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FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_A__000283 (type : rated round-robin, time : 40 days, increment : 40 days / 10 moves)
Last move : Qh4 2025 January 29 21:54:20 White clock - 41 days 11:17:52 Black clock - 87 days 22:20:12 (59 days 15:17:08) [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_A__000283"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2024.10.20"] [Round "1"] [White "Wiaderek,Piotr"] [Black "Boehme,Sebastian"] [Result "*"] [WhiteElo "2250"] [BlackElo "2281"] 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 c6 5.Bg5 h6 6.Bh4 dxc4 7.e4 g5 8.Bg3 b5 9.Be2 Bb7 10.O-O Nbd7 11.Ne5 Bg7 12.Nxd7 Nxd7 13.Bd6 a6 14.a4 b4 15.Bxb4 Qb6 16.Ba3 Qxd4 17.Qc2 c5 18.Rad1 Qe5 19.Bxc4 Qc7 20.Ne2 g4 21.Rc1 Be5 22.Rfd1 Bxh2+ 23.Kf1 Be5 24.b4 O-O 25.Qd2 Rad8 26.bxc5 Nxc5 27.Qxh6 Rxd1+ 28.Rxd1 Bg7 29.Qh4 * Follow this game move after move (download) I feel as if I were a piece in a game of Chess, when my opponent says of it: That piece cannot be moved. (Soren Kierkegaard) Schach ist das Spiel, das die Verrückten gesund hält. (Albert Einstein) El Ajedrez es un mar en el cual un mosquito puede beber y un elefante puede bañarse. (Refrán Hindú) Pour moi, les échecs ne sont pas un jeu mais un art. (Alexandre Alekhine) The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
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