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FICGS__CHESS__CUP_STAGE_1_GROUP_07__000005 (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : 1/2-1/2 2022 November 13 14:31:56 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CUP_STAGE_1_GROUP_07__000005"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2022.07.16"] [Round "1"] [White "Jabot,Daniel"] [Black "Sorbi,Luca"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "2243"] [BlackElo "2332"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.O-O Nxe4 5.d4 Nd6 6.Bxc6 dxc6 7.dxe5 Nf5 8.Qxd8+ Kxd8 9.Nc3 Bd7 10.h3 h6 11.b3 Kc8 12.Bb2 b6 13.Rad1 c5 14.Rfe1 Be6 15.Nd5 g5 16.c4 Kb7 17.Kh2 Ne7 18.g4 b5 19.Kg3 bxc4 20.bxc4 Kc6 21.Ne3 Ng6 22.Bc3 a5 23.a4 Rb8 24.Bxa5 Ra8 25.Bd2 Rxa4 26.Ra1 Rxa1 27.Rxa1 Be7 28.Nf5 Bxc4 29.Rc1 Be6 30.Nxe7+ Nxe7 31.Nd4+ Kd5 32.Nxe6 fxe6 33.Be3 c4 1/2-1/2 ECO code : C67 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below : Ruy Lopez : Berlin defense, Open variation Kingside Castling by player White (move 4) This chess game ended in a draw. Follow this game move after move (download) You must take your opponent into a deep dark forest where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one. (Mikhail Tal) Schach ist das schnellste Spiel der Welt, weil man in jeder Sekunde Tausende von Gedanken ordnen muß. (Albert Einstein) El Ajedrez es tortura mental. (Garry Kasparov) La vie et les Echecs sont tous les deux une lutte constante. (Lasker) I think your argument is specious - I think your tie is ugly. (Gregory House to Dr. Foreman, House M.D.)
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