Big chess - Game 146839

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Game result  (chess)

J. Pech, 2132
L. Simal Moreira, 2314


See game 146153

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__STANDARD_SILVER__000049       See crosstable
(type : rated knockout,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 146839  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2025 January 12   0:5:30

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2024.12.23"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Kruse,Herbert"]
[Black "Cirulis,Ilmars"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2220"]
[BlackElo "2030"]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h1-o7 n15-n14 3.m2-m4 b16-c14 4.l1-p5 k16-h15 5.d2-d4 j15-k13 6.c1-l9 d15-d13 7.n2-n3 h16-m12 8.l9-k10 m12-j12 9.o7-o9 p16-o14 10.b1-c3 g16-j15 11.e2-e4 c16-j10 12.f1-b5 g13-h11 13.o9-b9 a16-b16 14.o1-f9 j12-g12 15.e1-e3 h11-k10 16.p5-k10 o16-j11 17.e3-g3 g12-e12 18.b9-e12 d13-e12 19.k10-j9 e15-e13 20.p1-o3 b16-d16 21.d4-d5 d16-d8 22.j9-g11 d8-f8 23.g11-b6 e16-e14 24.f2-f3 e14-g14 25.g3-g14 f15-g14 26.f9-g10 e12-e11 27.h2-g4 f16-e15 28.k1-h2 e15-h12 29.b6-a7 e11-e10 30.o3-n5 m15-m13 31.a7-d10 e10-e9 32.g4-e5 l16-m15 33.d10-c11 f8-c8 34.c11-b10 j11-h10 35.m1-m3 k13-j11 36.g10-m15 o14-m15 37.m3-l3 c8-g8 38.j1-h1 h10-j9 39.h2-g4 g8-p8 40.p2-p3 p8-o8 41.o2-o4 q15-q13 42.b10-g5 q13-q12 43.a1-d1 q16-q13 44.d1-d4 m13-m12 45.d4-a4 j10-h9 46.q1-p1 q13-g13 47.g5-c9 g13-l13 48.l3-l13 m15-l13 49.a4-a6 l13-k11 50.g1-e2 m16-m13 51.c9-h4 q12-q11 52.a6-q6 m13-q13 53.a2-a4 q11-q10 54.p1-m1 q10-q9 55.m1-m3 q13-q10 56.h4-k6 o8-o9 57.k6-l5 q10-k10 58.e2-f4 h15-j13 59.f4-g6 p15-p13 60.m3-l3 l15-l14 61.g6-j7 h9-j10 62.l5-n7 k10-n10 63.n7-l5 j11-h9 64.j7-l6 j15-h13 65.h1-h2 c14-d12 66.b2-b3 c15-c13 67.c3-e2 b15-b13 68.e2-f4 a15-a13 69.f4-g6 c13-c12 70.q6-q7 a13-a12 71.k4-j6 o15-o13 72.l3-k3 j10-o5 73.q7-p7 o5-l2 74.k3-l3 l2-m1 75.p7-p13 n10-k10 76.k2-k4 h9-f8 77.j3-j4 m1-q5 78.n5-p6 q5-p6 79.p13-p6 d12-e10 80.g6-f8 e10-f8 81.l6-n7 o9-l9 82.k4-k5 k10-k7 83.n7-l6 h12-k10 84.e5-d3 k7-q7 85.q2-q4 k11-h10 86.h2-j2 h13-j11 87.j2-k3 q7-c7 88.c2-c4 j11-h9 89.l5-h2 c7-c11 90.h2-f4 l9-k9 91.f4-a9 c11-e11 92.p6-p16 j16-h15 93.p16-b16 e11-b11 94.a9-e13 j13-g12 95.e13-a9 h9-g7 96.l6-k4 g7-j6 97.k4-j6 b11-b9 98.a9-g3 a12-a11 99.g3-h4 b9-b11 100.j6-l5 f8-g6 101.h4-g3 g6-h8 102.b16-n16 b11-n11 103.g3-f4 k10-l9 104.f4-l9 k9-l9 105.n3-n4 l9-k9 106.d3-f4 h10-g8 107.f4-h5 j9-h10 108.n4-n5 g12-f10 109.m4-m5 h10-f8 110.l3-l2 f8-g9 111.m5-m6 f10-h9 112.h5-k4 h9-k8 113.n16-b16 n11-b11 114.l5-n4 n14-n13 115.b16-n16 n13-n12 116.n16-n13 k9-o9 117.l2-l8 g9-h10 118.k4-l6 h8-j10 119.l6-k8 j10-k8 120.g4-j5 g8-j7 121.l8-l2 g14-g13 122.j5-l6 k8-l6 123.k5-l6 b11-g11 124.k3-j3 h10-m14 125.n13-n14 m14-e7 126.j3-h2 e7-d6 127.h2-g1 g11-k11 128.g1-f2 k11-k4 129.n4-o6 d6-c5 130.f2-e2 k4-k3 131.n14-p14 o9-k9 132.p14-p7 c5-g9 133.p7-k7 k3-k7 134.l6-k7 k9-k7 135.f3-f4 j7-g6 136.f4-f5 g6-h8 137.e2-f3 k7-k9 138.b5-h11 k9-h9 139.h11-f13 g15-g14 140.f13-d15 h8-j6 141.d15-b13 j6-g5 142.f3-e3 c12-c11 143.l2-l7 g5-h3 144.b13-c14 h9-h8 145.g2-h3 h8-h3 146.e3-e2 h3-h4 147.c14-a12 h4-e4 148.e2-d3 e4-f4 149.l7-l9 g9-f8 150.a12-h5 f4-f5 151.l9-q9 f5-g5 152.p3-p4 g5-g3 153.d3-c2 g3-g9 154.q9-g9 f8-g9 155.c2-d3 o13-o12 156.d3-e4 k15-k13 157.e4-f5 n12-n11 158.f5-e6 m12-m11 159.e6-d7 g9-f8 160.d7-c8 j14-j13 161.c8-d9 h14-h13 162.d9-c10 g13-g12 163.c10-c11 j13-j12 164.a4-a5 j12-j11 165.a5-a6 g14-g13 166.c11-d11 g12-g11 167.d11-e12 h15-h14 168.e12-f11 h13-h12 169.f11-g12 k13-k12 170.h5-f7 m11-m10 171.m6-m7 o12-o11 172.q4-q5 o11-o10 173.f7-l12 l14-l13 174.n5-n6 a11-a10 175.o4-o5 a10-a9 176.o6-n8 h14-g14 177.n8-l7 f8-g7 178.l7-m9 g7-m12 179.m9-k8 m12-n13 180.k8-l10 1-0

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For me, Chess is life and every game is like a new life. Every Chess player gets to live many lives in one lifetime. (Eduard Gufeld)

Du kannst im Schach nur gut werden, wenn du das Spiel liebst. (Robert James Fischer)

El juego del Ajedrez no es solamente una diversión quieta; algunas cualidades muy valuables de la mente se pueden adquirir y cultivar con el, como convertirlos en habitos disponibles para toda ocasión; ya que la vida es algo así como el Ajedrez. (Benjamin Franklin)

Le plus grand jeu de l'esprit jamais inventé, plus vous l'apprenez, plus vous y prenez du plaisir. (Garry Kasparov)

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes. (Marcel Proust)

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