Chess - Game 143989

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S. Ligon, 2326
T. Mirra, 2304


See game 147925

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FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_D__000299       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 40 days,   increment : 40 days / 10 moves)

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Last move : 1/2-1/2     2024 October 14   16:22:26

[Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_D__000299"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2024.01.21"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Strohmeier,Josef"]
[Black "Goldmund,Heike"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1617"]
[BlackElo "1498"]

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5 4.d4 Nf6 5.Bd2 c6 6.Nf3 Qc7 7.Bg5 Bg4 8.Be2 Nbd7 9.O-O e6 10.h3 Bh5 11.Qd3 Bd6 12.Rad1 Bg6 13.Qd2 O-O 14.Bd3 Bxd3 15.Qxd3 Nd5 16.Nxd5 cxd5 17.Rc1 h6 18.Be3 Nf6 19.c4 dxc4 20.Rxc4 Qa5 21.a3 Nd5 22.b4 Qb5 23.Qb3 Nb6 24.Rc2 a5 25.Rb1 Nd5 26.Bd2 axb4 27.axb4 Ra4 28.Ra2 Rxa2 29.Qxa2 Qd3 30.b5 Rc8 31.Qb3 Nc3 32.Bxc3 Rxc3 33.Qb2 Ba3 34.Qa1 Rb3 35.Rxb3 Qxb3 36.Qf1 Qb2 37.Kh2 Bd6+ 38.g3 Qb3 39.Kg2 Bc7 40.Qe2 Qd5 41.Kh2 Bb6 42.Qd3 f6 43.h4 e5 44.Qf5 Bxd4 45.Qd3 Qc5 46.Nxd4 Qxd4 47.Qb3+ Kh8 48.Kg2 Qe4+ 49.Kh2 Qd4 50.Kg2 Qe4+ 51.Kg1 Qe1+ 52.Kg2 Qe4+ 1/2-1/2

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