Big chess - Game 31718

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F. Vasquez, 2079
J. Salonen, 2018


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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000043       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 31718  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2009 December 23   7:55:22

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2009.05.03"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Carrizo,Jose"]
[Black "Raman,Ranganathan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1650"]
[BlackElo "1576"]

1.j2-k4 j15-k13 2.h1-o7 g15-g14 3.o7-o15 p16-o14 4.o15-l12 m15-m13 5.l12-c12 h15-g13 6.c12-c15 d15-d14 7.c15-c7 n15-n13 8.b1-c3 o16-l13 9.d2-d3 l13-k14 10.c7-b7 b15-b14 11.g2-g4 k16-h15 12.f1-g2 h16-f14 13.c1-e3 h14-h13 14.g2-e4 c16-g12 15.b7-q7 q15-q13 16.q7-n4 b16-d15 17.n4-n13 q16-n16 18.n13-p13 n16-n15 19.o2-o3 k14-l13 20.n2-n4 l16-p12 21.m2-m4 h15-k16 22.l1-p5 f16-j13 23.e3-l9 h13-h12 24.l9-k10 o14-n12 25.e4-n12 m13-n12 26.p13-l13 n15-m15 27.l2-l3 k16-l14 28.e1-f1 m15-m13 29.l13-l6 g16-h14 30.k1-m2 g13-h11 31.k10-l9 g12-f11 32.l6-n6 f11-g12 33.n6-n12 j16-h15 34.f2-f4 m16-m15 35.e2-e4 e16-n16 36.n12-g6 p12-o13 37.g6-g5 g12-d9 38.j3-j4 a16-g16 39.k2-k3 d15-e13 40.g1-j2 a15-a13 41.o1-l4 p15-p14 42.p1-n2 n16-n9 43.n2-l1 m13-m9 44.l9-o6 m9-g9 45.g5-b5 d14-d13 46.b5-h11 n9-h9 47.h11-j10 d9-g12 48.j10-j7 g16-m16 49.l4-m5 j13-m10 50.j7-j6 h9-j9 51.j6-h5 o13-g6 52.h5-k5 e15-e14 53.j2-h4 g6-o13 54.l1-j2 g14-g13 55.o6-n5 j9-k9 56.k5-m3 k9-p9 57.q2-q4 e13-g14 58.j2-g3 f14-b10 59.h4-k5 o13-h7 60.a1-b1 g12-e10 61.l3-l4 m10-o8 62.g3-j2 k13-l11 63.m2-k1 l11-m9 64.m3-l2 m15-n15 65.n5-h10 o8-k12 66.h10-g9 k12-g9 67.l2-k2 g9-e7 68.g4-g5 e10-c8 69.h3-h4 m9-k8 70.f4-f5 e7-d6 71.g5-g6 h7-g8 72.k1-j3 b10-a9 73.j3-g4 k8-j6 74.k4-j6 g8-j6 75.h4-h5 j6-d11 76.k2-j3 p9-p12 77.j1-k2 h14-k13 78.h2-f3 k13-l11 79.k2-l3 a9-c11 80.k3-k4 d6-f8 81.f3-h4 l11-j10 82.j4-j5 p12-l12 83.l3-m3 c8-e10 84.h5-h6 j10-k8 85.g4-f6 f8-e7 86.e4-e5 c11-c5 87.j3-g3 l14-k12 88.f1-f2 k12-j10 89.c3-e4 c5-c12 90.h6-h7 f15-f14 91.f6-g8 e7-g9 92.e4-f6 p14-p13 93.d3-d4 g14-f12 94.c2-c3 c12-c13 95.g3-g5 e10-g12 96.f6-e8 g9-h8 97.g5-h6 f12-h13 98.g6-g7 h8-m12 99.e8-f10 g12-f13 100.f10-d11 f13-d11 101.f5-f6 m12-n11 102.h6-h5 j10-g9 103.j5-j6 d11-c10 104.h4-g6 c10-f7 105.j2-h4 k8-m7 106.h5-j5 q13-q12 107.m1-l1 c13-c4 108.g6-h8 f7-a12 109.l1-l3 n11-o12 110.m3-n2 o12-p11 111.j5-g5 n15-n13 112.g5-j7 m16-m14 113.h8-k7 p11-o12 114.j7-g9 c4-b5 115.g9-k9 f14-f13 116.k9-k15 h13-j15 117.k15-k11 l12-j12 118.k11-a11 b14-b13 119.a11-e15 h15-j16 120.e15-e14 m7-k6 121.m5-q9 l15-l14 122.c3-c4 b5-h11 123.e14-d13 k6-j4 124.l3-m3 j4-k6 125.l4-l5 k6-l4 126.q9-l4 j16-k15 127.g8-j9 h11-j10 128.h7-h8 f13-f12 129.d4-d5 g13-g12 130.d13-d16 n13-n15 131.e5-e6 n15-m15 132.f6-f7 j14-j13 133.d16-f16 f12-f11 134.f16-f15 j12-n12 135.f15-l10 j10-n14 136.k5-m6 b13-b12 137.j9-k11 m14-m13 138.k11-l13 m13-l13 139.l10-l13 m15-m13 140.l13-l8 a12-d15 141.l4-q9 n12-n13 142.q9-m13 n14-m13 143.m3-a3 a13-a12 144.a3-a9 j15-k13 145.a9-d9 d15-e14 146.d9-d14 e14-f13 147.f2-f3 n13-n14 148.f3-b3 b12-b11 149.b3-a3 k15-l15 150.a3-a12 l15-m14 151.a12-a13 f13-c16 152.a13-j13 n14-n16 153.p5-h12 g12-g11 154.h12-j11 m14-m15 155.l8-q13 c16-k9 156.b1-e1 m13-n14 157.j11-k12 n14-n12 158.q13-o15 n16-n15 159.k12-n15 n12-n15 160.o15-n15 m15-n15 161.h4-k5 n15-m14 162.j13-k13 k9-h11 163.k13-k11 h11-j12 164.k11-g11 o12-k8 165.g11-m11 m14-n13 166.d14-d11 f11-f10 167.j6-j7 k8-o12 168.d11-b11 n13-o13 169.b11-b12 j12-k13 170.m11-k11 o12-n13 171.k11-k13 l14-k13 172.b12-b13 k13-k12 173.k7-l9 1-0

This big chess game has been lost on time   (started : 2009.05.03  3:30:21)

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The way he plays Chess demonstrates a man's whole nature. (Stanley Ellin)

Konzentriere dich auf materielle Gewinne. Nimm, was dir dein Gegner gibt, ausser es gibt einen guten Grund der dagegenspricht. (Robert James Fischer)

Los libros de Ajedrez deben de usarse igual como usamos los anteojos: para mejorar la vista, aunque algunos jugadores los quieren usar como si ellos les otorgaran la vision. (José Raúl Capablanca)

On n'a jamais que l'âge auquel on a commence à jouer aux échecs car après on cesse de vieillir. (Capablanca)

Ah, the Socrating method. The best way we have of teaching everything-apart from juggling chainsaws. (Gregory House, House M.D.)

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