Chess - Game 142203

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Game result  (chess)

S. Ligon, 2326
T. Mirra, 2304


See game 147925

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FICGS__CHESS__STANDARD_OPEN__000017       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 40 days,   increment : 40 days / 10 moves)

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Last move : 1-0     2024 March 3   11:5:31

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2023.07.24"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Maceda,Coco"]
[Black "Pradeilles,Guillaume"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2247"]
[BlackElo "1877"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Nd5 Be7 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.c3 Rb8 12.Nc2 O-O 13.h4 Be6 14.Nce3 Be7 15.a4 Qd7 16.Be2 Kh8 17.axb5 axb5 18.b4 Bd8 19.Qd3 Ne7 20.h5 Qc6 21.Nxe7 Bxe7 22.O-O h6 23.Ra7 Bd8 24.Rd1 Bb6 25.Ra3 Bxe3 26.Qxe3 Rfc8 27.Rda1 Kg8 28.Qf3 Kh7 29.Qg3 Rc7 30.Rc1 Kg8 31.Qf3 R7c8 32.Rca1 Kh7 33.Qg3 Rc7 34.Rc1 f6 35.Rca1 Kh8 36.Qe3 Rbc8 37.Rd1 d5 38.exd5 Bxd5 39.Bg4 Be6 40.Bf3 Qe8 41.Rd6 Qe7 42.Qd2 1-0

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