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FICGS__CHESS__CUP_STAGE_1_GROUP_07__000005 (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : 1-0 2022 November 5 10:57:38 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CUP_STAGE_1_GROUP_07__000005"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2022.07.16"] [Round "1"] [White "Wilson,Norman"] [Black "Allport,Misha"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2065"] [BlackElo "1635"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 Nd7 4.Bc4 h6 5.dxe5 dxe5 6.Bxf7+ Kxf7 7.Nxe5+ Kf6 8.Nc3 Bb4 9.Qd4 Bxc3+ 10.bxc3 Qe8 11.Nxd7+ Kg6 12.Ne5+ Kh7 13.Bb2 Ne7 14.c4 Rg8 15.f4 Nc6 16.Nxc6 Qxc6 17.O-O Be6 18.c5 Rad8 19.Qe3 Bc4 20.Rf3 b6 21.h3 Qxc5 22.Qxc5 bxc5 23.Be5 Bb5 24.Rc3 c4 25.Rb1 a6 26.Ra1 c6 27.a4 Ra8 28.Rca3 Rae8 29.axb5 axb5 30.Ra7 Rxe5 31.fxe5 Re8 32.Rc7 Rxe5 33.R1a7 Kg6 34.Rxc6+ Kh7 35.R6c7 Rg5 36.Kf2 Rg6 37.Rab7 Rf6+ 38.Ke3 Rg6 39.g4 h5 40.gxh5 Rg3+ 41.Kf4 Rg1 42.h4 Kh6 43.Rb8 Rf1+ 44.Ke5 Kxh5 45.Rxg7 Kh6 46.R8b7 Kh5 47.Rg8 Kh6 48.Rh8+ Kg6 49.R8h7 Rf7 50.Rbxf7 1-0 This chess game has been lost on time (started : 2022.07.16 1:8:6) ECO code : C41 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below : Philidor : Hanham variation Kingside Castling by player White (move 17) 10 pieces endgame at move 45 : White KRRPPP , Black KRPP WHITE : King + 2 Rooks 3 Pawns BLACK : King + 1 Rook 2 Pawns 9 pieces endgame at move 50 : White KRRPPP , Black KPP WHITE : King + 2 Rooks 3 Pawns BLACK : King + 2 Pawns Player White won this chess game. Follow this game move after move (download) When you play Bobby, it is not a question if you win or lose. It is a question if you survive. (Boris Spassky) Wenn Capablanka heute auf der Schachbühne erscheinen würde, hätte er ein halbes Jahr gebraucht um sich die Schachtheorie anzueignen. Und dann hätte er alles und jeden besiegt. (Mikhail Moiseyevich Botvinik) En el Ajedrez, cuando menos, el valiente hereda la tierra. (Edmar Mednis) Psychologiquement, tu dois avoir confiance en toi même, mais cette confiance doit être basée sur des faits. (Robert Fischer) What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
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