Halasz gambit - Game 27797

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Game result  (chess)

E. Cruz Ramirez, 2101
J. Perez Pupo, 2194


See game 147490

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FICGS__CHESS__THEMATIC_TOURNAMENT__000071       See crosstable
(type : unrated round-robin,   time : 40 days,   increment : 40 days / 10 moves)

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Last move : 1/2-1/2     2009 March 9   15:35:4

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2009.01.15"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Carrizo,Jose"]
[Black "Simmelink,Joop"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2039"]
[BlackElo "2260"]

1.e4 e5 2.d4 exd4 3.f4 Nc6 4.Nf3 d5 5.e5 Bc5 6.Nbd2 Nge7 7.Nb3 Bb6 8.Nbxd4 Nxd4 9.Nxd4 O-O 10.Be3 f6 11.Qd2 fxe5 12.fxe5 Ng6 13.Nf3 Bg4 14.O-O-O c6 15.Re1 Bxf3 16.gxf3 Ba5 17.b4 Nxe5 18.bxa5 Nxf3 19.Qc3 Nxe1 20.Qxe1 Qf6 21.Bg2 Rae8 22.Qg3 h5 23.Bc5 h4 24.Qg4 h3 25.Bxd5+ cxd5 26.Bxf8 Rxf8 27.Rg1 Qa1+ 28.Kd2 Qe5 29.Kc1 Re8 30.Kb1 Qc3 31.Qd7 Re1+ 1/2-1/2

  ECO code : C21 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below :

Halasz gambit

Kingside Castling by player Black (move 9)

Queenside Castling by player White (move 14)

This chess game ended in a draw.

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