Sicilian defense - Game 61143

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Game result  (chess)

T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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(type : rated knockout,   time : 0 day, 00:30:00,   increment : 0 day, 00:00:15 / move)

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Last move : 0-1     2011 December 3   17:6:41

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2011.12.03"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Singh,Jai Prakash"]
[Black "Gray,Garvin"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1881"]
[BlackElo "2383"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.Bg5 e6 7.Qd2 Be7 8.O-O-O O-O 9.f4 Nxd4 10.Qxd4 h6 11.h4 Qa5 12.Bc4 Rd8 13.Rd3 b5 14.Bxb5 Rb8 15.Rg3 Kf8 16.Bxf6 Bxf6 17.e5 dxe5 18.Qc5+ Be7 19.Qxe5 f6 20.Qe2 Qc7 21.Rf1 f5 22.h5 Rd4 23.Rgf3 Qb6 24.b3 a6 25.Bd3 Bb7 26.Rg3 Bf6 27.Re3 Qc5 28.Nb1 Rd6 29.Re1 Re8 30.Bc4 Qd4 31.c3 Qxf4 32.Kb2 Bg5 33.Re5 Be4 34.Rxe4 Qxe4 35.Qxe4 fxe4 36.Rxe4 Ke7 37.Be2 Rf8 38.Bf3 Rf4 39.Re1 Rd8 40.Kc2 Rh4 41.c4 Kf7 42.c5 Rhd4 43.c6 Bf4 44.Na3 Rd2+ 45.Kb1 Bg3 46.Rh1 Kf6 47.Nc4 Rf2 48.Ne3 Ke7 49.Nd1 Rfd2 50.Ne3 Bf4 51.Nc4 Rf2 52.Nb2 Be5 53.Nc4 Bc3 54.Rc1 Bf6 55.Re1 Rd4 56.c7 Kd7 57.Rxe6 Rh4 58.Re1 Kxc7 59.Rc1 Kb8 60.Re1 Bc3 61.Re2 Rxe2 62.Bxe2 Kc7 63.Kc2 Bf6 64.Bf3 Kd7 65.a3 Ke6 66.Kd3 Rh1 67.Kc2 Rg1 68.b4 Ra1 69.Be4 Kd7 70.Bb7 Ra2+ 71.Kb3 Rf2 72.Ne3 a5 73.Bf3 axb4 74.axb4 Rb2+ 75.Kc4 Rb1 76.Nd5 Kd6 77.Kb5 Be5 78.Ne3 Bc3 79.Nd5 Bd2 80.Kc4 Rh1 81.Kd3 Bg5 82.Kd4 Rh4+ 83.Kc3 Bf6+ 84.Kb3 Bd4 85.Kc4 Bf2 86.g4 Ke5 87.Ne7 Rh3 88.Be2 Rh1 89.Nf5 Re1 90.Bd3 Rc1+ 91.Kb5 Rc7 92.Ka4 Be1 93.b5 Bf2 94.Kb3 Kd5 95.Bf1 Kc5 96.Kc2 Rd7 97.Bd3 Be1 98.Kd1 Bh4 99.Kd2 Bg5+ 100.Ke2 Bc1 101.Ng3 Bf4 102.Nf5 Bg5 103.Be4 Kxb5 104.Kf3 Kc4 105.Kf2 Ra7 106.Bf3 Kd3 107.Bc6 Rc7 108.Bd5 Bf6 109.Kf3 Rc1 110.Be4+ Kd2 111.Bd5 Rf1+ 112.Ke4 Re1+ 113.Kf3 Kd3 114.Kf2 Rb1 115.Be6 Rb4 116.Ng3 Bh4 117.Kf3 Bxg3 118.Kxg3 Ke4 119.Bf7 Ke5 120.Bg8 Ra4 121.Bf7 Ra3+ 122.Kh2 Kf4 123.Be6 Rg3 124.Bd7 Rxg4 0-1

  ECO code : B33 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below :

Sicilian defense

Queenside Castling by player White (move 8)

Kingside Castling by player Black (move 8)

10 pieces endgame at move 103 : White KBNPP , Black KRBPP

WHITE : King + 1 Bishop 1 Knight 2 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Bishop 2 Pawns

9 pieces endgame at move 117 : White KBPP , Black KRBPP

WHITE : King + 1 Bishop 2 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Bishop 2 Pawns

8 pieces endgame at move 118 : White KBPP , Black KRPP

WHITE : King + 1 Bishop 2 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Rook 2 Pawns

7 pieces endgame at move 124 : White KBP , Black KRPP

WHITE : King + 1 Bishop 1 Pawn
BLACK : King + 1 Rook 2 Pawns

Player Black won this chess game.

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After a bad opening, there is hope for the middle game. After a bad middle game, there is hope for the endgame. But once you are in the endgame, the moment of truth has arrived. (Edmar Mednis)

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