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Viewer FICGS__GO__TOURNAMENT_KYU__000120 (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t
Last move : 1-0 2011 June 4 19:14:36 [Event "FICGS__GO__TOURNAMENT_KYU__000120 "] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2011.03.31"] [Round "1"] [Black "Kehayov,Yulian "] [White "Bakin,Eugeniy "] [Result "1-0"] [Rating 1 "0687"] [Rating 2 "0000"] 1.r15 d16 2.q4 q16 3.q15 p16 4.c4 o3 5.r6 q2 6.d10 k17 7.j16 j17 8.h16 c17 9.d14 g17 10.g16 f17 11.e15 c14 12.d13 c13 13.c12 e4 14.g4 e6 15.e5 d5 16.f5 d4 17.d6 c6 18.d7 c7 19.e7 c3 20.f6 f3 21.g3 1-0 This go game has been lost on time (started : 2011.03.31 18:5:38) Here are the names of the openings (joseki) played in the four corners : Corner q16 : r15 q16Mokuhazushi (Waemok, Wai`mu`) 5-3 Point. The mokuhazushi (5-3) point was popular in the Edo period in Japan (1600 - 1867). It emphasizes influence; territorially, it is inferior to the 3-4 point. Corner q4 : q4 o3Hoshi (Hwajeom, Seongjeom, Xingwei`) 4-4 Point. The star or hoshi (4-4) point, emphasizing influence at the potential expense of territory.Ikken Kakari (Hankan Keolch'im, Yi Gua`jiao~, 1-Space Low Approach). White 2 is the standard approach move to the 4-4. Corner d16 : d16 j16Hoshi (Hwajeom, Seongjeom, Xingwei`) 4-4 Point. The star or hoshi (4-4) point, emphasizing influence at the potential expense of territory. Corner d4 : c4 e4Komoku (Somok, Xiao~mu`) 3-4 Point. The komoku (3-4) point is the traditional corner enclosure move..Ikken Takagakari (Hankan Nop'dakeolch'im, Yi Gaogua`jiao~, 1-Space High Approach). The 5-4 approach move has become more popular in modern times, as modern Go emphasizes speed and influence. Player Black won this Go (weiqi, baduk) game.Follow this game move after move (download ) Josekis are not fixed, definitive things. They indicate the moments when everything can change. (Pierre Audouard) A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience. (Miguel de Cervantes)
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