French: King's Indian attack - Game 43596

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D. DiAlfonso, 2258
N. Hallqvist, 2161


See game 147093

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(type : rated knockout,   time : 0 day, 00:05:00,   increment : 0 day, 00:00:15 / move)

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Last move : 1/2-1/2     2010 May 25   20:43:35

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2010.05.25"]
[Round "1"]
[White "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[Black "Lowrance,Wayne"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2333"]
[BlackElo "2329"]

1.e4 e6 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.Ngf3 c5 5.g3 Nc6 6.Bg2 Be7 7.O-O O-O 8.Re1 b5 9.e5 Nd7 10.Nf1 Bb7 11.h4 h6 12.Bf4 b4 13.N3d2 Qc7 14.Qh5 Rac8 15.Nf3 Rfd8 16.Ne3 Bf8 17.Nxd5 exd5 18.e6 Nf6 19.Bxc7 Nxh5 20.Bxd8 Rxd8 21.Ne5 fxe6 22.Nxc6 Bxc6 23.Rxe6 Bb5 24.a4 bxa3 25.Rxa3 a6 26.Ra1 Nf6 27.Rb6 c4 28.d4 Bd6 29.Re1 Kf8 30.Rb7 Bd7 31.c3 Bc8 32.Rb6 g5 33.hxg5 hxg5 34.Bf3 g4 35.Bd1 Kg7 36.Bc2 Kf7 37.Kf1 Kg8 38.Ke2 Kg7 39.Kd1 Kf7 40.Kd2 Bc7 41.Rc6 Bb8 42.Kc1 Rh8 43.Kb1 a5 44.Rc5 a4 45.Rc6 Bd7 46.Rb6 Bc7 47.Rb7 Rc8 48.Kc1 Ne8 49.Ra7 Nf6 50.Rh1 Bb6 51.Rb7 Bc7 52.Rh4 Kg7 53.Kd1 Kg8 54.Rh6 Kf7 55.Rg6 Be6 56.Ra7 Nd7 57.Rg5 Bb6 58.Rxa4 Bd8 59.Rh5 Nf6 60.Ra7+ Be7 61.Re5 Nd7 62.Bg6+ Kf6 63.Re3 Nf8 64.Bc2 Bd6 65.Ra6 Rd8 66.Re1 Bb8 67.Rh1 Bd6 68.Rh5 Ng6 69.b4 cxb3 70.Bxb3 Ne7 71.Rh6+ Ng6 72.Bc2 Bf7 73.Ra7 Rg8 74.Kd2 Kg5 75.Rh7 Be6 76.Rhg7 Rxg7 77.Rxg7 Bf5 78.Rf7 Bc8 79.Rg7 Bf5 80.Bxf5 Kxf5 81.Rd7 Ke6 82.Rh7 Be7 83.Kd3 Bf6 84.Ra7 Ne7 85.Ra6+ Kf7 86.Rd6 Kg6 87.c4 dxc4+ 88.Kxc4 Nf5 89.Rd7 Nh4 90.gxh4 Bxh4 91.Rd6+ Kf5 92.Rd5+ Kf6 93.Re5 Bxf2 94.Re8 g3 95.Rf8+ Ke7 96.Rg8 Kf7 97.Rg4 Ke6 98.Rg6+ Kf5 1/2-1/2

Comment by player 1 : Thibault de Vassal :

Thanks for a very interesting game Wayne, so you say that there is/was a mate in 39 moves (6 man TB).. I can't find a way, but there is something somewhere to study for sure! Well defended!

Edit: I just looked at the position on shredderchess with their 6 man TB, I only see a draw... When did you see this #39 ?!

Wayne Lowrance
ok, Thib I may have intrepeted wrong, but I am trying to get the game unto rybka tablebases, but can not do it yet. can U advise ?

  ECO code : C00 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below :

French : King's Indian attack

Kingside Castling by player White (move 7)

Kingside Castling by player Black (move 7)

10 pieces endgame at move 87 : White KRPPP , Black KBNPP

WHITE : King + 1 Rook 3 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Bishop 1 Knight 2 Pawns

9 pieces endgame at move 88 : White KRPPP , Black KBNP

WHITE : King + 1 Rook 3 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Bishop 1 Knight 1 Pawn

8 pieces endgame at move 90 : White KRPPP , Black KBP

WHITE : King + 1 Rook 3 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Bishop 1 Pawn

7 pieces endgame at move 90 : White KRPP , Black KBP

WHITE : King + 1 Rook 2 Pawns
BLACK : King + 1 Bishop 1 Pawn

6 pieces endgame at move 93 : White KRP , Black KBP

WHITE : King + 1 Rook 1 Pawn
BLACK : King + 1 Bishop 1 Pawn

This chess game ended in a draw.

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