Big chess - Game 139123

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Game result  (chess)

R. Tabudlong, 2256
A. Duttagupta, 2275


See game 146155

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000015       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 139123  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2023 June 1   17:13:31

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2022.11.23"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Cirulis,Ilmars"]
[Black "Kruse,Herbert"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2001"]
[BlackElo "2220"]

1.j2-k4 p16-o14 2.h2-g4 j15-k13 3.p1-o3 h16-o10 4.m2-m4 m15-m13 5.n2-n4 l16-p12 6.q2-q4 e15-e13 7.e2-e4 f16-b12 8.h1-l4 b16-c14 9.d2-d4 d15-d14 10.l4-g8 h15-g13 11.l1-p5 k16-h15 12.c1-l9 c16-j10 13.g8-g10 o10-l10 14.f1-c4 j10-k9 15.g10-l10 k9-l10 16.c4-h9 n15-n14 17.b1-c3 o16-f8 18.o1-j6 p12-j6 19.k4-j6 m16-m14 20.e1-e3 g16-f14 21.a2-a4 e13-e12 22.j6-k8 l10-g6 23.k2-k3 m14-l14 24.g1-j2 e16-e13 25.j2-k4 e13-d13 26.c3-e2 d13-d9 27.e2-f4 g6-p14 28.f4-e6 f8-h10 29.k4-j6 p14-q13 30.e6-g7 d9-d4 31.o3-n5 a16-e16 32.n5-m7 h10-j9 33.p5-m2 e16-e13 34.m2-h6 e13-a13 35.b2-b3 a13-a7 36.a1-h1 d4-d7 37.g4-f6 d7-d2 38.e3-g3 d2-c2 39.f6-g8 j9-e13 40.f2-f4 a7-c7 41.q1-q3 c7-c3 42.g3-c3 c2-c3 43.g8-f6 q13-p14 44.q3-p3 c3-c2 45.h1-h2 q16-m16 46.m1-m3 l14-l11 47.p3-p9 l11-o11 48.o2-o3 o11-q11 49.m7-k6 m16-m14 50.e4-e5 m14-l14 51.k6-j8 f14-h13 52.l2-l4 h13-j11 53.h9-c4 l14-l11 54.p2-p4 o14-n12 55.c4-g8 l11-p11 56.p9-n9 b12-c13 57.j1-j2 e13-d12 58.l4-l5 d12-j7 59.h6-j7 c13-j7 60.f6-h5 j7-c13 61.g2-g4 c2-h2 62.k1-h2 n12-l13 63.l9-n7 g13-j12 64.n9-e9 f15-f13 65.e9-b9 c13-b14 66.g8-j10 j12-g11 67.j10-n6 l13-j12 68.q4-q5 g15-g14 69.f4-f5 g11-h13 70.n7-l9 j11-g12 71.m3-m1 p11-b11 72.b9-j9 j12-h10 73.l9-k10 o15-o14 74.n6-j10 h10-j8 75.g7-j8 q11-o11 76.m1-m3 b11-b8 77.h5-g7 h15-j13 78.j9-n9 p14-n12 79.j10-c4 h13-j11 80.h2-j4 j13-l12 81.k10-m8 k13-m12 82.m8-j5 j16-j15 83.j4-h6 k15-k13 84.j5-h4 m12-l10 85.k8-l10 j11-l10 86.n9-c9 b14-e11 87.c9-f9 l10-j11 88.k3-k4 j15-k15 89.f5-f6 b8-d8 90.f9-b9 e11-b14 91.c4-j10 d8-d2 92.j2-k3 d2-h2 93.k3-j4 n12-o13 94.b9-p9 p15-p13 95.k4-k5 h2-o2 96.j10-o5 o2-b2 97.p9-b9 o13-q11 98.e5-e6 o11-o9 99.b9-b8 o9-d9 100.o5-j10 d9-d10 101.j10-g8 g12-h10 102.g8-h7 h10-j8 103.h6-j8 d10-c10 104.f6-f7 c10-c3 105.b8-g8 b2-b3 106.g8-g14 j11-g12 107.g14-g15 k15-l14 108.j6-k4 c3-c4 109.g15-j15 j14-j13 110.h7-f9 l12-k14 111.e6-e7 q11-o9 112.l5-l6 o9-l12 113.f7-f8 l12-f7 114.k4-h5 c4-c3 115.h4-p11 n14-n13 116.h3-h4 c3-c7 117.j8-h6 f7-b11 118.e7-e8 b3-b4 119.a4-a5 c7-a7 120.j4-j5 a7-a5 121.j3-j4 b4-b7 122.g4-g5 c14-e13 123.p11-k6 e12-e11 124.h6-j8 b11-g16 125.j15-e15 g16-f15 126.k6-g9 a5-a10 127.e15-f15 e13-f15 128.f9-c12 a10-a8 129.c12-f15 g12-f10 130.h5-f6 f10-h11 131.g9-n15 k14-m15 132.f15-g14 h11-k12 133.g14-f13 a8-a12 134.f6-h7 a12-j12 135.j5-h6 b7-b6 136.g5-g6 m13-m12 137.f13-k9 q15-q14 138.j4-j5 k12-m13 139.n15-h10 m13-l11 140.k9-l10 j12-c12 141.l10-k11 c12-a12 142.k5-k6 a12-a4 143.h4-h5 m15-l13 144.k11-h9 b14-c13 145.m4-m5 b15-b14 146.h10-j9 b6-a6 147.m3-m2 a4-a3 148.m2-o2 a3-n3 149.n4-n5 a6-a3 150.o3-o4 n3-o3 151.o2-o3 a3-o3 152.n5-n6 o3-m3 153.m5-m6 j13-j12 154.m6-m7 l13-k11 155.j9-f12 h14-h13 156.j8-h10 k11-h10 157.f12-h10 c13-d12 158.g7-f9 m3-n3 159.o4-o5 n3-n4 160.p4-p5 n4-p4 161.h10-j11 l11-k9 162.j11-g13 j12-j11 163.h9-j8 k9-h10 164.j8-n12 l14-m15 165.g13-j11 h10-f9 166.e8-f9 k13-k12 167.j11-k12 p4-p5 168.n12-l10 h13-h12 169.l10-p6 p5-p1 170.k12-g9 c15-c13 171.h7-j9 p1-f1 172.j9-g10 h12-h11 173.g10-j9 e11-e10 174.f9-e10 d12-g9 175.f8-g9 h11-h10 176.g9-h10 f1-f10 177.p6-j12 m15-m14 178.h10-h11 f10-e10 179.h6-j7 e10-e5 180.j12-m9 m14-l13 181.h11-h12 l13-k14 182.h12-h13 e5-e9 183.j7-h8 a15-a13 184.g6-g7 a13-a12 185.g7-g8 a12-a11 186.g8-g9 a11-a10 187.g9-g10 a10-a9 188.g10-g11 a9-a8 189.g11-g12 a8-a7 190.m9-j12 k14-j13 191.j12-h11 j13-h14 192.h8-j8 a7-a6 193.j8-k9 a6-a5 194.k9-j10 e9-e10 195.j10-j11 e10-e11 196.j11-h12 e11-h11 197.j9-h11 a5-a4 198.g12-g13 h14-g15 199.h13-h14 g15-h16 200.g13-g14 a4-a3 201.h12-h13 a3-a2 202.g14-g15 h16-g16 203.h13-g14 a2-a1 204.h14-h15 1-0

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Fischer prefers to enter Chess history alone. (Miguel Najdorf)

Ich möchte Schüler heranbilden, die das Vermögen haben, selbst zu denken und Kritik zu üben. (Emanuel Lasker)

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Une platitude souvent récitée à propos des Echecs est qu'une des choses les plus difficiles à réaliser est de gagner une position gagnante. Cela ne manque pas de sens mais, pour ma part, j'ai toujours trouvé plus difficile de gagner une position perdante. (Tim Krabbe)

Wipe them out. All of them. (Darth Sidious in Star Wars ep.1)

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