Player Black won this chess ga - Game 51688

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T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_D__000163       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 40 days,   increment : 40 days / 10 moves)

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Last move : 0-1     2011 January 8   12:24:30

[Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_D__000163"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2011.01.08"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Osipov,Sergey"]
[Black "Guralivu,Paul-Iosif"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1493"]
[BlackElo "1561"]


Player Black won this chess game.

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No other master has such a terrific will to win. At the board he radiates danger, and even the strongest opponents tend to freeze, like rabbits when they smell a panther. Even his weaknesses are dangerous. As white, his opening game is predictable - you can make plans against it - but so strong that your plans almost never work. In the middle game his precision and invention are fabulous, and in the end game you simply cannot beat him. (Anonymous German Expert)

Wer der Ansicht ist, daß alle Schachspieler verrückt sind, wird durch Studium des Lebens von Emil Josef Diemer nicht auf andere Gedanken kommen. (Hans Ree)

Un buen sacrificio es aquel que aunque no sea necesariamente sólido, deja a tu oponente aturdido y confuso. (Rudolph Spielmann)

Vous m'avez demandé de vous exposer quel est le fondement de la prière. Je ne fais que préparer les pièces du jeu sur la table... Nous sera-t-il permis d'en adopter les règles et si nous les appliquons scrupuleusement nous ne tarderons pas à faire mat le Roi divin ! Il ne pourra échapper à nos mains. (Sainte Thérèse d'Avila, Chemin de perfection)

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. (Unknown)

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