Big chess - Game 139247

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Game result  (chess)

T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__STANDARD_SILVER__000043       See crosstable
(type : rated knockout,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 139247  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2023 May 25   15:3:21

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2022.11.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Kruse,Herbert"]
[Black "Cirulis,Ilmars"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2220"]
[BlackElo "2001"]

1.j2-k4 m15-m13 2.h1-o7 h15-g13 3.m2-m4 p16-o14 4.l1-p5 j15-k13 5.p1-o3 n15-n13 6.e2-e4 e15-e13 7.f1-b5 h16-m12 8.b1-c3 o16-c5 9.h2-g4 c5-g9 10.n2-n3 l16-p12 11.k1-h2 d15-d13 12.o1-f9 k16-h15 13.d2-d3 c16-l8 14.c1-l9 q16-n16 15.g1-j2 g16-j15 16.l9-k10 p12-m9 17.o7-b7 m12-b12 18.b7-d9 b12-d12 19.d9-b11 f16-b12 20.b11-p11 o14-p12 21.k4-l6 g13-j12 22.k10-m8 j12-h10 23.f9-h7 l8-k9 24.h7-k9 h10-k9 25.m8-j5 b12-j5 26.l6-j5 k9-j11 27.m1-m3 m9-l10 28.m3-l3 b16-c14 29.p11-q11 p12-o14 30.q11-p10 l10-p14 31.e1-e3 e16-e14 32.e3-f3 a16-f16 33.l3-l6 e14-g14 34.l6-f6 f15-f14 35.q1-m1 j11-h9 36.m1-m3 n16-n14 37.m3-l3 d12-d11 38.b5-f9 d11-b11 39.c3-d1 h9-g7 40.f9-m3 n14-l14 41.l3-l14 j15-l14 42.p10-p6 b11-c10 43.f6-c6 c10-l10 44.p6-q7 l10-l11 45.c6-l6 l11-c11 46.f3-f7 g7-j8 47.f7-c7 c11-f11 48.l6-f6 f11-g11 49.p5-o4 g11-j13 50.f6-j6 p14-q13 51.j6-g6 q13-m9 52.c7-c9 j13-a5 53.d1-c3 a5-b4 54.a1-b1 b4-b8 55.q7-c7 b8-c7 56.c9-c7 g9-f10 57.g6-g14 m9-g14 58.c7-c8 g14-e12 59.m3-n4 j8-g9 60.n4-e12 d13-e12 61.c8-p8 o14-q13 62.p8-b8 c14-a13 63.b1-e1 k13-h12 64.e1-e3 h12-j10 65.e3-f3 e12-e11 66.f3-f5 m13-m12 67.f5-d5 f16-f15 68.b8-b13 b15-b14 69.b13-d13 j16-j15 70.o4-j9 l14-j13 71.h2-j4 j13-h11 72.j9-g7 a13-b11 73.d13-d16 m16-d16 74.d5-d16 b11-d10 75.j2-h4 a15-a13 76.c3-d5 d10-f9 77.g7-f8 f9-h8 78.h4-g6 h8-g10 79.f8-e7 g10-j9 80.g4-h6 f10-h12 81.d16-d11 e11-e10 82.j5-k7 j9-k7 83.h6-k7 e13-e12 84.d11-d12 f14-f13 85.d5-f6 q13-o12 86.f6-g8 h15-j13 87.j1-j2 o12-m11 88.b2-b3 g15-g13 89.g6-h8 m11-l9 90.h8-j10 l9-j10 91.j4-h6 h11-f10 92.g8-f10 h12-f10 93.d12-d16 j13-h11 94.d16-p16 p15-p14 95.p16-p15 o15-o13 96.p15-q15 f15-f14 97.h6-f5 f14-c14 98.c2-c4 c14-c8 99.o3-n5 c8-p8 100.p2-p3 p8-a8 101.a2-a3 a8-o8 102.o2-o4 o8-k8 103.k7-h6 k8-l8 104.l2-l3 f10-h12 105.q15-q10 l8-p8 106.q10-q6 p8-b8 107.b3-b4 p14-p13 108.h6-g4 e10-e9 109.q2-q4 b8-a8 110.b4-b5 m12-m11 111.p3-p4 e12-e11 112.p4-p5 f13-f12 113.q6-c6 c15-c13 114.c6-b6 e11-e10 115.q4-q5 h12-f10 116.b6-b14 h11-j9 117.b14-b15 j15-k14 118.b15-b11 f12-f11 119.b11-a11 a8-a11 120.e7-a11 o13-o12 121.a11-f6 f10-g11 122.f5-g7 g9-h7 123.f6-c3 h7-k8 124.g4-j5 j9-g8 125.g7-j8 n13-n12 126.j8-k10 k14-j13 127.k10-l12 j13-h13 128.l12-m10 n12-n11 129.m10-o11 p13-p12 130.o11-n13 m11-m10 131.n13-p12 g8-j9 132.n5-l6 k8-j6 133.l6-m8 1-0

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Tactics flow from a superior position. (Bobby Fischer)

Kasparov stellt für gewöhnlich die Regeln auf und bricht sie dann selbst wieder. (Alexej Shirov)

Un jugador que es sorprendido, esta derrotado a medias. (Proverbio)

Il vaut toujours mieux jouer un plan faux de façon logique que de n'avoir pas de plan du tout. (Victor Kortchnoï)

Unless in communicating with it one says exactly what one means, trouble is bound to result. (Alan Turing, about computers)

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