Big chess - Game 34179

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Game result  (chess)

T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000047       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 34179  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2010 May 1   7:39:35

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2009.08.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Rusli,Rafnizar"]
[Black "Walden,Janeen"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1561"]
[BlackElo ""]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h1-o7 m15-m13 3.o7-c7 j15-k13 4.h2-g4 e15-e13 5.m2-m4 p16-o14 6.l1-p5 k16-h15 7.d2-d4 l16-o13 8.c1-l9 b16-c14 9.b1-c3 f16-b12 10.c7-o7 n15-n14 11.n2-n4 d15-d14 12.g1-j2 c16-k9 13.e2-e4 g16-f14 14.o1-d11 e13-e12 15.d11-f9 l15-l14 16.o7-b7 a15-a13 17.f9-b13 e16-e13 18.b13-e10 h16-j15 19.p1-n2 c14-d12 20.e10-c12 b15-b13 21.c12-a10 o16-f8 22.l9-g13 h15-g13 23.p5-g13 e13-g13 24.a10-f15 a16-f16 25.f15-o7 g13-g7 26.b7-d9 g7-o7 27.d9-d12 o7-o2 28.k1-l3 o2-p2 29.n2-p3 m13-m12 30.m1-o1 m16-m13 31.g4-h2 j15-l13 32.d12-f10 b12-c13 33.f10-g10 l13-g9 34.f1-b5 g9-g10 35.b5-g10 k9-j8 36.g10-f9 c13-m4 37.h2-k3 m4-c13 38.j1-k1 p2-o2 39.f9-b13 f16-b16 40.b13-g8 m13-n13 41.a1-b1 o2-o1 42.q1-o1 j16-j15 43.f2-f3 b16-b8 44.g8-m3 q16-b16 45.b2-b3 b8-c8 46.e1-e3 b16-b11 47.b1-c1 f8-h6 48.c1-e1 h6-e3 49.e1-e3 b11-c11 50.c3-d5 c8-c2 51.j2-h4 c2-a2 52.k1-j2 n13-n10 53.e3-e1 n10-b10 54.b3-b4 c11-c2 55.j2-h2 j8-h9 56.o1-o9 h9-d5 57.e4-d5 b10-b4 58.o9-p9 p15-p14 59.p9-o9 b4-d4 60.m3-g8 d4-d2 61.k3-j1 o14-m13 62.k4-h5 m13-l11 63.h5-f6 c13-a11 64.f6-e4 d2-e2 65.e1-b1 c2-b2 66.b1-c1 e2-c2 67.c1-e1 g15-g13 68.e4-g3 c2-c9 69.o9-o6 c9-q9 70.o6-o2 a2-a8 71.g8-f7 a8-q8 72.e1-c1 c15-c13 73.c1-a1 a11-b12 74.f7-k3 q8-q2 75.o2-o6 q9-q10 76.k3-l4 d14-d13 77.o6-f6 f14-h13 78.f6-f13 d13-d12 79.a1-e1 e12-e11 80.f13-f15 j15-k14 81.l4-m3 b2-d2 82.m3-g8 q10-g10 83.g8-e6 h13-f12 84.f15-f16 q2-p2 85.p3-n2 o13-h7 86.n2-o4 p2-o2 87.o4-m5 o2-o1 88.e1-c1 q15-q13 89.f16-o16 h7-g8 90.f3-f4 g8-e6 91.d5-e6 g10-d10 92.c1-c8 d10-o10 93.j1-k3 o1-o2 94.k3-m4 q13-q12 95.c8-k8 q12-q11 96.k8-q8 q11-q10 97.o16-q16 d2-d10 98.q16-q11 n14-n13 99.q8-n8 o15-o14 100.q11-p11 p14-p13 101.p11-p6 a13-a12 102.p6-k6 a12-a11 103.n8-h8 h14-h13 104.h8-g8 g13-g12 105.g8-f8 f12-h11 106.f4-f5 p13-p12 107.m5-n7 p12-p11 108.n7-o5 d10-k10 109.f8-k8 k10-k8 110.k6-k8 o10-k10 111.k8-k10 h11-k10 112.g3-e4 a11-a10 113.h4-f3 a10-a9 114.f3-d4 a9-a8 115.d4-b5 b12-d10 116.b5-c7 a8-a7 117.e4-c5 o2-o1 118.c7-b9 o1-c1 119.c5-d7 a7-a6 120.b9-d10 e11-d10 121.m4-k5 a6-a5 122.d7-b6 c1-b1 123.b6-a4 b1-b4 124.a4-c5 a5-a4 125.c5-d3 b4-d4 126.d3-c5 a4-a3 127.k5-h4 a3-a2 128.k2-k4 a2-a1 129.h2-j2 a1-a7 130.c5-d7 d4-d7 131.e6-d7 a7-d7 132.o5-n3 c13-c12 133.n3-m5 c12-c11 134.l3-k5 c11-c10 135.g2-g4 c10-c9 136.h4-g6 c9-c8 137.k5-h4 c8-c7 138.h4-f3 c7-c6 139.f3-e5 d7-d2 140.j2-k3 c6-c5 141.e5-c4 d2-c1 142.g6-e5 q10-q9 143.l2-l4 q9-q8 144.l4-l5 q8-q7 145.m5-o6 q7-q6 146.c4-d6 c1-j1 147.o6-q5 j1-e5 148.d6-c4 e5-e2 149.c4-d6 e2-d1 150.d6-e4 d1-h1 151.k3-j4 h1-e4 152.n4-n5 c5-c4 153.q5-o6 c4-c3 154.j4-h4 c3-c2 155.h4-j4 c2-c1 156.j4-h4 d10-d9 157.h4-j4 d9-d8 158.j4-h4 d8-d7 159.h4-j4 d7-d6 160.j4-h4 d6-d5 161.h4-j4 d5-d4 162.j4-h4 d4-d3 163.h4-j4 d3-d2 164.j4-h4 d2-d1 165.h4-j4 d1-m1 166.j4-k5 c1-k8 167.k5-l4 e4-h1 168.l4-l3 k8-n5 0-1

This big chess game has been lost on time   (started : 2009.08.13  23:59:42)

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Chess is above all, a fight ! (Emanuel Lasker)

Ein bischen Romantik kann weder im Schach noch in der Liebe schaden. Also versuche ich mich ab und zu daran zu erinnern. (Nigel Short)

Aquellos que dicen que entienden al Ajedrez, no entienden nada. (Robert Hubner)

Donnez-moi un Cavalier en 6e et je gagnerais toutes mes parties. (Steinitz)

The arrogant army will lose certainly the battle. (Chinese proverb)

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