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FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_C__000305 (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : 0-1 2025 January 13 5:17:2 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_C__000305"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2024.11.18"] [Round "1"] [White "Cirovic,Zeljko"] [Black "Paul,Samagata"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1677"] [BlackElo "1669"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 d6 4.d4 Bg4 5.dxe5 Bxf3 6.Qxf3 dxe5 7.Bxc6+ bxc6 8.O-O Ne7 9.Nc3 Ng6 10.Be3 Bd6 11.Rfd1 Qe7 12.a3 O-O 13.b4 Qe6 14.Na4 Qc4 15.Bc5 Qxc2 16.Nc3 Bxc5 17.bxc5 Rad8 18.g3 Rd4 19.Rxd4 exd4 20.Ne2 Rd8 21.Nf4 Ne5 22.Qd1 Qxc5 0-1 This chess game has been lost on time (started : 2024.11.18 11:37:56) Follow this game move after move (download) No Chess Grandmaster is normal; they only differ in the extent of their madness. (Viktor Korchnoi) Vielleicht wirkt die Aura früherer Spieler glanzvoller als die der heutigen Spieler, aber das liegt daran, dass man kein Programm wie Fritz hatte, das einem all die Löcher in ihren Partien zeigt. (Vladimir Kramnik) El Ajedrez es despiadado: debes de estar preparado para matar gente. (Nigel Short) Vouloir jouer aux échecs contre soi-même est aussi paradoxal que vouloir marcher sur son ombre. (Stefan Zweig) Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. (Bruce Lee)
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