Big chess - Game 58551

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Game result  (chess)

T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT_B__000003       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 58551  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2011 October 9   2:27:25

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2011.08.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Kuge,Tom"]
[Black "Walden,Janeen"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1836"]
[BlackElo "1924"]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.n2-n4 j15-k13 3.p1-o3 m15-m13 4.b1-c3 p16-o14 5.m2-m4 l16-p12 6.e2-e4 n15-n14 7.d2-d4 o16-j11 8.l1-o4 h16-o10 9.o4-c15 o10-f2 10.g1-f3 f2-p11 11.c15-k8 b16-c14 12.c1-g5 g16-j15 13.f1-c4 e15-e13 14.h1-o7 f16-b12 15.k4-m5 d15-d14 16.g5-h4 j11-m8 17.k8-l7 m8-l7 18.h4-l7 p11-o11 19.o7-p6 c16-h11 20.f3-h4 a16-c16 21.k1-l3 k16-h15 22.e1-f1 q15-q13 23.o1-k5 e16-e14 24.j1-j2 c14-d12 25.c4-h9 d12-f11 26.p6-b6 a15-a13 27.k5-l6 e13-e12 28.g2-g4 m16-m14 29.a2-a4 m14-l14 30.d4-d5 j15-h13 31.h2-j4 j16-j15 32.a4-a5 c16-c14 33.a5-a6 q16-c16 34.a6-a7 h13-j11 35.h9-f7 f11-e9 36.f7-a12 c14-c15 37.a7-a8 e14-f14 38.f1-f14 h15-f14 39.a8-a9 c15-c7 40.a9-a10 c7-l7 41.m5-l7 l14-l7 42.m4-m5 p12-q11 43.l6-q11 o11-q11 44.a10-a11 b12-d10 45.b6-b15 l7-l8 46.b15-a14 l8-p8 47.a14-d14 e12-e11 48.p2-p3 p8-b8 49.a1-a2 q11-q10 50.a12-g6 q10-o12 51.o3-m4 o12-d2 52.j2-k3 d2-c2 53.m1-c1 c2-b3 54.c1-a1 b3-b7 55.d14-m6 c16-b16 56.j4-g3 b7-c7 57.g3-e2 b8-b2 58.m6-p9 m13-m12 59.p9-p15 o14-m13 60.p15-o15 c7-n7 61.o15-q13 e9-g8 62.q1-b1 b2-b8 63.b1-b8 b16-b8 64.a2-a8 g8-j7 65.a8-b8 d10-b8 66.g6-j4 b8-e5 67.a1-a3 n7-o6 68.m4-o5 o6-k6 69.k3-j2 k6-o2 70.q13-q14 l15-l14 71.q2-q4 n14-n13 72.a3-a7 j11-k9 73.h4-k5 j7-k5 74.l3-k5 o2-n1 75.k5-l3 k13-l11 76.q14-e3 n1-j1 77.j2-k3 j1-h1 78.l3-j2 h1-n1 79.j2-l3 n1-h1 80.k3-k4 e5-b8 81.a7-a8 b8-d10 82.k4-l5 h1-p1 83.l5-m6 p1-k6 84.m6-n7 k6-k2 85.a8-n8 k2-j3 86.n7-o6 d10-l3 87.n4-n5 k9-l7 88.n8-m8 l11-n10 89.m8-p8 l7-m5 90.o6-p5 l3-n5 91.e3-g1 j3-o3 0-1

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No Chess Grandmaster is normal; they only differ in the extent of their madness. (Viktor Korchnoi)

Vielleicht wirkt die Aura früherer Spieler glanzvoller als die der heutigen Spieler, aber das liegt daran, dass man kein Programm wie Fritz hatte, das einem all die Löcher in ihren Partien zeigt. (Vladimir Kramnik)

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