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FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_A__000282 (type : rated round-robin, time : 40 days, increment : 40 days / 10 moves)
Last move : 0-1 2025 January 22 0:13:35 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_A__000282"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2024.09.19"] [Round "1"] [White "Pacheco,Leonardo"] [Black "Pirogov,Andrey Mikhaylovich"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "2032"] [BlackElo "2201"] 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Nf3 e5 4.Bc4 Be7 5.d3 d6 6.h3 Nf6 7.Nh2 O-O 8.Ng4 Nd7 9.Nd5 Nb6 10.Nxb6 axb6 11.c3 Be6 12.O-O d5 13.exd5 Bxd5 14.Ne3 Bxc4 15.dxc4 Qxd1 16.Rxd1 f5 17.Nd5 Bd8 18.f4 e4 19.Be3 h5 20.Bf2 h4 0-1 Follow this game move after move (download) Fischer is the strongest player in the world. In fact, the strongest player who ever lived. (Larry Evans) Wie bekannt hörte Morphy 1859 auf, Schach zu spielen. Seine Enttäuschung galt nicht so sehr dem Schach, wie den Schachspielern. (Robert James Fischer) La enorme capacidad mental, en la que sin ella no puede un jugador de Ajedrez existir, es demasiado requerida por el Ajedrez al grado de que nunca podrá liberar su mente de este juego. (Albert Einstein) Les échecs sont plus proches de l'art de l'assassinat que de l'art de la guerre. (Arturo Perez-Reverte) Plans are ideas that never come to fruition. (Daniel Parmet)
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