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FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_A__000283 (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : 1/2-1/2 2022 August 19 3:23:15 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_A__000283"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2022.06.21"] [Round "1"] [White "Pech,Jaroslav"] [Black "Cleto Junior,Dirceu"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "1903"] [BlackElo "2089"] 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e5 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.g3 d5 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.Bg2 Nb6 7.O-O Be7 8.d3 O-O 9.a3 Be6 10.b4 Nd4 11.Rb1 Nxf3+ 12.Bxf3 c6 13.Qc2 Rc8 14.Ne4 Nd7 15.Nc5 Nxc5 16.bxc5 Rc7 17.Bb2 Bf6 18.Bg2 Ba2 19.Rbd1 Bd5 20.d4 exd4 21.Bxd4 Bxg2 1/2-1/2 ECO code : A16 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below : English Opening Kingside Castling by player White (move 7) Kingside Castling by player Black (move 8) This chess game ended in a draw. Follow this game move after move (download) Good offense and good defense both begin with good development. (Bruce A. Moon) Wenn Du absolut nicht mehr weißt, was Du tun sollst, dann ist es Zeit für Panik. (John van der Wiel) La enorme capacidad mental, en la que sin ella no puede un jugador de Ajedrez existir, es demasiado requerida por el Ajedrez al grado de que nunca podrá liberar su mente de este juego. (Albert Einstein) Il n'y a pas de prix trop élevé au scalp de l'ennemi. (Koblentz) I'm extremely disappointed. I send you out for exciting, new designer drugs, you come back with tomato sauce. (Gregory House, House M.D.)
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