Big chess - Game 139129

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R. Tabudlong, 2256
A. Duttagupta, 2275


See game 146155

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000015       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 139129  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2023 December 19   13:50:33

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2022.11.23"]
[Round "1"]
[White "de Vassal,Thibault"]
[Black "Cirulis,Ilmars"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2191"]
[BlackElo "2001"]

1.j2-k4 m15-m13 2.h1-l4 j15-k13 3.h2-g4 d15-d13 4.m2-m4 h16-o10 5.e2-e4 g16-f14 6.p1-o3 n15-n13 7.l1-p5 c16-k9 8.b1-c3 e15-e13 9.f1-b5 l16-p12 10.k1-h2 p16-o14 11.d2-d3 b16-c14 12.c1-h6 o16-h10 13.n2-n3 p12-l8 14.l4-b13 a16-b16 15.o1-f9 m16-m14 16.g1-j2 o14-n12 17.m1-m3 q16-m16 18.m3-l3 o10-n10 19.l3-l5 n12-l11 20.e1-e3 e16-e14 21.e3-f3 a15-a14 22.b13-b9 a14-a13 23.b9-c10 f16-b12 24.h6-b12 a13-b12 25.q2-q4 f14-g12 26.c10-j4 g12-j11 27.f3-f6 e14-f14 28.f6-a6 f14-g14 29.k4-l6 k9-g12 30.a6-a10 l11-k9 31.j2-k4 c14-d12 32.a10-b10 c15-c13 33.g4-h6 n10-n11 34.h2-g4 d12-f11 35.b10-a10 k9-h8 36.f9-d7 j16-j15 37.p5-n7 k16-l14 38.j4-d9 m14-p14 39.l5-p5 f11-d12 40.p5-p14 g12-d9 41.n7-p9 h10-d6 42.e4-e5 q15-p14 43.p9-n11 m13-m12 44.n11-k8 d6-g9 45.k8-e13 b16-a16 46.o3-n5 a16-a10 47.d7-a10 d9-f11 48.p2-p4 m16-e16 49.e13-l7 e16-e7 50.l7-k6 h8-k7 51.k6-g9 g14-g9 52.h6-f5 e7-e9 53.f5-d6 g9-j9 54.c3-e4 e9-c9 55.a1-e1 j11-h9 56.j1-h2 c9-c10 57.a10-b9 c10-c9 58.b9-e6 o15-o14 59.c2-c3 d12-e10 60.e1-e3 e10-f8 61.e6-c4 k13-h12 62.e3-f3 c9-c10 63.f3-f7 c10-k10 64.l6-n7 l8-j10 65.f7-c7 c13-c12 66.c7-a7 h15-g13 67.a7-a15 j10-c16 68.q1-m1 b15-b13 69.m1-m3 j9-n9 70.n7-o5 h12-j10 71.m3-l3 f11-d9 72.a15-a16 d9-g12 73.a16-a13 c16-d15 74.a13-a9 b12-b11 75.l3-l6 b11-b10 76.a9-a16 d15-c16 77.l6-q6 l14-n15 78.q6-q16 c16-d15 79.q16-j16 j15-k14 80.j16-n16 n15-o13 81.n16-k16 n9-k9 82.a16-g16 g15-g14 83.b5-n16 o13-n15 84.n16-o15 g12-h11 85.c4-b5 h11-b5 86.d6-b5 d15-h11 87.b5-d6 b13-b12 88.g16-g15 k14-j13 89.o15-n16 l15-l14 90.k16-m16 j10-l11 91.n16-o15 d13-d12 92.m16-n16 l11-m13 93.n16-a16 h11-f9 94.o15-n14 m13-o12 95.n14-l12 m12-m11 96.l12-o15 h14-h13 97.g15-g16 n15-o13 98.g16-d16 k10-k12 99.o15-j10 k9-j9 100.j10-n6 d12-d11 101.a16-a13 g13-f11 102.d16-d15 k12-f12 103.a13-a15 f11-g13 104.d15-d13 j13-h14 105.a15-d15 g13-f11 106.d15-a15 o12-n10 107.a2-a4 n10-l9 108.a4-a5 o13-n11 109.b2-b4 d11-d10 110.d13-d15 h14-g15 111.d15-c15 c12-c11 112.a15-a12 f11-h10 113.n6-l4 j9-j12 114.l4-f9 h10-f9 115.e4-f6 f9-h8 116.d3-d4 d10-d9 117.g2-g3 l9-j8 118.a12-a7 j12-g12 119.c15-c16 g12-g11 120.c16-b16 g11-k11 121.a7-a12 k11-k12 122.a12-a16 k7-j9 123.b16-g16 g15-h15 124.g16-h16 h15-j15 125.h16-p16 n11-o13 126.a16-h16 f15-f13 127.p16-j16 j15-k14 128.h16-g16 f12-g12 129.j16-m16 h9-k10 130.g16-g15 k14-j13 131.m16-k16 o13-m14 132.k16-m16 m14-o13 133.m16-m15 k15-k14 134.g15-g16 f8-h9 135.m15-h15 k10-h11 136.o5-n7 k12-q12 137.q4-q5 q12-q10 138.n7-l6 q10-c10 139.c3-c4 c10-j10 140.b4-b5 j10-o10 141.o2-o3 o10-j10 142.g16-d16 c11-c10 143.h15-c15 m11-m10 144.d16-c16 g12-g10 145.c15-c12 b12-b11 146.c12-c11 b10-b9 147.c11-b11 h9-f8 148.b11-e11 f13-f12 149.e11-e14 j10-h10 150.c16-c14 j13-h14 151.e14-e13 p14-p13 152.d4-d5 j14-j13 153.a5-a6 f8-h9 154.k4-h5 h10-l10 155.l2-l4 h13-h12 156.e13-e7 h11-g9 157.e7-o7 p15-p14 158.c14-c16 1-0

Comment by player 1 : Thibault de Vassal :

Thanks for the game Ilmars! Was a tough battle... It could have lasted a few years yet ;)

Ilmars Cirulis
Thank you too! :) Yes, Big Chess means long games. I just wasn't in the mood to prolong it into these few years. :D

Yeturu Aahlad
With my opponent's permission, I will play an obviously lost game until there is nothing more I can learn.

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A big shock; the best chess player in history has passed away. (Lajos Portisch, about Bobby Fischer's death)

Ich bin es gewohnt, das die Jugend mir überhaupt keinen Respekt entgegenbringt. (Alexander Morozewich)

El tablero es el mundo, las piezas es el fenomeno del universo, las reglas del juego son lo que llamamos leyes de la naturaleza y el jugador del lado opuesto, se encuentra oculto a nuestra vista. (Thomas Huxley)

La tactique, c'est ce que vous faites quand il y a quelque chose à faire; la stratégie, c'est ce que vous faites quand il n'y a rien à faire. (Savielli Tartacower)

Every now and then a man's mind is stretched by a new idea and never shrinks back to its former dimensions. (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.)

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