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FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_A__000281 (type : rated round-robin, time : 40 days, increment : 40 days / 10 moves)
Last move : Kb5 2025 January 20 22:3:21 White clock - 95 days 06:11:48 (58 days 16:15:47) Black clock - 90 days 09:07:36 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_A__000281"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2024.08.14"] [Round "1"] [White "Faust,Dieter"] [Black "Swiatek,Janusz"] [Result "*"] [WhiteElo "2063"] [BlackElo "2252"] 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.g3 Bb4+ 5.Bd2 Be7 6.Bg2 Nbd7 7.O-O O-O 8.c5 Ne4 9.Nc3 f5 10.b4 c6 11.b5 Bf6 12.Rc1 Nxc3 13.Rxc3 cxb5 14.a4 b4 15.Re3 Nb8 16.Bxb4 Nc6 17.Qd2 b6 18.Rb1 Rf7 19.Ba3 Na5 20.Rc3 Rc7 21.cxb6 axb6 22.Rxc7 Qxc7 23.Qb4 Bd7 24.Qxb6 Qxb6 25.Rxb6 Nc4 26.Rb7 Bc6 27.Rc7 Bxa4 28.Be7 Bd1 29.Bxf6 gxf6 30.Bf1 Ra1 31.Kg2 Bc2 32.e3 Be4 33.Bxc4 dxc4 34.Rxc4 Ra7 35.Rc1 Re7 36.Rc5 Ra7 37.Rc1 Kg7 38.Rc5 h5 39.Rc3 Kh7 40.Rb3 Ra6 41.Rc3 Ra7 42.Rb3 Kg6 43.Rc3 Ra8 44.Rb3 Rc8 45.Ra3 Rc7 46.Rb3 Rc8 47.Ra3 Rc7 48.Rb3 Ra7 49.Rc3 Ra6 50.Rb3 Kf7 51.Rc3 Rc6 52.Ra3 Rc7 53.Rb3 Ra7 54.Rc3 Ke7 55.Rc8 Kf7 56.Rc3 Kg7 57.Rb3 Ra6 58.Rc3 Rc6 59.Rb3 Rc8 60.Ra3 Rc7 61.Rb3 Rc8 62.Ra3 Ra8 63.Rb3 Kf7 64.Rc3 Ke7 65.Rb3 Kd6 66.h4 Kc6 67.Rc3+ Kb5 68.* Follow this game move after move (download) Chess books should be used as we use glasses: to assist the sight, although some players make use of them as if they thought they conferred sight. (Jose Raul Capablanca) Gegen einen Schachcomputer zu verlieren ist wie Löcher in den Strümpfen zuhaben. Es ist nicht peinlich, solange man der einzige ist der es weiß. (Anonymous) Bobby solo arroja las piezas y solas caen en las casillas correctas. (Miguel Najdorf ) Vouloir jouer aux échecs contre soi-même est aussi paradoxal que vouloir marcher sur son ombre. (Stefan Zweig) Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. (Bruce Lee)
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