Chess - Game 144394

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Game result  (chess)

E. Cruz Ramirez, 2101
J. Perez Pupo, 2194


See game 147490

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FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_C__000320       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 40 days,   increment : 40 days / 10 moves)

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Last move : 0-1     2024 July 19   9:20:25

[Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_C__000320"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2024.03.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Fioravanti,Diego"]
[Black "Domingo,Jordi"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1981"]
[BlackElo "2053"]

1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 c5 3.c4 dxc4 4.e4 cxd4 5.Qxd4 Qxd4 6.Nxd4 Bd7 7.Bxc4 Nc6 8.Nxc6 Bxc6 9.Nc3 e6 10.Nb5 Rd8 11.Nxa7 Bb4+ 12.Ke2 Bxe4 13.Bg5 Ne7 14.f3 Bd5 15.Rac1 f6 16.Be3 Kf7 17.a3 Bd6 18.Nb5 Be5 19.b3 g5 20.Nc3 Bc6 21.a4 g4 22.Ne4 Nd5 23.Bxd5 exd5 24.Nc5 Rhe8 25.Kf2 d4 26.Bd2 d3 27.Be3 gxf3 28.gxf3 d2 29.Rcd1 f5 30.b4 f4 31.Bxd2 Bd4+ 32.Kg2 Rg8+ 0-1

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