedrez es un expediente tonto que hace creer a la gente inactiva que hacen una cosa muy astuta cuando solamente estan perdiendo su tiempo. (George Bernard Shaw)

Shah mat. Le roi est mort. Cri de fierté d'un joueur venant de terrasser son adversaire, courtoisement, sans effusion de sang.

There will be no order, only chaos. (Sol Robeson in Pi by Darren Aronofsky)

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