Big chess - Game 54716

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T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000077       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 54716  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2011 November 23   7:58:19

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2011.04.01"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Joubert,Hennie"]
[Black "Brulland,Emmanuel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo ""]
[BlackElo ""]

1.g2-g4 g15-g13 2.h3-h4 h16-c11 3.b1-c3 n15-n14 4.g4-g5 o16-d6 5.e2-e4 d15-d14 6.e4-e5 d6-c5 7.f2-f4 p16-o14 8.h1-d5 c5-g1 9.m2-m3 g1-h2 10.k1-h2 j15-k13 11.l1-m2 c11-o11 12.p1-o3 b16-c14 13.f1-e2 o11-m13 14.d5-d13 e15-e14 15.d13-f11 c14-e13 16.f11-f9 g16-f14 17.b2-b3 h14-h13 18.p2-p3 b15-b14 19.f9-g10 c16-d15 20.o1-p2 d15-c14 21.g10-c10 e16-c16 22.e2-c4 m13-m11 23.c4-d3 c14-e12 24.c10-c7 h13-h12 25.d3-m11 f16-j13 26.m11-k13 j14-k13 27.c1-b2 h12-h11 28.c7-j7 k15-k14 29.e1-e4 k16-l14 30.a1-e1 e13-g12 31.m2-e9 o14-m13 32.p2-q3 m13-k12 33.e9-j13 h15-j13 34.b2-a3 j16-h15 35.a3-k12 l14-k12 36.k2-k4 l16-h13 37.f4-f5 l15-l13 38.q1-n1 m15-m13 39.f5-f6 q15-q14 40.e5-e6 e12-a8 41.e4-d4 c16-j16 42.j7-a7 a8-f13 43.a7-g13 a16-g16 44.g13-f13 h15-j15 45.e6-e7 e14-f13 46.e1-e6 a15-a13 47.e6-c6 g16-c16 48.d4-c4 f14-d13 49.l2-l4 j16-e16 50.k4-k5 e16-e13 51.m1-k1 h13-j14 52.k1-k4 k12-j10 53.q3-j10 h11-j10 54.k4-j4 e13-e10 55.j4-j9 k13-k12 56.j9-c9 j14-l12 57.c4-d4 g12-e11 58.n1-k1 m16-g16 59.k1-k4 f15-f14 60.k4-j4 k12-k11 61.h2-g4 g16-g15 62.g4-h6 j13-g12 63.h6-f7 q16-h16 64.f7-d8 e10-d10 65.d4-c4 l12-k13 66.c6-c5 c15-c13 67.d2-d3 l13-l12 68.j2-k4 b14-b13 69.o3-m4 a13-a12 70.c3-e4 g15-h15 71.e4-d6 h15-h9 72.c9-h9 h16-h9 73.k4-l6 h9-o9 74.o2-o4 o9-q9 75.q2-q4 q9-p9 76.m4-o5 c16-h16 77.d6-f7 k13-e8 78.j4-j7 p9-o9 79.l6-n7 o9-o7 80.j7-j8 e8-f7 81.c4-b4 f7-h9 82.j8-p8 p15-p14 83.b4-b13 d13-b12 84.j1-k2 a12-a11 85.n2-n4 j15-j14 86.p3-p4 h16-h15 87.p4-p5 h9-g8 88.b13-a13 g8-h9 89.a13-a11 e11-c10 90.d8-c10 d10-c10 91.c5-c10 b12-c10 92.p8-f8 h9-e12 93.a11-a14 d14-d13 94.a2-a4 q14-q13 95.a4-a5 e12-d11 96.a14-a13 c13-c12 97.a13-d13 c10-e11 98.d13-a13 e11-d9 99.f8-d8 d9-c7 100.d3-d4 c7-e6 101.d8-d6 e6-f4 102.a5-a6 f4-g2 103.a6-a7 g2-e3 104.a7-a8 e3-c2 105.a8-a9 c2-a1 106.a9-a10 a1-b3 107.a10-a11 g12-e13 108.a13-a16 e13-d15 109.d6-b6 b3-d4 110.a11-a12 d15-c13 111.a12-a13 c12-c11 112.b6-b14 h15-f15 113.b14-c14 c13-e12 114.a13-a14 e12-g13 115.c14-b14 d11-e12 116.a16-b16 o7-o8 117.b14-b15 e12-b15 118.a14-b15 o8-b8 119.b16-j16 j14-k13 120.b15-b16 b8-b16 121.j16-b16 k13-j13 122.b16-c16 g13-e12 123.k2-j2 j13-h13 124.j2-h2 f15-d15 125.o5-m4 d4-f5 126.k5-k6 f5-d6 127.h2-g3 d6-f7 128.m4-k5 f7-e9 129.n7-l6 c11-c10 130.l6-j5 e12-f10 131.g3-f4 f10-d11 132.f4-e5 c10-c9 133.e5-d5 c9-c8 134.d5-c6 f13-f12 135.j5-g6 f12-f11 136.g6-f8 h13-g12 137.c16-c14 g12-g13 138.f8-e6 d11-b12 139.c14-c13 g13-h14 140.q4-q5 b12-d11 141.c13-c14 h14-g14 142.o4-o5 d11-b10 143.q5-q6 k14-k13 144.p5-p6 b10-d11 145.e6-d8 g14-f13 146.q6-q7 f13-e13 147.m3-m4 k13-k12 148.n4-n5 f14-f13 149.o5-o6 f11-f10 150.p6-p7 f13-f12 151.q7-q8 e13-d13 152.c14-c16 d15-k15 153.d8-b9 l12-l11 154.b9-a7 d11-b10 155.k5-h6 k11-k10 156.h6-f5 l11-l10 157.f5-d6 k12-k11 158.a7-c8 b10-c8 159.d6-c8 e9-c8 160.c16-c8 d13-e12 161.c6-d6 k15-k14 162.c8-c15 o15-o14 163.c15-o15 o14-o13 164.o15-p15 n14-n13 165.d6-e6 m13-m12 166.e6-f5 n13-n12 167.f5-g4 m12-m11 168.g4-h5 e12-f11 169.j3-j4 k10-k9 170.h5-j5 k11-k10 171.h4-h5 j10-j9 172.g5-g6 f10-f9 173.p15-b15 f11-f10 174.b15-b8 f12-f11 175.e7-e8 f9-e8 176.b8-e8 k9-k8 177.f6-f7 k10-k9 178.k6-k7 f10-f9 179.m4-m5 f11-f10 180.h5-h6 l10-l9 181.n5-n6 k14-k13 182.o6-o7 p14-p13 183.p7-p8 q13-q12 184.q8-q9 q12-q11 185.q9-q10 p13-p12 186.p8-p9 m11-m10 187.o7-o8 m10-m9 188.e8-e3 f9-g9 189.g6-g7 f10-f9 190.f7-f8 g9-g8 191.j5-h5 j9-j8 192.n6-n7 j8-k7 193.l4-l5 l9-l8 194.e3-k3 g8-h7 195.j4-j5 o13-o12 196.l5-l6 k7-l6 197.m5-l6 h7-j8 198.j5-j6 n12-n11 199.k3-m3 n11-n10 200.o8-o9 o12-o11 201.o9-o10 k13-k12 202.m3-e3 k8-k7 203.l6-k7 l8-k7 204.j6-j7 k9-k8 205.j7-k8 j8-k8 206.e3-l3 k7-k6 207.h5-j6 k8-j8 208.h6-h7 j8-h9 209.l3-k3 k12-j12 210.j6-h6 j12-k12 211.k3-k4 n10-n9 212.h6-j6 k12-j12 213.j6-k6 j12-k12 214.k6-l5 k12-l12 215.l5-m6 h9-j9 216.m6-m7 j9-j10 217.k4-k7 j10-j9 218.k7-k11 m9-m8 219.n7-m8 n9-m8 220.m7-m8 l12-m12 221.m8-n8 m12-h12 222.k11-k7 h12-g12 223.k7-m7 g12-g7 224.m7-m9 j9-h8 225.m9-f9 g7-h7 226.f9-f12 h8-g8 227.f12-p12 g8-f8 228.p12-p11 h7-h8 229.n8-o7 h8-h9 230.o7-n8 f8-g9 231.n8-o8 g9-h10 232.p11-o11 h9-h8 233.o8-p7 h8-h7 234.p7-q8 h7-h8 235.q8-q9 h10-j10 236.o11-q11 j10-k10 237.q11-n11 k10-l10 238.q9-p10 l10-m10 239.p10-p11 h8-h12 240.q10-q11 h12-h16 241.p9-p10 h16-p16 242.p11-q10 p16-o16 243.q10-p9 o16-p16 244.p10-p11 p16-q16 245.p9-p10 q16-o16 246.p11-p12 o16-q16 247.p10-p11 q16-o16 248.n11-n13 m10-m11 249.o10-o11 m11-m12 250.o11-o12 o16-q16 251.q11-q12 q16-p16 252.p12-p13 p16-o16 253.p11-p12 o16-q16 254.q12-q13 1-0

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It is the aim of the modern school, not to treat every position according to one general law, but according to the principle inherent in the position. (Richard Reti)

Alles was ich jemals tun will ist Schach spielen. (Robert James Fischer)

Los tropiezos estan todos ahí en el tablero, esperando que se cometan. (Savielly Tartakover)

Le système Elo représente seulement une moyenne. Il est simplement un indicateur de votre stabilité. (Anatoli Karpov)

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