Big chess - Game 145467

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Game result  (chess)

S. Kireev, 2273
I. Cirulis, 2260


See game 147151

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT_M__000007       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 145467  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : d8-b7     2025 February 22   0:41:54

White clock -  66 days  00:17:48  (59 days  10:08:16)
Black clock -  100 days  00:00:00

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2024.06.21"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Black "Kruse,Herbert"]
[Result "*"]
[WhiteElo "2062"]
[BlackElo "2220"]

1.j2-k4 p16-o14 2.m2-m4 j15-k13 3.h1-o7 h15-g13 4.l1-p5 k16-h15 5.e2-e4 h16-p9 6.p1-o3 e15-e13 7.h2-g4 m15-m13 8.b1-c3 b16-c14 9.d2-d4 l16-p12 10.c1-l9 p12-m9 11.o7-j7 g16-j15 12.l9-n11 p9-p12 13.n2-n4 f16-b12 14.f1-b5 m9-j12 15.o1-j6 p12-l12 16.m1-m3 j12-b5 17.c3-b5 l12-j12 18.j7-j12 g13-j12 19.j6-c12 h15-g13 20.o3-n5 d15-d14 21.e1-e3 c16-e14 22.c12-d11 e13-e12 23.d11-g8 n15-n14 24.n11-o12 o16-m14 25.p5-l9 e14-h11 26.a2-a4 e16-e13 27.m3-p3 o14-q13 28.o12-n11 p15-p14 29.q1-m1 q16-n16 30.k1-l3 m14-f8 31.p3-p7 e13-c13 32.c2-c4 j12-h10 33.g8-h9 c13-c9 34.h9-e6 a16-e16 35.m1-m3 h11-j12 36.m3-o3 o15-o13 37.c4-c5 j12-k11 38.e6-k11 h10-k11 39.l9-h6 f8-h6 40.n11-h6 b12-h6 41.g4-h6 m16-m14 42.o3-o7 e16-e13 43.o7-b7 b15-b14 44.e3-f3 m14-l14 45.f3-f7 n14-n13 46.f7-c7 e13-c13 47.c7-c9 c13-c9 48.p7-c7 l14-l9 49.a1-a3 j16-h15 50.a3-f3 c9-c13 51.c7-c13 d14-c13 52.f3-f7 n16-d16 53.q2-q4 n13-n12 54.b5-d6 k13-h12 55.g1-f3 j15-k13 56.l3-k5 f15-f14 57.f3-g5 d16-d10 58.q4-q5 c14-d12 59.b2-b4 a15-a13 60.a4-a5 l15-l14 61.h6-j8 l9-p9 62.p2-p4 g13-f11 63.k5-h6 f14-f13 64.f2-f4 g15-g13 65.k4-l6 p9-p10 66.g5-j6 h15-g14 67.n5-p6 k13-m12 68.b4-b5 g13-g12 69.a5-a6 h14-h13 70.d4-d5 g14-g13 71.b5-b6 j14-j13 72.a6-a7 j13-j12 73.k2-k4 f11-h10 74.b7-d7 h10-j8 75.h6-j8 h12-f11 76.d6-e8 d10-d7 77.f7-d7 p10-j10 78.j8-g7 k15-k13 79.d7-d9 j10-j9 80.d9-j9 k11-j9 81.l6-m8 q13-p11 82.p6-o8 f11-e9 83.e8-c9 j9-g8 84.e4-e5 g8-e7 85.d5-d6 e7-d5 86.g2-g3 d5-c3 87.b6-b7 c3-e4 88.c5-c6 e4-g3 89.j6-g5 g3-e2 90.g7-e6 e2-g3 91.e6-g7 e9-g8 92.j1-h2 g3-e2 93.g7-e6 g8-h6 94.j3-j4 h6-f5 95.g5-f3 f13-f12 96.h2-g2 f12-f11 97.o8-m7 e2-g3 98.f3-g1 p11-n10 99.m8-n10 m12-n10 100.m7-k8 n10-m8 101.m4-m5 m8-o7 102.k8-l10 l14-l13 103.l10-n11 m13-m12 104.n11-m13 o7-m6 105.n4-n5 m6-l4 106.m13-l15 l4-n5 107.l15-k13 n5-p4 108.k13-l15 p4-o2 109.l15-n14 o2-n4 110.n14-l13 n4-o6 111.l13-n14 o6-q5 112.n14-m12 q5-o4 113.m5-m6 o4-m5 114.k4-k5 m5-n3 115.l2-l3 n3-l4 116.m12-n14 l4-m6 117.n14-o16 n12-n11 118.o16-q15 n11-n10 119.q15-p13 n10-n9 120.p13-o11 n9-n8 121.o11-n9 n8-n7 122.n9-m7 m6-l4 123.m7-o8 l4-j3 124.g2-f3 g3-h1 125.g1-j2 f5-h6 126.e6-g5 h6-k7 127.o8-n6 j3-l4 128.j2-k4 l4-m6 129.k4-m5 m6-o5 130.l3-l4 h1-k2 131.l4-l5 k2-m3 132.l5-l6 k7-l5 133.m5-l7 l5-n6 134.l7-n6 m3-k4 135.g5-j6 k4-j6 136.k5-j6 g13-h12 137.f3-g4 h12-j11 138.g4-h5 d12-e10 139.c9-e8 e12-e11 140.h5-j5 e10-f8 141.f4-f5 o5-m6 142.j5-k4 f8-h9 143.k4-l5 f11-f10 144.l6-l7 f10-f9 145.e8-g9 h9-g7 146.j6-j7 g7-f5 147.l5-l6 f5-d4 148.l6-m7 m6-o5 149.n6-m8 d4-c6 150.e5-e6 c6-d8 151.e6-e7 d8-b7 152.*

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Fischer was a master of clarity and a king of artful positioning. His opponents would see where he was going but were powerless to stop him. (Bruce Pandolfini)

Jeder Fehler erscheint unglaublich dumm, wenn andre ihn begehen. (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

El Ajedrez es el arte del análisis. (Mikhail Botvinnik)

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You can think I'm wrong, but that's no reason to quit thinking. (Gregory House, House M.D.)

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