Big chess - Game 55902

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D. DiAlfonso, 2258
N. Hallqvist, 2161


See game 147093

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_03__000002       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 55902  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2012 April 6   13:54:49

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2011.05.10"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Flores,Luis"]
[Black "Lehnhoff,Heinz-Georg"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1727"]
[BlackElo "2115"]

1.j2-k4 g15-g14 2.b1-c3 h16-d12 3.m2-m4 e15-e13 4.g1-f3 f16-b12 5.k1-l3 m15-m13 6.n2-n4 n15-n13 7.e2-e4 d15-d13 8.d2-d4 j15-k13 9.p1-o3 p16-q14 10.l1-n3 l16-p12 11.h1-p8 c16-l8 12.m4-m5 d12-j12 13.f1-b5 j12-j13 14.j1-h1 o15-o14 15.o1-f9 g16-j15 16.f9-h11 l8-n10 17.p8-b8 a15-a13 18.h11-f9 h15-g13 19.c1-j7 o16-f8 20.j7-f10 j13-p7 21.n3-p5 k16-h15 22.b8-c7 p7-c7 23.f10-c7 b16-a14 24.a1-d1 m13-m12 25.h2-g4 e13-e12 26.m1-m4 f8-g9 27.m4-m2 g13-f11 28.c7-g11 j15-h13 29.g11-o4 k13-l11 30.o4-n3 g9-f8 31.n3-e11 h15-g13 32.p5-n3 d13-d12 33.e11-f10 j14-j13 34.m5-m6 e12-e11 35.f10-j7 f11-h10 36.f9-e8 l11-k9 37.j7-g9 g13-f11 38.g9-f8 b12-f8 39.m2-m5 n10-p8 40.q1-m1 p12-k7 41.h1-h2 p8-m5 42.k4-m5 a14-b12 43.e8-g10 k7-g10 44.b5-g10 h13-j11 45.g10-e8 b12-d11 46.e8-b11 e16-e15 47.n3-p5 d11-c9 48.b11-g6 g14-g13 49.n4-n5 j16-j15 50.m1-m4 k9-h8 51.g6-n12 j11-g10 52.m4-l4 l15-l14 53.e4-e5 o14-o13 54.n12-l10 c9-d11 55.g4-f6 d11-f12 56.e1-e4 q16-o16 57.d4-d5 m12-m11 58.l10-p6 q14-p12 59.l4-q4 q15-q14 60.q4-q8 h8-k9 61.d5-d6 f8-j5 62.g2-g3 j5-o10 63.q8-b8 b15-b14 64.e4-c4 j15-j14 65.d1-d4 f12-d13 66.p6-n4 g10-f12 67.m5-n7 a16-d16 68.f3-g5 c15-c13 69.n7-m9 o10-m12 70.g5-h7 d13-b12 71.d4-e4 f11-h12 72.m9-k8 k15-k13 73.c3-d5 l14-l13 74.d5-e7 n13-n12 75.e7-d9 f12-g14 76.d9-b10 g14-e13 77.b10-a12 d16-d14 78.l3-j4 f15-f13 79.j4-g5 p12-n11 80.g5-e6 h10-f11 81.e6-d8 f11-d10 82.d8-e10 f13-f12 83.k8-h9 n11-l10 84.n4-o5 k9-h10 85.o3-m4 m16-m14 86.p2-p3 m14-p14 87.q2-q4 p14-p9 88.h7-f8 h10-f11 89.m4-l6 h14-h13 90.e4-j4 p9-j9 91.j4-k4 k13-k12 92.l6-j7 j13-j12 93.j7-l8 j9-j5 94.f2-f4 j5-n5 95.p3-p4 j14-j13 96.o2-o4 n5-l5 97.h9-j7 l10-j9 98.f8-h7 j9-l8 99.j7-l8 l5-l6 100.a2-a4 o16-l16 101.a4-a5 l13-l12 102.e10-f8 j12-j11 103.f8-h9 h12-k13 104.h9-j7 l6-l5 105.l2-l4 m11-m10 106.l8-m10 l5-l10 107.m10-l8 l10-q10 108.j7-l6 g13-g12 109.b2-b3 d10-c12 110.b3-b4 e15-c15 111.l6-k8 b14-b13 112.p5-n7 q10-a10 113.a12-c13 c15-c13 114.l8-j9 a10-c10 115.c4-c10 b12-c10 116.b8-c8 c12-d10 117.c8-c5 f11-h10 118.k8-j10 k12-k11 119.j10-g9 f12-f11 120.c2-c4 j13-j12 121.c5-c7 d14-c14 122.c4-c5 c10-d8 123.c7-c13 c14-c13 124.k4-k8 d8-c6 0-1

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My style is somewhere between that of Tal and Petrosian. (Reshevsky)

Ein Großmeister muß tausende Partien in seinem Kopf speichern, denn diese sind für Ihn, was die Worte der Muttersprache für gewöhnliche Leute sind, oder Noten für Musiker... (Garry Kasparov)

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Fischer est le meilleur joueur du monde et Karpov n'est qu'un joueur de bistrot. (Garry Kasparov, agé de 16 ans)

A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click. (Author unknown)

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