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FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_M__000161 (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : Rb5 2025 January 21 23:23:17 White clock - 28 days 04:32:13 Black clock - 60 days 22:24:48 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_M__000161"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2024.11.06"] [Round "1"] [White "Domingo,Jordi"] [Black "Cade,Stephen"] [Result "*"] [WhiteElo "2188"] [BlackElo "2312"] 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.Nf3 cxd4 5.Nxd4 Nc6 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.Bd3 e6 8.Nd2 Ne7 9.O-O Ng6 10.Re1 a5 11.Nf3 Ba6 12.Bxg6 hxg6 13.Bg5 Qc7 14.c3 c5 15.b3 Bb5 16.Qd2 Bc6 17.Qf4 Rb8 18.Rab1 Rb6 19.h3 Qb7 20.Red1 a4 21.Nd2 Be7 22.Bxe7 Qxe7 23.Nf3 O-O 24.Qg4 Re8 25.Ng5 f6 26.Nf3 Reb8 27.exf6 gxf6 28.Qxg6+ Qg7 29.Qc2 Be8 30.Qd2 Bg6 31.Ra1 axb3 32.axb3 Rxb3 33.Qe3 Be4 34.Kh2 f5 35.Qf4 e5 36.Qxe5 Bxf3 37.Qxg7+ Kxg7 38.gxf3 Rxc3 39.Rxd5 Rxf3 40.Kg2 Rc3 41.Rxf5 Kg6 42.Rf4 Rb4 43.Rf8 c4 44.Ra6+ Kg7 45.Rc8 Rb7 46.Ra4 Rc1 47.Raxc4 Rxc4 48.Rxc4 Rb5 49.Rc6 Rf5 50.Kg3 Kf7 51.f4 Rb5 52.* Follow this game move after move (download) No one ever won a game by resigning. (Unknown) Offensichtlich kennt Kasparow nichts anderes als Schach, und ich könnte 500 weitere Spieler dieser Sorte benennen. (Judith Polgar) Los tropiezos estan todos ahí en el tablero, esperando que se cometan. (Savielly Tartakover) Le génie consiste à savoir transgresser les règles au moment opportun. (Teichmann) They say poker is a zero-sum game. It must be, because every time I play my sum ends up zero. (Max Shapiro)
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