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FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_A__000307 (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : g3 2025 February 4 11:30:55 Stepan Pech ... is in vacation until 2025 February 8 1:15:41 White clock - 28 days 15:26:10 Black clock - 29 days 16:31:52 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_A__000307"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2025.01.29"] [Round "1"] [White "Hallqvist,Niklas"] [Black "Pech,Stepan"] [Result "*"] [WhiteElo "2161"] [BlackElo "2120"] 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.g3 * Follow this game move after move (download) A sacrifice is best refuted by accepting it. (Wilhelm Steinitz) Schach ist gnadenlos. Du mußt bereit sein zu töten. (Nigel Short) En la vida, como en el Ajedrez, los Peones propios obstruyen nuestro camino. La gran fortuna de un hombre, su comodidad, placer, hijos, libros, que deberían ayudarle a ganar, con mucha frecuencia lo ponen en Jaque Mate. (Charles Buxton) Si rien de grave n'est détecté lors de l'analyse d'une position, on joue alors le coup. Seconde règle de Blumenfeld. We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it. (Ernesto Che Guevara)
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