Bird: Hobbs gambit - Game 6361

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T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__CHESS__WCH_STAGE_1_GROUP_02__000002       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

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Last move : 0-1     2007 April 10   16:40:40

[Event "FICGS__CHESS__WCH_STAGE_1_GROUP_02__000002"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2007.01.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Van den Cruyce,Els"]
[Black "Vrenchur,Lojze"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1937"]
[BlackElo "1284"]

1.f4 g5 2.fxg5 e5 3.d4 exd4 4.Qxd4 f6 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.Qe4+ Qe7 7.Qxe7+ Bxe7 8.Nd5 Bd6 9.Bd2 Nge7 10.Nxf6+ Kf7 11.e4 Nd4 12.O-O-O Be5 13.Bc4+ Kg6 14.Nf3 Bxf6 0-1

This chess game has been lost on time   (started : 2007.01.16  15:12:15)

  ECO code : A02 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below :

Bird : Hobbs gambit

Queenside Castling by player White (move 12)

Player Black won this chess game.

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Every Pawn is a potential Queen. (James Mason)

Nur ein wirklich starker Spieler weiß wie schwach er spielt. (Savielly Grigorievitsch Tartakower)

Con el fin de mejorar tu juego, debes de estudiar los finales antes que todo, ya que mientras que los finales pueden ser estudiados y dominados por sí mismos, el juegomedio y la apertura deben de ser estudiados en relación con los finales. (José Raúl Capablanca)

Les Echecs sont et restent toujours un combat, un combat intégral comme la boxe, la lutte ou un autre sport, et où il doit y avoir un vainqueur et un vaincu. (Joseph Emil Diemer)

Do not put your faith in what statistics say until you have carefully considered what they do not say. (William W. Watt)

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