Big chess - Game 14264

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Game result  (chess)

T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000012       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 14264  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2007 November 12   20:8:33

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2007.09.08"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Noble,Mark"]
[Black "Willoughby,Peter"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2171"]
[BlackElo "1400"]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h1-o7 o15-o14 3.o7-c7 j15-k13 4.c7-c15 b16-c14 5.c15-p3 p15-p14 6.h2-g4 d15-d13 7.e2-e4 e15-e13 8.f1-c4 n15-n13 9.n2-n4 m15-m13 10.o1-g8 p16-n15 11.d2-d3 l16-n14 12.m2-m4 l15-l13 13.l1-o4 l13-l12 14.c1-k8 n15-l14 15.k8-e13 c14-e13 16.o4-e13 g13-f11 17.e13-j9 g16-f14 18.k1-h2 f14-g12 19.p1-n2 o16-h10 20.b1-d2 h10-j9 21.p3-j9 k13-j11 22.g1-j2 h16-m12 23.j9-m12 l14-m12 24.f2-f4 g12-h10 25.g8-d5 f16-d14 26.d2-f3 c16-p4 27.o2-o3 p4-f13 28.l2-l4 m16-m14 29.n2-l3 e16-e12 30.k4-m5 e12-k12 31.k2-k4 k12-k10 32.h2-k3 k10-q10 33.j1-h2 h10-k9 34.q2-q3 q10-p10 35.m1-m2 m14-k14 36.g4-j5 k14-k10 37.g2-g4 p10-p13 38.m5-n3 k16-l14 39.n3-o5 k10-p10 40.p2-p4 j16-j15 41.l4-l5 q16-e16 42.m4-m5 a16-c16 43.h3-h4 k15-k13 44.g4-g5 k13-k12 45.f4-f5 k12-k11 46.j2-g3 n14-p12 47.e1-f1 d14-j9 48.c2-c3 f13-j10 49.q3-q4 j10-d5 50.c4-d5 c16-c12 51.h4-h5 k9-j7 52.j3-j4 e16-e12 53.k3-h4 b15-b13 54.j5-g4 a15-a13 55.m5-m6 j7-l6 56.f1-k1 l6-n5 57.q1-o1 n5-l4 58.m2-m4 l4-n5 59.l3-m5 n5-p6 60.q4-q5 p6-q8 61.m5-n7 j14-j13 62.d5-b3 f15-f13 63.d3-d4 p12-n14 64.e4-e5 k11-k10 65.f5-f6 m12-k11 66.g4-h6 k11-l9 67.g5-g6 m13-m12 68.g3-f5 m12-m11 69.f3-g5 l14-m12 70.g5-h7 j9-g11 71.f5-g7 l12-l11 72.h2-j3 n14-b3 73.a2-b3 a13-a12 74.b3-b4 p13-p12 75.a1-a8 q8-o7 76.k1-a1 m12-l10 77.a1-a7 o14-o13 78.h4-j6 g15-g13 79.m4-m1 d13-d12 80.m1-a1 d12-d11 81.a7-b7 c12-b12 82.a8-b8 b12-b8 83.b7-b8 e12-b12 84.a1-a8 p12-c12 85.b8-b12 c12-b12 86.a8-c8 j15-j14 87.h6-k5 o7-m8 88.o1-a1 m8-n6 89.a1-a6 n6-p5 90.k5-m4 l9-m7 91.n7-p6 l10-n9 92.c8-c14 n9-o7 93.g7-f9 g11-e13 94.a6-c6 m7-n5 95.p6-n5 o7-n5 96.o5-q4 b12-o12 97.c6-c13 n5-o3 98.q4-o3 p5-o3 99.m4-o3 o12-o3 100.j3-h4 p10-p4 101.f9-d10 e13-d12 102.d10-f11 d12-c13 103.c14-c13 p4-n4 104.c13-b13 n4-q4 105.b13-f13 q4-q5 106.f13-d13 q5-q2 107.d13-d11 q2-b2 108.f11-g13 h14-g13 109.d11-j11 o3-c3 110.j11-l11 b2-b4 111.l11-m11 b4-b11 112.m11-m10 c3-c10 113.m10-q10 a12-a11 114.q10-q15 a11-a10 115.q15-a15 p14-p13 116.h7-f8 p13-p12 117.f8-d7 c10-d10 118.d7-c9 d10-d4 119.h4-j5 b11-b10 120.c9-a10 d4-a4 121.a15-a14 j14-h13 122.a10-b12 a4-e4 123.b12-d11 b10-d10 124.d11-e9 e4-e5 125.e9-g8 d10-d4 126.a14-n14 e5-e4 127.j6-g5 e4-g4 128.j5-h6 g4-g1 129.g5-f3 d4-j4 130.f3-g1 j4-k4 131.n14-n13 o13-o12 132.n13-n12 k4-o4 133.n12-n10 k10-k9 134.n10-p10 p12-p11 135.p10-p9 k9-k8 136.p9-p8 o4-g4 137.g1-h3 g4-l4 138.p8-k8 l4-l5 139.h3-j5 p11-p10 140.k8-o8 l5-l12 141.o8-o10 l12-m12 142.o10-p10 m12-m6 143.h6-g7 m6-m5 144.p10-j10 m5-o5 145.h5-h6 o12-o11 146.j5-h7 o11-o10 147.g8-j9 o10-o9 148.j10-o10 o9-o8 149.j9-l8 o5-o1 150.h7-j9 o8-o7 151.l8-m6 o7-o6 152.m6-n4 o6-o5 153.n4-p3 1-0

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Not only will I predict his triumph over Botvinnik, but I'll go further and say that he'll probably be the greatest Chess player that ever lived. (John Collins)

Wenn du nicht weißt was du tun sollst, warte bis dein Gegner eine Idee hat. Sie wird sicher schlecht sein. (Siegbert Tarrasch)

El Ajedrez es un invernadero donde los frutos del carácter pueden madurar mas completamente que en la vida. (Edward Morgan Foster)

Aux échecs, l'amour-propre est satisfait quand on remporte la victoire, mais il n'y a pas de honte à être battu. (Benjamin Franklin)

Panic is a sudden desertion of us, an a going over to the enemy of our imagination. (Christian Nevell Bovee)

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