Big chess - Game 30905

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Game result  (chess)

J. Moreira, 2300
P. DeBonis, 2269


See game 146605

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000040       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

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a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2009 May 23   22:57:16

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2009.04.07"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Martinez,Silvio"]
[Black "Jerez,Miriam"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1485"]
[BlackElo "1451"]

1.k1-l3 d15-d14 2.p2-p3 k16-l14 3.j2-k4 n15-n14 4.g2-g4 f15-f14 5.n2-n4 o15-o13 6.m2-m3 j15-h13 7.e2-e3 h16-n11 8.h1-m5 c15-c14 9.o1-q3 c16-q3 10.p1-q3 b15-b13 11.l1-p5 a15-a13 12.h3-h4 a13-a12 13.f1-k5 o16-j11 14.p5-j11 h13-j11 15.d2-d3 n11-m12 16.m5-m12 n14-n13 17.m12-l11 j11-k13 18.l11-l8 m15-m14 19.g1-f3 e15-e13 20.e3-e4 l14-k12 21.b2-b3 o13-o12 22.q3-p5 q15-q13 23.o2-o4 p16-o14 24.c1-a3 o14-m13 25.k4-l6 l16-p12 26.l8-m8 d14-d13 27.l6-k8 f16-e15 28.k5-n8 h14-h13 29.k8-l10 k12-l10 30.n8-l10 f14-f13 31.m8-m13 l15-l14 32.m13-o15 p15-p13 33.o15-o14 q16-p16 34.l10-q15 p16-o16 35.o14-n15 o16-q16 36.a3-m14 m16-n16 37.n15-k15 1-0

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Wenn ich mich einlogge, glauben die Leute gewöhnlich nicht, dass ich es selbst bin und sie fangen an, mir dumme Fragen zu stellen. Und wenn sie es glauben, stellen sie wieder andere dumme Fragen. (Judith Polgar)

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